Nostalgia Purist
Ywilight Sparkle and Spike had been traveling to Canterlot one day to visit Moon Dancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine. It had been ages since Twilight had been visiting Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine that moved from Ponyville to Canterlot witrh their rich parents from Ponyville as Twilight went in the now abandoned, dustt and moldy school in Canterlot where none had been for moons. But Twilight was still hurt over not going to Moon Dancers party so she went to Princess Celestia and told jer about Moon Dancer.
“I will tell I give up my princess of friendship after what I did to Moon Dancer.” Twilight told Princess Celestia.
“I know how you feel so let me tell you about my sister.” the princess said to Twilight.
So Princess Celestia told Twilght about how she felt in years after sending away her sister. Latet that evening was Twilight, Pinkie Pie and their friends giving Moon Dancer her surprise party, as three of her family members arrived at the party in a Canterlot park by the old school. There was dancingm decorations with banners and round, clear shiny balloons and games that evening until the end of the night and all the ponies and Spike had their old party hats on from moons ago. After Spike had played pin the tail on Princess Celestia blindfold was Twilight breathing air into a hissing, tiny, growing, squeaking, round, clear, pink shiny balloon that got very large between the hooves of the horse. Spike that was was blindfold was then feeling how Twilight gave his back spikes a balloon spike massage with the squeaking, round, clear, pink shiny balloon for four hours non stop as the reptile with blindfold massaged himself between the legs for four hours non stop. The reptile was scared of balloons but he felt horny too by his balloon massage too. The horse and the reptile then went into the abandoned school after the party that early morning and was grabbing the squeaking, round, clear, pink shiny balloon for an hour in the quiet, dark and moldy class where none had been for moons.