Gun Discussion

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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No, printed iron sights are fine. AWCY developed some universal printable iron sights, which apparently work really well.
To add to that: Tommy guns were hella expensive back in the day. The NFA tax stamp that everyone knows and hates was set on the price of a new Tommy gun, $200 dollars, which back then was the equivalent of $4,000 dollars, hence why they didn’t see mass deployment in either law enforcement or the military.
As an aside, a lot of people seem to presume that bloated police budgets have been a staple of American law enforcement since forever, but that only really goes back to the aftermath of 9/11. Before then it was a case of you’ll get what we give you and you’ll like it! in terms of equipment, including firearms.
Drum magazines in general are known to be of questionable efficacy. It’s why most LMGs are belt-fed and not drum-fed.
Background Pony #5252
@ToyotaLC80, @NitroFury
Not many mobsters used them either. They were very expensive and unnecessary. Mafiosos were not into giant shootouts that would benefit from the Thompson. Hollywood loved them though, which is why people think every mobster had one. And IIRC this “Hollywood knowledge” caused a moral panic and heavily contributed to the restriction of full autos in the US.
Background Pony #5252
If there are good, printable sights, why do people in Myanmar run bare rails or big, unwieldy optics? And why is that guy making the carry handle with sights specially for Myanmar?
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Build commie blocks!
Because optics are either A) easy to come by (Anywhere with something of a gun culture), or B) airsoft or Chinesium are easy to get (everywhere else that isn’t a warzone), hence the lack of development on sights and optics. Work was being done on them, but it was slow due to there being little need for them, even in restricted countries like Germany or Japan.
As for the second question, to quote @Hexpatriot:
Side note, I find it really cool that after the fucking indifference of literally every major world power, bored nerds have taken to arming the anti-junta resistance in Myanmar.
Thanks /k/.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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I might just be half-remembering a vague dream here, but wasn’t /k/ working on continuing J’s legacy by making a 3D-printable 5.56 rifle as well as distributing the FGC-9 blues to Myanmar fighters?
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
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3-3/4" Army Man Fan
@Background Pony #5252
There’s ample evidence that Thompsons were used to carry out the Valentine’s Day Massacre, plus don’t forget that this was the age of “Public Enemies” where people like John Dillenger, Machinegun Kelly, and Bonnie and Clyde were using Thompsons and BAR’s to rob banks and spread general mayhem.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Pomegranates :P
Back when civilians were able to own machine guns and gun registries weren’t a thing.
People were able to bring weapons to and from wars.
But despite that, I heard the crime rates weren’t actually that high back then. And things were general safer as violent crimes were actually quite rare.
Perhaps it ain’t guns being the issue? More to do with the general societal environment and attitudes?
Background Pony #D7B4
People did bring weapons back from wars such as officers keeping their side arms, but it sounds like you’re referring to the fact that enlisted men sometimes smuggled home their rifles or other heavy artillery…which was illegal since those weapons were government property.
Background Pony #5252
Yes, these events were widely reported and fueled the paranoia.
In Valentine’s Day Massacre the gangsters were lined up against a wall and executed. Thompsons were completely unnecessary in such a case, revolvers would have sufficed. Using SMGs was a flex.
Anyway, if they wanted to change anything to prevent the repeat of such an event, they should have gotten rid of the prohibition, not the Thompson.

Bank robberies are correlated with the ease of robbing banks and getting away with it. Full auto fire is a very minor factor in that.
In general crime has heavy correlation with things like the Gini coefficient and no significant correlation with gun ownership. (If you look at homicide rates vs firearm ownership rates or Gini coefficient of all countries.)

Just picked up this Holosun on OpticsPlanet, I got the one in black. It’s a 2MOA Green Dot, and it’ll be going on my 10.5in AR

Alright, my AR pistol is on the way to my FFL. I learned it doesn’t come with a mag though, so I’ll have to get some along with ammo when I go to pick the rifle up
Background Pony #5252
Perhaps someone had a boating accident there?
BTW in some countries you’d be immediately charged with illegal firearm possession for fishing out a gun. Even if it was corroded to the point of being clearly unusable. Folk wisdom is that it’s better to throw it back rather than report it.
Background Pony #5252
Its purpose is to launch beverage cans. It won’t help against tanks and jets, unless their crews are super thirsty.
But I have to admit that it’s pretty cool.
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