
In digital purgatory
Not having family is great. Dad broke up the family. Unfortunately grandma is dead. Mom is busy getting high and running away from her problems. Just me and the cat.
For christmas I’m eating a whole fucking chicken between me and my cat.
Then I’m going to drink beer and sleep in with my cat.
Nobody to make drama.
Me and my friends agreed on a tiny gift budget.
My whole meal can’t be just a fucking chicken, I’m thinking lentil casserole and greenbeans. Going to make some plain unseasoned chicken for the cat, but she might not eat it, so i’ll just give her extra wet food in that case.
I’m not far from my birthplace. Despite everything, I somehow end up back here. It’s trippy. Not one ounce of family i give a damn about, they weren’t there when i needed them, when i get rich my house is going to have a trap door and a dungeon for when they come begging. If god asked me if I wanted to save them from eternal damnation, I’d say I don’t know them.
My mom, my cat, and my friends for life.