28 Months Later (NSFW)


It was under the brunch for Princess Celestia in a decorated and crowded Sugarcube Corner the 1st of April one spring morning as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons, streamers and confetti. Philomena felt how morning horny Rarity in her fine dress with a hot hard horn held a star shaped, clear, shiny, pink, large, squeaking, static balloon with her hooves she brushed against Philomena’s beak from the early morning until the noon. Then was Rarity, Princess Celestia and the guard stallion grabbing a round, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with their hooves as Philomena pushed to the round, clear, shiny, large, pink balloon with her beak from the noon until the afternoon that spring.
Nostalgia Purist
It was under the brunch for Princess Celestia in a decorated and crowded Sugarcube Corner the 1st of April one spring morning as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons, streamers and confetti. Philomena felt how morning horny Rarity in her fine dress with a hot hard horn held a star shaped, clear, shiny, pink, large, squeaking, static balloon with her hooves she brushed against Philomena’s beak from the early morning until the noon. Then was Rarity, Princess Celestia and the guard stallion grabbing a round, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with their hooves as Philomena pushed to the round, clear, shiny, large, pink balloon with her beak from the noon until the afternoon that spring.

Pinkie Pie, Spike, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. Gilda that rubbed a claw under her legs felt how Spike was petting her all over her body with a pink, round, clear, shiny, large, squeaking balloon from the evening until the late night. Then was the two ponies grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with her hooves as the griffon and the dragon grabbed the star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with her claws from the night until late in the morning.
Nostalgia Purist
Pinkie Pie, Spike, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. Gilda that rubbed a claw under her legs felt how Spike was petting her all over her body with a pink, round, clear, shiny, large, squeaking balloon from the evening until the late night. Then was the two ponies grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with her hooves as the griffon and the dragon grabbed the star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon with her claws from the night until late in the morning.


It was under a Birthday party for Pinkie Pie one May morning, as there was banners, Pinkie Pie balloons and confetti. Morning horny Cranky that rubbed a hoof under his legs felt how Lily Longstocking held a squeaking balloon animal with her hooves she brushed against the donkey’s flank and static hair from the morning until the noon. Then was the donkey and the pony grabbing a squeaking balloon animal with their hooves from the noon until the afternoon.
Nostalgia Purist
It was under a Birthday party for Pinkie Pie one May morning, as there was banners, Pinkie Pie balloons and confetti. Morning horny Cranky that rubbed a hoof under his legs felt how Lily Longstocking held a squeaking balloon animal with her hooves she brushed against the donkey’s flank and static hair from the morning until the noon. Then was the donkey and the pony grabbing a squeaking balloon animal with their hooves from the noon until the afternoon.

Nostalgia Purist
G3.5 filly Cheerilee, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle grabbed a huge, clear and shiny bubble with Rainbow Dash inside with their hooves from an early stormy Nightmare Night morning in October until the noon non stop in Cheerilee’s garden, as Cheerilee gave the three equines their first sexual education by suck Sweetie Belle’s hot and hard horn from the morning until the noon non stop that stormy autumn day. As Cheerilee held the huge, clear and shiny bubble with Rainbow Dash inside with her hooves was the fillies watching as horny Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves between her legs from the noon until the afternoon non stop.

Nostalgia Purist
Mathilda had her Birthday party on the evening that Rainbow Dash got pranked in a barn that last weekend in August, as the bar was decorated with a big bunch of shiny and clear round balloons on strings under that little party for the mule. There in the barn that evening was the crowd of ponies and the donkey grabbing a creaking, round, shiny golden balloon with their hooves for over three hours. Later that night was horny Sweetie Belle feeling how Pinkie Pie held a red squeaking balloon she brushed against the static hair and horn on the filly until the morning. One moon later had Twilight been finding out that an abandoned building laid in a small village by a forest across the barn. Twilight found an old book somewhere in her hidden part of the library with rare books. That book told about an abandoned
and 100 year old house in a forest outside Ponyville where a filly and her family suddenly left the house.
“For moons ago a family they lived in a house in a small village, but then one day the filly in the family disappeared in the forest by the house, and was not seen again.” Twilight read.

and 100 year old house in a forest outside Ponyville where a filly and her family suddenly left the house.
“For moons ago a family they lived in a house in a small village, but then one day the filly in the family disappeared in the forest by the house, and was not seen again.” Twilight read.

