Unpopular opinion time (super alpha no pony edition)

Icicle Niceicle 1517
Stormfeather - For supporting the site
Strawberry Sunrise - For Patreon supporters
Tempest & Elizabat - Derpi Supporter
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Artistic Detective - For awesome dedication to sleuthing out and maintaining artist tags and links
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!

Im friends with Jarkes on Discord, and yes i can confirm he’s doing fine too
TBH don’t blame him for leaving the site, though i think after THAT incident the site seems to be a lot more chill now
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Thread Starter - Started a thread with over 100 pages
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).

Mang, I only reposted an old opinion ov mine because someone tryina double cross me on the other thread yesterday but instead got derailed to a nostalgic trip because Myoozik had other plans on my post.
If only I had copypasted it instead, this current topic would’ve never existed.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

In Vino Veritas
I don’t think the issue is “romanticizing” per se, but more overly humanizing.
One can have very romanic (classical literature version not feral furry) ideations about animals without issue. But when you attempt to make them more human, and leave out the savage aspects, that’s when it fails.
On the same token, one can do the same thing to humans. We must never forget that we are just ape ascended, and capable of just as much savagery as even the most vicious predator.
In fact, more so. As we are supposedly able to “Tell right from wrong” but still often choose to inflict horrible violence.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.

Time to get spooky
I was thinking of those who act like nature is great and return to it, and ignores the less “glamours” parts like parasites, animal brutality, and rape.
Twi Clown
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Victory over chivalry
@Lord WyrmSpawN
So much. Chimps are rather violent and practice cannibalism.
Animals never play fair (fair play is in fact a human idea) and would bite wherever it hurts or attack anywhere it stings.
Many hervibores while wouldnt hunt, so many of them have no problem scavenging meat.
Animals are not really very smart in many areas and their communication is rather different so most conversations are akin to talking to yourself.
Speaking of hervibores, a lot of them are rather aggresive and territorial, predators are hardly the only threats to your health.
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Gold Supporter - Gold Supporter
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

I miss Niko...
I love animals, but I wouldn’t dare approaching a random animal I don’t know because I know they don’t take kindly to strangers. Animals are all about survival and they will be the first to attack in case your first move kills them. They don’t care. They want to live.
Well to be fair, I don’t approach human strangers either.
Twi Clown
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Victory over chivalry
Yeah but since humans are also members of the animal kingdom and living beings, that also mean protecting our existence is equally valid and any animal who throws the first punch is fair game within the survival game.
Twi Clown
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Adagio Dazzle - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Victory over chivalry
Meanwhile any living being that pisses me off I always keep it at distance.
I’m like Robotnik form the Sonic movie, technology is my actual confort rather than people or animals, or plants for that matter.
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Gold Supporter - Gold Supporter
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

I miss Niko...
Oh yeah, that makes sense too. Naturally they show your their most vulnerable place because they really trust you. It’s not like you’re ever going to hurt them but they don’t know that.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

In Vino Veritas
Some cats, if they’re handled from a young age around the belly area, become much more amicable to it.
And some are just naturally chill with it.
My cat just lays and purrs if you rub his belly. Though, he’ll bite the piss out of you if you mess with his tail.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

In Vino Veritas
Mines a special needs cat. The misses adopted him a few years ago from a shelter. They think he had gotten hit by a car as a kitten. He only has 3 legs, and the bridge of his nose is crushed and healed weird.
He’s a little love bug though. Follows me around everywhere and sits with me when I’m on my computer.
StarTrix Forever! - Derpi Supporter
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Music/Charts Enthusiast
The rest just happened to catch my attention, sorry.
About your actual post, well I’m not a fighter so if I did do that, I’d lose the fight very easy.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Tree of Harmony - Drew someone's OC for the 2022 Community Collab
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Philomena - For helping others attend the 2021 community collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

In digital purgatory
I think social media is a tragedy of human interaction.
Forums are where it peaked. People in forums tend to form more meaningful relationships instead of chasing popularity.
People who need numbers to validate them are sad. The desire to be robot popular stems from low self esteem when building community should be priority.
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