28 Months Later (NSFW)


Nostalgia Purist
Zecora and Pipsqueak was out in a forest one night by Ponyville on Nightmare Night in august. Pipsqueak and Zecora in their costumes got some flat, round, printed, clear and shiny pink and yellow Nightmare Night balloons in Ponyville. The balloons that the pony and zebra gave air, and held between their hooves made hisses and loud creaks in the dark remote forest that autumn night. Zecora and Pipsqueak was both very scared of balloons, but the two ponies also loved to see the printed logos on the squeaking soft balloons grow too. As horny Pipsqueak had been inflated a large pink round balloon, were he seeing through the clear pink bloated round rubber how the zebra rubbed a hoof under her legs from the night until next noon. The aroused and relaxed zebra were also clutching a large yellow squeaking balloon she brushed and hugged. After Zecora had reached her orgasm hours later on that noon, was Pipsqueak and the zebra grabbing and releasing a squeaking pink balloon with their hooves from the noon until the evening.
It was under the annual Nigthmare Night in Ponyville that september. Noi, Princess Erroria and Pipsqueak was out in a park outside Ponyville at midnight. Despite the nervous little ponies did not like balloons, were they getting a round, pink printed flat Nightmare Night ad balloons Pipsqueak inflated. Pipsqueak felt it tingle under his legs by feeling the large squeaking hissing balloons grow between his hooves in the park. Pip got a balloon with a Nightmare Night bat printed on. The print on the balloon the ecstatic equines gave air got bigger and bigger. Then had Pip been rubbing the squeaking balloon under Noi’s dres, and the balloon brushed against her butt and flank, as Princess Erroria watched.
“I wonder what you are doing.” Noi told Pip.
“Teaching you some butt fun.” Pip said to Noi.
Noi felt very strange, but also very relaxed by having the soft whining rubber rub against her butt and flank from the evening until the morning non stop while Pipsqueak loved the loud squeaks the balloon made. After that had the three ecstatic kids been catching the big pink balloon with their hooves in long time. Then had Noi been holding the softly squeaking static pink balloon she brushed against Pip’s hair, as Pip masturbated until he reached his climax after masturbating with no interruption from the morning until the afternoon. The three horny little ponies where then pushing the balloon over to each other for eight hours.

Nostalgia Purist
It was the evening after a Fall Formal as that fall evening was the six ponies and Spike playing cards for bits in Twilight’s library. The library was decorated with round, big, clear, shiny orange balloons and pumpkins. Rainbow Dash blew air in a little, clear, shiny, hissing, creaking, orange balloon she held between her hooves as the growing balloon got large between her hooves. Even if the nervous dragon and the ponies was scared of balloons was the ponies and the dragon grabbing the big, creaking, clear, shiny orange balloon for over ten hours until late in the morning non stop. Rarity and Twilight both got a hot hard horn by grabbing the large balloon with their hooves for over ten hours.

Nostalgia Purist
A week had passed since Applejack came home from her rodeo in Canterlot. Cider season at the end of summer had arrived while Flim and Flam tried to make Sweet Apple Acres their Flim Flam field without luck.
’ We lost Sweet Apple Acres, so let’s heard for the East in Saddle Arabia to try our luck.’ Flim told Flam.
So the two unicorn ponies drove against the East in their wagon. Flim and Flam had crossed the mountains by Canterlot, and they held a break in a forest at a boggy creek. The two unicorn ponies found a camp for fillies who seemed to be abandoned quickly.
‘I wonder if anypony is around here.’ Flim told Flam.
‘Hey, we are Flim and Flam traveling salesponies.’ Flam shouted out.
But nopony answered, and it seemed like the place had been left in a hurry for months ago.
‘That were strange that this place had been left so quickly.’ Flam told Flim.
The two unicorn ponies searched through the forest. But nopony had ben there too. Then a thing moved fast through the forest.
‘Hey.’ Flim shouted to the thing.
But the thing was not answering. Then a monster came to sight. That sight made Flim asd Flam run all they could. The monster chased the two unicorn ponies. At last had the two unicorn ponies ran from the monster. The two unicorn ponies wandered in long time across the creek in long time.
‘It feels like the creek does not end.’ Flim told Flam.
‘And now we’re lost while I can’t find the way out.’ Flam told Flim.
Flim and Flam had been lost at the creek who never ended. The creek monster were still around that evening. Nopony had heard from Flim and Flam that evening.

