OwO, What's This? [NSFW]


Senior Moderator
year of the RABBIT
Time to give 2023 the spanking welcome that it deserves!
Maybe some sparklers and fireworks?
Not sure if the premise is running thin yet, but I’m so engorged with anticipation for 2023 that I’m not sure I’m even coherent any more.
2LDR: Growl. I’m hungry like the wolf.

Lord WyrmSpawN 

Put Out to Pasture
I lost sleep last night reading this story about a man kidnapped, held against his will for several months, drugged and forced to penetrate by a serial killer rabbit. Who looks like this:

Lord WyrmSpawN 

Put Out to Pasture
I guess some kind of drama with horror elements.
I guess some kind of drama with horror elements.
If you want to see it and its unfinished sequel, it’s called My Obsession (Revision) on Archive.


Nitro Cat still livin’
Well, it appears Tawna is an inch shorter than me. (I’m 5’10 if you guys curious)

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