
Senior Moderator
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta
That wasn't the way that age worked then. Even with all the hazards of life then, the main factor that produced the low life expectancy of pre-modern eras was high child mortality.
But in regards to the originals, it would be more likely a case of how royal/noble marriages worked these days. If you research royal generalogies, you'll find a lot of examples of girls being married off usually in the 13-17 range, and even the age difference in Cosmas' example wouldn't besomewhat common bunusuackl then in these circles back then.
That wasn't the way that age worked then. Even with all the hazards of life then, the main factor that produced the low life expectancy of pre-modern eras was high child mortality.
But in regards to the originals, it would be more likely a case of how royal/noble marriages worked these days. If you research royal generalogies, you'll find a lot of examples of girls being married off usually in the 13-17 range, and even the age difference in Cosmas' example wouldn't be