Nostalgia Purist
It was under the annual Nigthmare Night in Ponyville that august moon the week after the Ponyville kart race. Rainbow Dash was out on her annual pranking spree, but her friends wanted to stop her pranks. So the Mane 5 dressed up as zombies to prank Rainbow Dash back. Noi, Princess Erroria and Pipsqueak was out in the park by the Nightmare Night statue outside Ponyville at midnight in the meanwhile. Despite the two nervous little ponies did not like balloons, were they getting two round printed flat Nightmare Night ad balloons they inflated. The three little ponies also took two large pumpkins with them. Pipsqueak and Noi felt it tingle under their legs by feeling the large squeaking hissing balloons grow between their hooves in the dar park. Noi had a pink balloon with a bat printed on, and Pip got a balloon with a Nightmare Night head printed on. The prints on the two balloons the ecstatic equines gave air got bigger and bigger. Then had Pip been rubbing the squeaking balloon under Noi’s dress, as the balloon brushed against her butt, as Princess Erroria watched. Noi felt very strange, but also very relaxed by having the soft whining rubber rub against her butt and flank for over eight hours while Pipsqueak loved the loud squeaks the balloon made. After that had the three ecstatic kids been catching a big pink squeaking pumpkin with their hooves in nearly seven hours. Then had Noi been holding a softly squekaing pumpkin she brushed against Pip’s static hair that night, as Pip masturbated for over eight hours until he reached his climax early in the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
It was under The Canterlot Friendship Festival in October as a big crowd of ponies and other species they met with each other. There was shows by the Wonderbolts, Octavia and on. Rarity, Babs Seed with her new cutie mark, Fancy Pants, Mathilda and Cranky Doodle Donkey they grabbed a squeaking, round, big, very shiny, very clear star printed balloon with their hooves as they got the balloon at the festival non stop from the morning until the afternoon despite the ponies and the donkeys was very scared of balloons. Twilight with a hornboner was holding a, squeaking, round, shiny, balloon with her hooves sucked the bulge that was the place where Tempest’s horn was non stop from the afternoon until the early morning, and even if Tempest with a balloon phobia looked very afraid of being around so many balloons at the festival did she feel relaxed by having the horny horse suck the tiny bulge that was her horn for many hours. Jet Set and Upper Crust they grabbed a squeaking, round, big, very shiny, very clear red balloon with their hooves as they got the balloon at the festival non stop from the morning until the afternoon. After that had Rarity with a hornboner then been rubbing the static, squeaking, round, big, very shiny, very clear star printed balloon against the hair on relaxed Babs Seed non stop from the afternoon until the end of the night as Babs wondered why Big Mac sucked Rarity’s horn non stop from the afternoon until the late night.

Nostalgia Purist
Zecora had her Birthday party one autumn afternoon in the Everfree Forest as some of the many guests was Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. There was dancing, round shiny big and very long thick balloons in many colors on strings, cakes and more. Even if the ponies and the zebra was afraid of balloons was the horny ponies and the zebra grabbing a yellow, very long, thick, shiny, squeaking balloon on a string with their hooves for many hours. Later on that evening was the ponies and Zecora pushing to a big release of shiny, tiny bubbles from Zecora’s cauldron for a long time until late at night.

