Izzy had been to an party at Canterlogic so she got an clear, grey, shiny, printed and clear Canterlogic balloon. The pony had found an abandoned and hidden Canterlot none had gone in for 1000 of moons as the pony walked around with the squeaking, clear, grey, shiny, printed and clear Canterlogic balloon from the party under her hoof for an hour in the abandoned city where Pinkie Pie threw her biggest welcome party ever before an invasion again as all the ponies this time did not return.
Discord had his Birthday outside Fluttershys cottage so there was lot of animals and ponies. The ponies and the animals and Discord got an smiling mouse balloon and and round balloon on strings at the party as the big slug with legs was nervous of the many smiling mouse balloons.
Iron Will came back to Ponyville under the CMC day camp advertise, and he met with Fluttershy after ages as many ponies got an yellow, clear, shiny and round CMC cutie mark balloon under the CMC day camp advertise. The cow went to the spa with Fluttershy, and the cow was scared of balloons and the two spa ponies in the spa gave Iron Will an 3 hour non stop horn balloon and cow crotch massage with an yellow, clear, shiny and round CMC cutie mark printed balloon. Then was Iron Will, the two spa ponies and Fluttershy grabbing the yellow, clear, shiny and round CMC cutie mark printed balloon for an hour.

Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy and the student six was at the crowded and annual Manecon. Many ponies, animals and creatures they got an yellow, clear, shiny and round CMC cutie mark printed balloon under the CMC day camp advertise that had spread all over Equestria and also Manecon and Zephyr Breeze was nervous of the many balloons at the con where there was ponies, creatures and animals that had travelled from all over Equestria to Manecon. An griffin from Griffonstone gave nervous Zehpyr Breeze a 3 hour non stop horn balloon mane massage with an yellow, clear, shiny, static and round CMC cutie mark printed balloon. Then was Silverstream, the female bird from Griffonstone, an male griffin from Griffonstone and Zephyr Breeze grabbing the yellow, clear, shiny and round CMC cutie mark printed balloon for three hours non stop.