Nostalgia Purist
There was a Nightmare Night party on the evening that Rainbow Dash got pranked in a barn that last weekend in August, as the barn was decorated with a big bunch of shiny and clear round balloons on strings under that party. There in the barn that evening was the crowd of ponies, a bunny, the bear and a squirrel and the donkey grabbing a creaking, round, shiny golden balloon with their hooves for over three hours. Later that night was horny Sweetie Belle feeling how a squirrel held a red squeaking balloon she brushed against the static hair and horn on the filly until the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
It was under the annual Nightmare Night in Ponyville that September. Noi, Princess Erroria and Pipsqueak was out in a park outside Ponyville at midnight. Pipsqueak was dressed up as a pirate, as Trottingham had many famous pirates moons and moons ago. Old books told that the Storm King, Tempest Shadow and their army of Storm Creatures and bird pirates from the south had a big battle in their airships moons ago that destroyed Trottingham 100 moons ago one summer. It was a battle that caused the Storm King loose and throw his bird pirates aboard. Back in Ponyville was the three ponies getting a round, pink printed flat Nightmare Night balloon that Pipsqueak inflated. Pipsqueak was feeling the large squeaking hissing balloons grow between his hooves in the park. Then had Pip been rubbing the squeaking balloon under Noi’s dres, and the balloon brushed against her butt and flank. Noi felt the soft whining rubber rub against her butt and flank from the evening until the morning non stop. After that had the three ponies been catching the big pink balloon with their hooves in long time. Then had Noi been holding the softly squeaking static pink balloon she brushed against Pip’s hair from the morning until the afternoon. The three horny little ponies where then pushing the balloon over to each other for eight hours.

Nostalgia Purist
It was a moon after the Changelings got their new form, and Queen Chrysalis had escapd after the battle with the Mane Six, Discord and their friends in her hive. The map in Twilight’s castle was calling Fluttershy one early summer morning the last weekend in august. Fluttershy went to the castle where Spike and the other of the Mane Six was including Starlight.
“Two earth ponies that lives in a cottage by the Everfree Forest are calling all of us because their animals, and some other animals and ponies had been vanishing from the Everfee Forest.” Twilight told Fluttershy.
“They told us all five to come today.” Twilight said.
So Fluttershy and her six friends and Spike they went to the Everfree Forest where she met with the earth pony stallion and mare that lived in the cottage. One of the ponies showed an old book to Fluttershy.
“I got this old book by my parents, and this is about the legend of the Bighoof, so I think that Bighoof is the one that causes the disappearing of the ponies and the animals in the Everfree.” the stallion told Fluttershy.
After reading the book about these old legends had the Mane Six, Starlight and Spike been going into the Everfree Forest that morning. Spike had taken a camera with him to make a documentary about that Bighoof legend. That sunny morning had the ponies and Spike not been finding Bighoof in the Everfree Forest. But instead they found an old abandoned nursing home by the forest instead, and that nursing home was a legend too. The nursing home had been burned down many moons ago, but nopony died in the fire. Two fillies from the nursery home they drowned in a pond. Scout ponies was not going to overnight at that pond because they saw that ghostly pony coming up from the pond every night. None of the ponies and Spike had seen any ghosts as told, but Twilight got a haunting flashback of seeing a ghostly pony coming up from the pond in the dark forest by the nursery home. As the ponies and Spike went through the nursery home, was they seeing old toys and burnt dolls all around the ruins. The ponies came at noon after visiting the ruins as Spike had caught ghost nurses that operated on ponies, and the two ponies that had drowned in the pond they did not see their visit in the ruins.
“Two earth ponies that lives in a cottage by the Everfree Forest are calling all of us because their animals, and some other animals and ponies had been vanishing from the Everfee Forest.” Twilight told Fluttershy.
“They told us all five to come today.” Twilight said.
So Fluttershy and her six friends and Spike they went to the Everfree Forest where she met with the earth pony stallion and mare that lived in the cottage. One of the ponies showed an old book to Fluttershy.
“I got this old book by my parents, and this is about the legend of the Bighoof, so I think that Bighoof is the one that causes the disappearing of the ponies and the animals in the Everfree.” the stallion told Fluttershy.
After reading the book about these old legends had the Mane Six, Starlight and Spike been going into the Everfree Forest that morning. Spike had taken a camera with him to make a documentary about that Bighoof legend. That sunny morning had the ponies and Spike not been finding Bighoof in the Everfree Forest. But instead they found an old abandoned nursing home by the forest instead, and that nursing home was a legend too. The nursing home had been burned down many moons ago, but nopony died in the fire. Two fillies from the nursery home they drowned in a pond. Scout ponies was not going to overnight at that pond because they saw that ghostly pony coming up from the pond every night. None of the ponies and Spike had seen any ghosts as told, but Twilight got a haunting flashback of seeing a ghostly pony coming up from the pond in the dark forest by the nursery home. As the ponies and Spike went through the nursery home, was they seeing old toys and burnt dolls all around the ruins. The ponies came at noon after visiting the ruins as Spike had caught ghost nurses that operated on ponies, and the two ponies that had drowned in the pond they did not see their visit in the ruins.


