@Background Pony #A5D9
His breath came in heavy gasps while his mind swam, thoughts turning first to his brother and then to the stallion still standing over him. Mac’s cock pulsed gently, smacking against his stomach each time; each time it sent another little string of pre shooting onto the edge of the couch. Sure, Thunderlane might have a few words about the stains but that didn’t matter right now.
Right now, what did matter to Rumble, was that Mac had clearly indicated there was more. Of course there was; it had been obvious the stallion needed some relief. But then the turgid cock between his legs, still dribbling pre proclaimed that the colt was in just as much need.
“Can ya stand?” Macintosh questioned and held out a hoof for Rumble to take.
Still a little shaken from his first deepthroating–something he would be more than happy to repeat with the stallion later, as he requested–Rumble nodded and flipped himself over, once again coming face-to-face with the tip of Mac’s member. The throbbing organ glistened with pre and saliva, lines of the combined fluids running down its length to drip messily from the tip.
The sight was altogether too much and Rumble couldn’t stop his tired body from inclining itself forward enough that his lips brushed against the stallion’s cock.
“H-Hey!” he called out, “unless ya fancy a new paintjob, lay off.”
It was tempting, all the same. Just the thought of that hot, thick semen spattering across his face, down his throat, rolling in thick rivulets down his body onto his own aching cock… Rumble’s tail flicked about anxiously and, suspecting what Macintosh’s next command would be, he promptly turned himself about after one last, longing look at his partner’s equipment.
He heard more than saw over his shoulder, Mac moving in close again. The stallion’s hoofsteps were slow and measured but Rumble had seen his legs trembling. There was simply no denying that he’d been pushed right to the edge, only to tear himself back from it. Those thoughts melted away in the face of Mac towering over him, bending his legs to come down somewhere close to Rumble’s level.
“You’re free to say no anytime, sweetie. Ah’m not gonna make ya do anythin’ you’re not comfortable with,” Mac cooed sweetly, nuzzling against Rumble’s ear. “If ya want to go on, then Ah’ll do it just as ya want.”
Rumble couldn’t stop himself from shivering, both from the touch and from Macintosh’s words. Then there was the pulsing member, pressed to his rump to consider. Rock solid but deliciously moistened; the colt felt another ripple of pleasure and anticipation through his body.
“I want it.” His voice still sounded a little hoarse but Rumble managed to get the words out, still amidst some blushing. Usually it was Thunderlane in this position.
The hooves near his sides closed in and gently held him as the stallion leaned down, nuzzling at his neck.
“We’ll go slow, then. Do ya have any, uh, anythin’ for greasin’ yourself up?”
Oh Celestia… Of all the nights to run out of the darned stuff, it had to be tonight!
But… How many times in the past had he used nothing but his saliva to ensure Thunderlane was prepared. How many times had his brother done the same, and they’d coupled without any issue. A quick look over his withers reminded Rumble of the one glaring difference: he was still smaller than his brother, Macintosh was bigger than either of them.
“What about your tongue?” It was still worth a shot to suggest it.
“What about it?” Oh that soft baritone… Little time as there was for rumination with a gentle nip to Rumble’s ear.
“Ah! Y-You could use it… on me.” Again, his tail flicked up. Just thinking of those lips and tongue working hard at it was enough to send a bolt of pleasure from it.
“Hmm,” the giant rumbled, pushing himself off the couch and stepping backwards slowly.
Keeping an eye over his withers, Rumble watched as Macintosh winked and then began to lower himself. At least his front; the strong back and powerful haunches the stallion bore were all clearly visible with his head down and the colt let his mind wander to what it would be like having that rump between his legs.
But there was little time for thought with Mac eagerly kissing against a cheek of the colt’s rump after a little nip. Each bite made him tense up and then the kiss would soothe the stinging pleasure before it started again. Despite his best efforts, Rumble’s wings snapped out from his sides and stood stiffly at attention. The closer Mac moved in under his tail, the stiffer they felt and then with the addition of a hoof rubbing his side, Rumble’s cock demanded attention.
It was nothing compared to what came next. Those firm lips and seeking tongue came right up to the tight little ring under Rumble’s tail and the sensation made him curl his hooves. Though he never felt it, Macintosh watched intently as the colt winked planting his tongue against one cheek and licking inwards.
Rumble whimpered, grinding his hind legs together while digging his hooves into the fabric of the couch.
