Nostalgia Nerd
1000 of moons and moons had gone after Twilight had moved to Ponyville. Diamond Tiara lost her votes for president as filly, but years later Diamond Tiara became the Mayor of Ponyville as Mayor Mare had to retire and move to Silver Shoals. Years passed and Lyra and Bon Bon had a crowded Wedding in Ponyville. Old Diamond Tiara, old Silver Spoon, old Lyra, old Bon Bon and old Twist all grabbed a big, pink, clear, shiny, squeaking, round balloon from the Wedding party for 6 hours. Old Diamond Tiara then felt how Silver Spoon brushed the big, pink, clear, shiny, squeaking, round balloon against her static hair as the pony rubbed herself under her legs for six hours. After the Wedding party was ending in the evening was old Lyra and old Bon Bon taking on a honeymoon to Las Pegasus.