Nostalgia Purist
Mathilda had her Birthday party on the evening that Rainbow Dash got pranked in a barn that last weekend in August, as the donkey got a bunch of shiny and clear round balloons on strings. There in the barn that evening was the crowd of ponies and the donkey grabbing a creaking, round, shiny golden balloon with their hooves for over three hours. Despite the donkey and the ponies had a fright of balloons, were they feeling ecstatic too feeling the soft, bloated, golden rubber body they grabbed with their hooves. Sweetie Belle, Rarity and Twilight got a hot and hard horn by catching the golden balloon. The party then went on at midnight with Nightmare Night stories, games and activities. Later that night was horny Sweetie Belle with a solid horn feeling how Pinkie Pie held a red squeaking balloon she brushed against the static hair on the filly until the morning. One moon later had Twilight been finding out that an abandoned building laid in a small village by a forest across the barn. Twilight found an old book somewhere in her hidden part of the library with rare books. That book told about the abandoned  
house where a filly and her family suddenly left the house that stood empty, and it was filled with old dolls and toys.
“For moons ago a family they lived in a house in a small village.” Twilight read.
“But then one day the filly in the family disappeared in the forest by the house, and was not seen again until many think they saw the ghost of her in that forest.” the alicorn read
So that morning was the Mane Six, Spike and the CMC going to explore that abandoned house, as the thunder, lightning and rain began. While the ponies waited for the shower to be over, where they finding a lot of old toys like a Smarty Pants that Twilight also had as a filly.
Griffon the Brush Off 2
It had been for ten years ago that Rainbow Dash had met with Gilda for the first time in Cloudsdale. It was a sunny day in the Winter, and Rainbow Dash and Gilda had been flying through the forest by Ponyville where they had been on vacation. Nopony was in the quiet and warm forest except for Rainbow Dash and Gilda. Then had Gilda and Rainbow Dash heard shouting of somepony deeper in the quiet forest. It sounded like somepony had been shouting to the pegasus pony and the griffon.
“This sounds like somepony is shouting for help, and it is lost somewhere in this forest.” the pegasus pony told Gilda.
The pegasus pony and Gilda searched through the forest for the lost pony. But that lost pony who cried for help was nowhere to be found. It felt like an entity had followed them. The two friends thought they had seen the pony cry for help run all it could through the forest. Rainbow Dash and Gilda flew quickly after the pony that suddenly got away again. Then was a thing suddenly beginning to show itself in front of Rainbow Dash and Gilda, and it was the living corpse of a filly that was covered in blood as it had a torn dress.
“Let’s get out of here quickly and up to Cloudsdale obefore those things get us.” Gilda shouted to Rainbow Dash.
After that experience had Gilda and the pegasus pony not returned to that forest.

Nostalgia Purist
It was a moon after the Changelings got their new form, and Queen Chrysalis had escapd after the battle with the Mane Six, Discord and their friends in her hive. The map in Twilight’s castle was calling Fluttershy one early summer morning,. Fluttershy went to the castle where Spike and the other of the Mane Six was including Starlight.
“Two earth ponies that lives in a cottage by the Everfree Forest are calling all of us because their animals, and some other animals and ponies had been vanishing from the Everfee Forest.” Twilight told Fluttershy.
“They told us all five to come today.” Twilight said.
So Fluttershy and her six friends and Spike they went to the Everfree Forest where she met with the earth pony stallion and mare that lived in the cottage. One of the ponies showed an old book to Fluttershy.
“I got this old book by my parents, and this is about the legend of the Bighoof, so I think that Bighoof is the one that causes the disappearing of the ponies and the animals in the Everfree.” the stallion told Fluttershy.
After reading the book about these old legends had the Mane Six, Starlight and Spike been going into the Everfree Forest that morning. Spike had taken a camera with him to make a documentary about that Bighoof legend. The Mane Six they returned home from Everfree Forest later that night. Fluttershy and her friends did not find Bighoof that afternoon, but they found traces and hoofprints from what could be Bighoof. So the Mane Six and their friends they decided to go back the next day to find an abandoned house in the Everfee Forest where Bighoof was told to live according to the remains of an old book that Twilight had been rescuing from the remains of her old tree library. Just like the Starswirl the Bearded book that page about old Everfree legends missed some pages too.