“Keep going! Mac, keep going!”
He knew how it must have looked, thrusting his rump back into the stallion’s face but it was impossible to deny the desire for more. Those big red hooves of Macintosh’s came up over Rumble’s rump and held onto his hips, gently tugging him back so he could slide his tongue in close to the colt’s anus and swirl it over the tight ring.
It was like nothing he’d ever felt before; that wet, worming muscle sliding around and around on him, drawing out little pricks of pleasure with each movement. It started stirring up stronger feelings, ones that conjured to mind images of him pinned below the stallion or seated in his lap, lovingly gazing up to him.
The colt melted back against his lover, feeling himself finally lose control of his body when a pair of lips came flush against him and the tongue pressed inwards. His hooves wouldn’t obey his desires to push back and his wings twitched when Macintosh touched them with his hooves. Darts of pleasure shot out from them, only further strengthening his desire to be claimed by the stallion.
That wide tongue lapped against him, long strokes that made Rumble clench tightly shut and then dreamily relax, hoping to feel it inside himself. Bright Celestia but if Thunderlane felt even half as good as this then he could understand why the stallion took to it so often. Even Mac’s hot breath on his rump was enough to make him shiver and again when he heard a quiet moan from his lover.
“Eager little thing,” Mac muttered, returning to tonguing Rumble with greater desire.
Rumble couldn’t speak, couldn’t
think beyond that tongue slowly forcing him open. It was all he could do not to clamp down on it, hoping to keep that marvellous little thing in place. And then… just like that, it was in. It was a surprise that his cock didn’t shoot its load right there and then, such was the wave of pleasure that washed over the colt.
He almost did upon feeling one of those hooves snake its way between his hind legs and take up gently stroking at his twitching member. Gasping and grunting, Rumble rolled his hips back against the stallion and felt almost giddy by the feeling of him pushing forward into it.
“Unngh!” Despite his best efforts to vocalise some command to Macintosh, some request for him to go a little deeper, all he could get out was a lustful grunt.
And Mac, tongue still lodged firmly in the colt’s rump, made not a sound but gave a sharp tug on his cock. Pre liberally coated his hoof but he turned it about, lubing up the throbbing organ. His own ached almost painfully; perhaps it wasn’t quite as good an idea to pull out of Rumble before finishing but feeling how tight his rump was, he was starting to reconsider.
“Mac… Nngh… Mac, c’mon!” Rumble whined, shifting one of his own hooves down to join the stallion’s.
Every second that tongue was inside him was time Mac’s cock wasn’t being driven in to the hilt. Luna darn it all to Tartarus but it didn’t matter if his thoughts turned to that. He needed it.
Luckily, however, his words did get through to the stallion who pulled his tongue out–amidst a full-bodied shudder from Rumble–lapping at the puckered anus longingly before peering up over the colt’s rump.
“You sure you’re not a filly?”
“Mac, cut it out!” But the bravado that Rumble had been so easily able to put to his voice earlier was much harder to find now.
“Ah mean it.” The big stallion stood himself up and shuffled forward again, cock swinging about with every step until it inched its way up against Rumble. “Ya sound like a filly goin’ through her first heat.”
Rumble whimpered; it was unfair what that voice was doing to him! All the raw power behind it was utterly undeniable and as good as the stallion had made him feel, as much as he
needed more of those feelings, he may as well have been a little filly.
“Please,” Rumble whispered, “j-just do it.”
“Sorry, sweetie.” Mac was nibbling on his ear again, breaking down the remnants of his will. “Ah could do lots of things to ya. You’re gonna have to tell me what it is.”
He wanted to resist, he did. It would’ve been so easy for Rumble to force his lover into being the one to ask but for the twitching, throbbing cock pressed right up against him; one that gently ground at an all-too-sensitive spot under his tail.
“Rut me!” Rumble spat, meeting those intense green eyes. “F-Fuck me like you haven’t had it in… in ages!” Even
saying that made him shiver in delight.
“Rumble, Ah
haven’t had it in ages.” He was growling, nipping at Rumble’s ear and making the colt gasp and groan. “So the only way you’re gonna get it is hard.”
“Hard,” echoed the colt, “please.”
There was no more said after that. Macintosh reared up and planted his hooves on the couch, his member bounced up and against Rumble until it pressed at
just the right spot. Hot, hard and leaking precum across the colt’s rump, it ran down in a line while Macintosh poked and prodded.
