Scootaloo had her first sexual education with Cheerilee one morning in the Ponyville. Scootaloo under her first sexual education with Cheerilee one morning in the Ponyville was inflating little, hissing, creaking, red, very shiny, very clear round, red balloon that got very large between the hooves of the standing pony. Cheerilee and Scootaloo was then catching the creaking, red, very shiny, very clear round, red balloon with their hooves non stop until the end of the noon in the class.
A big crowd of ponies was at Rara´s comeback concert with Canterlot´s royal orchestra in a Ponyville park one early saturday august evening. One of the songs under the concert was I´m Just A Pony she won the annual Equestrian Song Contest with in Manehattan the last summer. The ponies and Rara grabbed a creaking, yellow, clear, shiny Nightmare Night balloon with a ghost printed on until midnight where the concert was ending. After the concert at midnight was Sweetie Belle holding the creaking, yellow, clear, shiny Nightmare Night balloon with a ghost printed on she rubbed against Raritys static hair and hot hard horn for hours non stop until the end of the night in the quiet and dark park.
Fluyttershy, a group of animals like ferrets, squirrels, bunnies, Big Daddy McColt and Ma Hooffield grabbed a creaking, yellow, clear, shiny Nightmare Night balloon with a ghost printed on for hours non stop under the annual Nightmare Night day in the remote mountains the first day in september. The Hooffield and McColt had made peace with each other too last year. After that was a squirrel petting both Big Daddy McColt and Ma Hooffield on shift with the creaking, yellow, static, clear, shiny Nightmare Night balloon with a ghost printed on as the two ponies rubbed themselves under their legs for several hours non stop until the end of the evening