Peter Griffin, Angela, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Sea Swirl, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. Gilda that rubbed a claw under her legs felt how Peter Griffin was petting her all over her body with a pink, round, clear, shiny, large, squeaking balloon from the evening until the late night as Angela had her beak in her mouth for hours non stop. Then was the ponies, the reptile, the bird, Peter Griffin and ANgela grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon from the night until late in the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
Peter Griffin, Angela, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Sea Swirl, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. Gilda that rubbed a claw under her legs felt how Peter Griffin was petting her all over her body with a pink, round, clear, shiny, large, squeaking balloon from the evening until the late night as Angela had her beak in her mouth for hours non stop. Then was the ponies, the reptile, the bird, Peter Griffin and ANgela grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon from the night until late in the morning.

Nostalgia Purist
An outbreak began under the annual Nightmare Night as Zecora and Spike was there. The crowd of feverish and tired ponies covered in spots, the zebra and the reptile all grabbed a creaking, yellow, clear, shiny, round balloon from the festival from the morning until the afternoon non stop. After that was Spike rubbing his hot hard spikes on his head and rub himself under his legs for several hours non stop by seeing the zebra brush the creaking, yellow, clear, shiny, round balloon with a ghost printed on against feverish and spot covered Snails horn and static hair from the afternoon until late at night non stop.

Nostalgia Purist
Spike had his Birthday in a decorated Sugarcube Corner as there was balloons, streamers and more all around that evening as the Mane Six was there. A week had gone since the vines from the Everfree Forest had covered both Ponyville and Canterlot. There was games and speeches.The six ponies and the reptile all grabbed a creaking, yellow, clear, shiny, round balloon for an hour as Rarity then gave the reptile a balloon scale masseage on bis back from the evening until midnight non stop. The party was ending after midnight. Spike walked into the Everfree Forest at midnight with a large star shaped balloon from his party. The reptile and some living vines with thorns from an Ent grabbed the star shaped creaking balloon for an hour. After that was Spike rubbing his hot hard spikes on his head and rub himself under his legs for several hours non stop by seeing the vine from the living tree strangle the creaking, yellow, clear, shiny star shaped balloon in the quiet and dark forest until the end of the night non stop.

Nostalgia Purist
It was a sunny day in October, and Hitch and Sunny had been going through the forest by Zephyr Heights where they had been on vacation. Nopony was in the forest except for the two ponies. Then had Hitch and Sunny heard shouting of somepony deeper in the quiet forest. It sounded like somepony had been shouting to the ponies.
“This sounds like somepony is shouting for help, and it is lost somewhere in this forest.” Hitch said to Sunny.
The ponies searched through the forest for the lost pony. But that lost pony who cried for help was nowhere to be found. It felt like an in unseen entity had followed them near a bridge. The two friends thought they had seen the pony cry for help run all it could through the forest. Then was a thing suddenly beginning to show itself in front of the ponies, and it was the living corpse of a pony that looked burned.
“Let’s get out of here quickly and before those things get us.” Hitch shouted.
Later that day was Sunny together with Hitch in his office, and found old newspapers about a pony that had an accident, and burned himself. Since that day would the pony hide in the forests, and many other ponies had beeen missing by the Noface bridge where that entity would hide.


Nostalgia Purist
Smolder had his Birthday in the decorated school library as there was streamers and more all around that evening as the Mane Six was there inside a very large, clear and shiny bubble. There was games and speeches.The srudent six, an Ent crystasl root and Cozy Glow they all grabbed the very large, clear and shiny bubble with the ponies inside for two hours. The party was ending after midnight.


Peter Griffin, Angela, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Sea Swirl, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. The ponies, the reptile, the bird, Peter Griffin and Angela was grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon from the night until late in the morning. Then was Angela giving Peter Griffin a three hour non stop static balloon hair masssage with a wide creaking balloon in the empty and quiet Ponyville that morning.
Nostalgia Purist
Peter Griffin, Angela, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Sea Swirl, Rainow Dash and Gilda was together in a decorated Sugarcube Corner one April evening as Sugarcube Corner was decorated with balloons and banners. The ponies, the reptile, the bird, Peter Griffin and Angela was grabbing a star shaped, clear, shiny, large, pink, squeaking balloon from the night until late in the morning. Then was Angela giving Peter Griffin a three hour non stop static balloon hair masssage with a wide creaking balloon in the empty and quiet Ponyville that morning.
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