It was evident to both of them from that, that this wasn’t going to be as easy on either of them as their brief foray into oral had been. Despite how lubed up both were, each time Mac pushed forward he was met with nothing but resistance. One look down confirmed that the flared head of his cock was too large to fit into the colt’s rear but then, that hadn’t stopped him swallowing as much as he could.
“Relax, Rumble,” Mac cooed, leaning back down, “Ah’m gonna make ya feel good but ya need to relax and let me in.”
Relax, it was such an easy thing for
him to say. That monster didn’t want to go down his throat and only with the greatest of effort on both their parts did it eventually fit. One look back revealed the veiny member was poised right upon him, sliding this way and that as the stallion sought to stick it in and smearing pre across his rump in the process.
But there was something that might work; recalling the memories of cuddling with Mac always helped him drift off to sleep at night. That big red stallion bundling Rumble up in his hooves, nuzzling in against his neck and chest, a few little kisses here and there before they lay back against one of the trees…
It was no use; Macintosh grunted in frustration and lust, straining the wide head of his cock against Rumble’s rear but no matter how he pushed, the flesh only distended under the pressure and never allowed entry.
“Consarnit… Alright, Rumble, you’re gonna have to help me with this.” One hoof came down upon his back, pushing him from left to right until he felt the tip of the stallion’s cock line back up. “When Ah push forward, you push back.”
Nodding, the colt set his hooves against the couch and braced himself. With Macintosh holding onto his rear, pulling him and directing him so well, the pressure that bore down on Rumble felt far more immediate. It strained against his tight opening, trying to inch it apart.
“Mac! It’s too big!”
“No… it… ain’t!” The stallion punctuated each word with a thrust of his hips, each time sending a stinging wave of pain and pleasure through the colt until at the last his cock suddenly slipped upwards and the shaft came running up between the cheeks of Rumble’s rump.
That… that didn’t actually feel all that bad. Especially the medial ring grinding right up against his anus; if anything, it helped steel his resolve.
The stallion, however, had other ideas. When he pulled back, it wasn’t to line himself up again. Instead, his movements were slow and a second hoof joined the first, spreading Rumble’s cheeks for the monstrous black cock to grind between.
Precum dribbled down its length and spatted across Rumble’s back who could only whimper in a mixture of need and frustration at the feeling. He clenched down against the firm grip but that only made Macintosh grunt and thrust harder, heavy black balls coming up to smack against Rumble’s. Moon and sun but that almost sent him careening over the edge and as it was, thick gobs of pre ran clear from the colt’s member.
“Mac, c’mon, quit teasing!” Rumble hissed, trying to lift his rump over the thick shaft grinding against it.
Thick, gooey lines of fluid trailed after Macintosh’s cock as he pulled it away only to be squished right back in against the sopping wet hole.
“Hold on.” It was a simple command and said in a low, calm voice that belied the lustful force of the thrust that came after.
Rumble cried out in surprise, feeling himself pushed forward in the couch until his face was buried between the seat and back. It almost went in then - he could feel himself distend around the invading organ but it wasn’t quite enough. The thick cock pulsed, sending a line of pre to be mashed between them.
The stallion showed not an ounce of mercy, though; he had barely pulled his hips back when he thrust forward again, just as hard and Rumble’s body shook under the force of it. Those hooves pulled on his rump, tugging him free of the couch to look back and see the need so clearly in Macintosh’s eyes.
So he added his own little grey hooves, pulling at the cheeks of his rump until he was sure there had to be enough room for that thing to fit.
Mac’s hooves stomped against the ground as he kept up the pressure, kept pushing himself forward. Slowly, almost imperceptibly slow, he could feel Rumble start to give way.
The colt’s eyes shot wide as he felt it. A sharp sting that grew the harder the stallion pushed; it had to mean he was almost there. Macintosh’s cock pulsed, another glob of pre lubing up Rumble’s behind and that, as luck would have it, did it. Providing just enough lubrication, the stallion let out a roar as he felt the head of his cock finally pop inside Rumble.
He was speechless, soundless, couldn’t think beyond what had just happened.There was being stretched and then there was this. It was like the stallion had split him in half and his body was desperately trying to pull itself back together, so tightly did he clamp down on Mac’s cock.
“Fuck! Fuck! Mac, stop!”
