(small wall’o’text incoming)
i was not saying she is right i was just wondering if there were things that prove her wrong I just forgot and thanks this could actually help to the difference between witch magic and regular magic and also the earth and pegasus ponies use magic similar to a unicorn’s just again they need spells to do it
I admit I don’t know what you mean by “witch magic.” From my reading, it’s just what I called it: alchemy. Mixing magical reagents together. Which wouldn’t be witch magic at all, it just happens that those who use it are disliked by the population and the victims of rumors.
Yeah, I’m on the ‘there’s no such thing as witch magic’ side of the fence. Either it’s alchemy like I mentioned, or transmuting things through chemistry, or tapping into another race’s niche with external means. Like a pegasus managing to use her racial magic to influence plants rather than weather. Somehow.
Still on alchemy… Well, I’ve been spitballing the entire time, but it actually looks close to spells to me. At least according to the lesson shown in Every Little Thing She Does, where Starlight simply goes and combines different spells together like it’s nothing. Similo Duplexis + Accelero = “you can literally be in two places at once!”
So, say, to walk on clouds like in Sonic Rainboom… As a unicorn, maybe it’s ‘focus your magic through [School: Alteration] to get [Spell: Feather], but use enough power to affect [Weight: pony] & [Size: pony] rather than [Weight: apple] & [Size: sheet of paper].’
While for alchemy, maybe it’s ‘turn [Ingredient: cloud mist] into [Form: refined crystals] and [Ingredient: pegasus feather] into [Form: thin powder], mix them together in [Solution: water from Rainbow Falls], then transform everything using [Reaction: slow-boiling] for [Time: 120 seconds].’
Equations, basically. X + Y + Z = specific magical effect. Whether internal or external.
While the pegasi’ and earth ponies’ magic, from what little we saw… it’s basically ‘it just happens,’ without even any ‘feel, don’t think’ thrown in.
Hope I made sense, I’m no good with explanations.
As for proving Twilight wrong, well, from Hearts and Hooves Day… Tuft of cloud + a bright rainbow’s glow + stir with a pegasus feather = love poison even she can’t pretend didn’t exist.
…Basically the alchemical answer to her Want It, Need It spell, actually…
also twilight did learn magic comes in all forms now right or is most likely a giving she learned that lesson at some point off screen right?
Hard to say but I’d bet on yes. It’s easy to imagine that she visits Zecora (as mentioned in Staremaster) to discuss her brand of magic, among other things. Twilight does love expanding her knowledge.
I don’t recall any answer shown in the cartoon, though. Probably the opposite actually. She became an alicorn, but in practice, she just became a unicorn with wings who can walk on clouds. She never delves in the weather control part of the pegasi or the bond with plants earth ponies have.
Even though by her own early definition, it’s also real magic. It comes from within. It just happens that the other two races are locked into their niche while unicorns have the whole toolbox. They can open it too, and mix and match everything that’s inside like they’re LEGO’s blocks. I think that’s what Star Swirl did… find and codify the spells.
Well, the prodigies can, anyway. If we go by Boast Busters’ notion that “unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents.” And this was Spike speaking here… He may be wrong too.
TL;DR again: The way I’m looking at this. From what we’ve been shown.
There’s a whole book of magical effects. Unicorns can read the whole book. Pegasi can only read the pages about weather. Earth ponies can only read the pages about plants. Zebras and everyone else can read nothing. Alchemy is one way to get past your birth and be able to read the whole book.
The end result’s the same magical effect. Whether the means count as real magic… Well, I guess that’s up to the individual. Unicorns will obviously be biased.