Vinyl Fluff 

What the Fluff?
I saw the new forum earlier. Cool. Nice to have a dedicated forum."@Solitude":/tagging/general-tag-discussion/post/2640939#post_2640939
[bq="Solitude"] I'mma note that now the old thread's closed up before there was an answer, if any of the mods have some time in between to review "Vinyl Fluff's request":/meta/db-workshop-tag-discussion/post/2640147#post_2640147 for a new tag and give a go/no-go on it it'd be appreciated. [/bq]
I was actually in the process of doing a quick recap here, but you saved me the time. Thanks.
[bq="Solitude"] I'mma note that now the old thread's closed up before there was an answer, if any of the mods have some time in between to review "Vinyl Fluff's request":/meta/db-workshop-tag-discussion/post/2640147#post_2640147 for a new tag and give a go/no-go on it it'd be appreciated. [/bq]
I was actually in the process of doing a quick recap here, but you saved me the time. Thanks.