Above him, the burly stallion huffed heavily, chest heaving as he fought against the natural desire to keep going. Rumble felt himself relieved when one of those hooves stroked up along his back. The shaking that had gripped him slowly started to settle at that reassuring touch.
“Just… You just tell me when you’re ready.”
Breathing was something of a struggle for Rumble; it felt like that cock lodged in him had already filled the entirety of his body. But as the seconds wore on, the pain started to slowly subside and left in its wake a sort tingling sensation that wasn’t unpleasant. Behind it all was the ever-present throbbing of Mac’s cock, dribbling pre into him which the colt desperately hoped would help any further movements.
The more the pain lessened, the more his thoughts turned to just what that would be like. Thunderlane turned into a shivering, moaning mess most of the times he was on the receiving end of it so it obviously could feel
that good.
“Okay,” Rumble whispered, taking a few breaths, “okay, keep going.”
Prepared for the worst, Rumble didn’t expect the jolt of pleasure that came from macintosh moving about until his hooves were braced firmly against the floor. Nor that the stallion might not simply drive himself in the rest of the way but inch forward slowly, keeping those hooves on his rump to hold him in place.
That sensation of being filled, it was like nothing Rumble had experienced before; the thick, pulsing cock stretched his insides but not to the painful extent it had before. It felt… right. It felt right to have a stallion as large and powerful claim him like this; what other could have made him feel this way?
Rumble sunk down into the couch, a stupefied grin plastered on his face as Mac inched his hips in towards the colt. His own cock was aching for any kind of attention and he eventually felt it in the way his abdomen bulged downwards against it as the stallion slowly filled him. And it kept going! The thing almost felt like it was getting thicker the more was pushed in.
A small groan escaped the colt as Mac leaned down and nuzzled at his cheek, whispering to him, “Ah think you’re feelin’ better, sweetie.”
Rumble could only nod absently, nuzzling back against his lover. Hooves quietly thumped on the floor as Mac spread his legs and let himself sink further in. It was nothing short of heavenly, especially how Rumble continued to rhythmically tense up around his member, sending jolts of pleasure up through the stallion.
Just as he was sure there was no room left, the stallion slowed down and then finally halted as the medial ring of his cock passed inside Rumble. The colt groaned, low and lustfully and turned back to peer into those deep green eyes.
“Why… Why’d you stop-Mmm…” Another moan left him as Mac nuzzled against his thick mane.
“Ah think that’s as far as we’re goin’, at least for tonight.” The stallion shifted his hips about, still holding tightly to the colt. “Unngh… Yep, you’re almost too tight. Mmph! Just keep squeezin’, Ah’ll go slow.”
Sure enough, when he pushed himself back up, Mac started to pull out at a pace that rivalled the ease of his entry. Rumble quivered under him, struggling to keep his hind legs from collapsing; all he could do was put the rest of his strength to holding onto the stallion and hope he could keep some of him in.
The more he pulled out the more empty Rumble felt, the sharp contrast to how he had been was almost too much for him. Shifting his weight from hoof to hoof, the only consolation was how the cock still lodged in him continued to spurt precum, warming him in a way that was far more enjoyable than it had any right to be.
There was a pause when Mac finally came to having an inch or so still left in Rumble, before starting to push back in. But, much to the colt’s dismay, it was just as slow as before.
“M-Mac, harder.”
“Hngh! What was that?” The stallion leaned down, slowing the further he pushed in.
“Harder!” Rumble’s voice still sounded soft to himself but it was hard to find the strength to speak louder.
“Mmm, Ah’m not sure if-”
“Fuck me like a filly!” From somewhere in the depths of himself, Rumble found the wherewithal to put the force he needed behind his voice.
Macintosh froze up, looking down at his lover. If that was the way he wanted it.
Rumble was about ready to beg when it happened; one swift thrust of Macintosh’s hips while he tugged back on the colt saw him lodging the length of his cock to the medial ring inside him. The force pushed Rumble’s hind legs off the couch and the stallion let out a cry of pleasure, holding his place for a moment while his cock twitched and throbbed before slowly allowing the colt to find his footing.
For Rumble, it had been just what he needed; there had only been that throbbing, rippling wave of pleasure he so craved and hoped would come from the stallion’s lust being unbridled like that.
“If that’s how ya want it,” Mac grunted out, “Ah’m gonna fuckin’ breed ya!”