Nostalgia Purist
Applejack awoke from a nightmare at Nightmare Night about seeing her parents Bright Mac and Pear Butter for the last time again. It was many moons ago in august as Applejack, Bright Mac and Pear Butter was on a camping trip in the wilderness by Manehattan in august. Many ponies had been talking about strange lights in that wilderness, and native yaks had thousand year old tales about these lights too. Bright Mac was last seen after having an encounter with an unknown entity, as her mother got taken up in the sky by a strange flying object and not to be seen again.
“These lights had been first seen on a Hearth’s Warming Eve over thousands moon ago.” an old yak had told.
“Many ponies had been vanished after seeing these lights, and science ponies had been told about entities from other planets.” a pony from Manehattan told.
As the night arrived was Applejack and her parents awake by seeing a light like it was day outside, and noises none of them had heard before. The next morning was Applejack and her parents walking on in the wilderness. But soon they got lost despite the two parents knew the forest since they were fillies. Finally had the ponies been reaching a tunnel in the forest. But it looked like everypony just had left in a hurry in that tunnel where there was abandoned carts, abandoned ambulances and abandoned police carts. Nopony was to be found in that tunnel.
“Hey, I wonder if anypony is here.” Bright Mac shouted.
But there was none. Soon was the ponies seeing some, but it was not anything like they seen before. It was thin entities that none of the ponies had ever seen. Suddenly was loud unknown noises filling the tunnel, and the ponies ran all they could. Bright Mac got assaulted by the unknown creature, and was not seen again. Pear Butter and Applejack got out of the tunnel. This was the last time Applejack saw her dad. Pear Butter was later on found by a group of soldier ponies in hazmat suits after being delivered back to the forest by that strange flying thing.

Nostalgia Purist
Human Pinkie Pie and Rarity was together at Canterlot High one evening under a fall formal fair. Pinkie Pie got a bag with candy floss inside. The girl blew air in the little creaking, shiny, clear bag that got large. Rarity and Pinkie Pie grabbed the large inflated bag for over an hour, and the two girls felt hard and hot under their legs by grabbing the soft inflated bag. As horny Pinklie Pie masturbated by rubbing a hand under her dress, was Rarity inflating a large clear bag she rubbed against Pinkie Pie’s hair from midnight until the morning non stop while the soft bloated balloon like bag got static. Then had the two arosued girls been kissing and hugging the creaking clear bags for a while.

Nostalgia Purist

G3.5 filly Cheerilee, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle grabbed a huge, clear and shiny bubble with Rainbow Dash inside with their hooves from an early stormy Nightmare Night morning until the evening non stop in Cheerilee’s garden, as Cheerilee gave the three fillies their first secual education by suck Sweetie Belle’s hot and hard horn from the morning until the evening non stop that stormy autumn day. As Cheerilee held the huge, clear and shiny bubble with Rainbow Dash inside with her hooves from the evening until the morning non stop was the both curios and scared fillies watching as horny Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves between her legs from the evening until the morning non stop.
Background Pony #5E37
In my opinion, that’s the worst fanfic I’ve ever heard in my life. And that episode is lame.

Nostalgia Purist
Drunk Twilight had her Birthday in her library the 10th October. The library was decorated with streamers and large, pink, shiny, clear, balloons. Drunk Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy grabbed a large, pink, shiny, clear, creaking balloon with their hooves that October evening. After that had Twilight been inflating a large, red, shiny, clear, creaking, hissing balloon that swell between her hooves. Then was Rainbow dash and Twilight been standing and rubbing the large, red, shiny, clear, creaking balloon between the bodies of the horny ponies from midnight until the morning while Rainbow Dash sucked Twilight’s hot hard horn.

Nostalgia Purist
It was under the welcome party for Gilda in a decorated Sugarcube Corner the 1st of April one spring afternoon as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons, banners, confetti and streamers. Gilda that rubbed a claw under her legs felt how Pinkie Pie held a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, squeaking, static balloon with her hooves she brushed against Gilda’s head and beak from the afternoon until the evening as relaxed Rainbow Dash rubbed a hoof under her legs by watching Pinkie Pie holding the star shaped, large, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking, static balloon with her hooves she brushed against Gilda’s head and beak. Then was Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash grabbing a round, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with their hooves as Gilda grabbed the round, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with her claws from the evening until the night that spring.
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