Stygius' Cloppy Viginettes [NSFW]

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Alright, so, I’ve been working on a few snips, and I’m a little bereft of people to run them by. I’m not looking for a full proofer, just an honest opinion on a certain bit I’m not sure about. So I’m posting it in here. Thing is, I’m writing it a bit funny… I’m putting it all into a program called Twine, which is a simple html-based CYOA type program. You can run it in any browser, easy peasy, don’t need to download anything but the story/game file.
Tags: Lots of futa, public sex, and “The Rise of Futaquestria” has quite a bit of non-consensual stuff.
So here’s the story/game file
Yes I know it’s zipped, but the easiest place to host it for me is google drive and it doesn’t handle the .html file well.
I’ve got a few pieces in the works here, but the bit I wanted an opinion on was “Ponies Do What Now?” (The first passage is the only one with porn so far, just casual public straight sex/threesome) Specifically, I want to know if I struck a good balance between building up to sexytimes and the joke about Twilight having a fetish for lecturing in the last few pages written so far.
Oh, side note: If you get a blank page, that means I haven’t written anything there yet. Hit the back button and try again. And while I haven’t added images yet, I can and intend to.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Very good, especially Ponies do What Now?
Also, What is the Strange Tale of Surprise Buttsex about specifically? Curious since that one appears to not have any entries.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Haven’t gotten around to starting that one yet. Basic concept is Pinkie is exposed to a Sexy Macguffin, becomes Surprise Buttsex the pegasus and begins spreading the Macguffin’s effects. Somewhat bimbo-fetish, some traps (when she hits the colts) and subsequent pegging. Somewhat like “Rise of Futaquestria” with the Sex Zombies, but with less ‘because dicks.’
This was the inspiring pic for that particular tale:

Hmm… I must be failing at something, because when I downloaded the zip into GDrive, I get a massive wall of text beneath random lines of code. Any better way to view? This is, like, all muh fetishes, so I’d like to give an opinion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Hrm. You should be able to download it to your computer? I haven’t worked with Gdrive much yet, but I do know trying to run the .html file from it doesn’t work. There is a button on top that will download the zip, then all you have to do is run the file on any web browser.
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