There was no gentle reassurance before he pulled out, no agonisingly slow exit but instead Macintosh yanked his hips back and Rumble almost felt himself being pulled along. Only the hooves on his rump and his own holding onto the couch held him in place. His anus had barely enough time to adjust to the sudden shift in flesh shoved through it before Mac had pulled out to the tip of his cock.
A breath later and he thrust forward again, as hard as he had at Rumble’s command. The couch shook on its legs and Rumble cried out, the rear half of his body spasming around the massive organ that was driven into him. In one single thrust it was buried back in just as deeply, thick spurts of pre erupting from the tip.
Rumble’s hind legs gave out under him and Macintosh sunk lower, spreading his own hind legs and digging his hooves into the floor to brace himself. With the colt held firmly between his thighs he pulled out again, as rough as if Rumble were a mare in heat and didn’t bother to pull out entirely before thrusting back in again with enough force to drive the colt harder in against the couch.
Biting down on Rumble’s withers, Macintosh shifted one hoof around the colt’s waist to stroke at the turgid member bouncing against his stomach. Darned if he didn’t want to feel what it was like to drill him amidst his own orgasm.
Every thrust rocked him about, back and forth as the stallion’s powerful body used the years of strength built on the farm to rut him. Rumble couldn’t even be sure what he was babbling, maybe some commands to go harder or not to pull out as much.
Whatever it was, it saw Macintosh eventually pull back too far. One thrust was all it took to yank his cock free and Rumble to lose his voice at the sensation. The powerful black organ bobbed up against Mac’s stomach, spattering pre over it and Rumble’s back before he lined it up as best he could and thrust… And slid back against the colt’s rump. He couldn’t stop himself, though, even this was enough to get the tip of his cock flaring out.
“Mac, Mac, fuck… Nngh! Put it in!”
Just as Rumble spoke those words, the stallion finally found the right spot and pushed with far more strength than he’d been able to summon earlier. With a lurid, wet plop, his cock was back inside the colt and an instant later drilled into his depths.
He had to be getting close; all that attention earlier must have left him right on the edge and yet the stallion continued to thrust with wild abandon. Rumble saw stars before his eyes, felt saliva trickling from his open mouth as he could only bring himself to pant and moan.
Beneath the two, the couch creaked and groaned under the strain, a sharp whine coming from the legs as they scraped against the floor. Mac remained uncaring for how much he was putting into his fucking, all he knew was that now more than ever he needed to fill this colt.
Sweat trickled down his sides and back with the effort, his lungs burned and hips ached from the continued strain and all the while, pressure built up between his legs.
Rumble put the last of his strength into squeezing the stallion’s cock, hoping to finally push him over the edge. He
needed that seed inside him, needed to feel his lover finally release all that pent up frustration.
And then finally, he felt his lover’s cock flare up to its maximum. The thick head scraped against his insides, making him shiver but more than that was how it halted Mac from giving anything but the most shallow thrusts while the flow of precum reached its height.
“D-Don’t pull out!”
That sealed it. The stallion roared, burying himself as deep as he could in the colt and felt his balls churn and pulse. His cock throbbed, letting loose a thick strand of semen as his body shook with the strength of his orgasm.
Rumble squealed, clenching himself as tightly as he could to seal as much in and then let out a dreamy moan as he felt hot wetness plaster his insides. Thick strand after thick strand shot forth from Macintosh’s member, each pulse sending another wave of pleasure through the colt but still, his own orgasm was denied him.
The bulge in his abdomen grew slightly the more seed was emptied into him and despite both their best efforts, a small trickle began to leak from Rumble. The colt’s hind legs danced against the fabric but were quickly quietened down by a few last lustful thrusts from Mac.
Both collapsed to the couch, panting heavily, bodies dripping with sweat but undeniably satisfied. A few last spurts of semen came from Macintosh’s cock before he allowed his body to go limp against the colt.
“That… That…” Rumble gasped, turning his head slightly to meet Macintosh’s gaze.
“You… perfect,” came his reply, along with a sweet little kiss on the lips.
Mac’s cock showed no immediate signs of deflating and Rumble was content to lie there with him for as long as it took. Warmth inside and out comforted him, as well as the continued gentle kisses from his lover.
And they would well have laid there together were it not for the sharp click of the door unlatching.
“Yeah, it was really great, man! We should do this again… sometime…”
Rumble knew that voice, it was undeniably the one belonging to his brother.