Main Attribute: Intelligence
Role: Nuker, Disabler
All magic school students eventually become Mages. However, only the best magic users would become part of what is known as the Magus Order; an order created by Aghanim the Magnificent and his son Rubick the Cunning, two of the most powerful unicorns in history surpassed only by a certain Starswirl the Bearded. Becoming a Magus is not easy, even if one is talented with magic, they must be able to go through a number of nearly impossible trials.
As a student of Celestia herself, Twilight is expected by many to grow to be part of this coveted order. Her talent with magic is surpassed by no unicorn of the present. In between practicing with simple levitation and protective magic, Twilight came to learn that she was gifted with an extremely rare ability which mimics that of Rubick the Cunning. Through her studious nature, she is able to gather whatever traces of magic left by other creatures and instantly unlock its secrets. With a little practice, the ability becomes hers, adding to the massive array of spells that she already mastered.
When the day of the trials arrived, she showed everypony a dazzling display of magic, and passed with not only flying colours, but far surpassed all expectations; in the process nearly rendered the very definition of a Magus obsolete! Not only does she became a Magus. Unanimously, all of the Magus order decided that she would be greater than them all, and bestowed to her the title of Grand Magus.
Princess Celestia herself sure is proud!