i want to write a prologue for my upcoming story for my AU and i want to see what you all think so far.
this is for part 1.
Once upon a time in Equestria, there existed three pony races.
There are unicorns with magical abilities, pegasi who fly in the clouds, and they are able to control and change the weather on land. As well as earth ponies, there are also ponies with remarkable strength and an affinity for the land. In Equestria, they assist with the cultivation of crops and flowers for the benefit of all ponies and animals. Outside of Equestria, the ponies interacted with other races.
Dragons who dwell on high volcanic mountains, eat gems, and grow to enormous sizes, Kirins who live in their groves and waters and explode into flame when enraged, Griffins who dwell on trees and appreciate treasure. And many more.
One of the rarest of all were the alicorns, whose magic was so powerful it could control the sun and the moon.
It is however true that among the forests and abandoned towns of Equestria there live creatures unknown to most ponies.