
Expert glimmerposter
It just kinda bothers me. I mean, no disrespect to the artist. This picture is fucking badass, but it’s the small things that get me.

Gay Viking
After a careful evaluation of your condition my prognosis is… you’ll live.

Expert glimmerposter
Ok. Now I’m completely confused. Clearly, Pinkie has a guitar with 5 strings and Marble has one with 6 strings. Pinkie definately does not have a bass, as the shape of the body and the tuning keys are in the form of a flying V. Marble however seems to have a larger guitar and larger tuning keys. This all points to her having a bass, but she has 6 strings on her guitar. 6 string basses exist, but aren’t as practical as a 4 or 5 string.
Pls help.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Solve for M, L, and P.
Best Pink Pony - For being the first person to reach 50k uploads, managing the site's featured images, and countless other contributions to the site.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Senior Moderator
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta

Don’t use ’yo fancy mathematics!
Buck Evergreen - For Patreon supporters
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

Let me break it down for you gents:
Initials can be arranged as MMLP; simplified to MLP because fancy mathematics
Loominatey comfirm.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

aka Cosmic Latte
HA! I was just thinking about that pic yesterday. Excellent ponification of a Monsters University scene ^^

It’s so pleasant and soothing; she needs it to quiet the voices in her head so she can sleep.

Sugarcoat's Counterpart

Gay Viking

Sugarcoat's Counterpart
According to the artist’s description on the Deviantart version of this, Luna and Fluttershy are big fans to the Pie Rock Band. Luna’s no surprise, but I’m thrown off about Fluttershy being into heavy rock metal.

@Beau Skunky  
Nothing is as bad as the Round Stable. They’re a special kind of retard that gives retards a bad name.
But yes, I’ve lurked around MLP Forums before. It’s admins/mods are super ultra mega special snowflakes. Still, never thought they’d go PC kindergarten with “don’t worship people if you’re not going to worship people *I like! Everyone here is special and no one person is an island” to people taking the time to leave a “We miss you” thread. That I have to say is extreme inferiority complex with how many snowflakes started to shit post there. lol
Yeah, always scout a place out. Remember that the MLP fandom is ‘inviting’ but don’t forget quite a fair few of these ‘inviting’ bronies can be control freaks and many more given ‘power’ tend to abuse it in thinking they have a right to be assholes to people any time they want, as demonstrated by at least one mod not that many days ago on another picture here. Thankfully THIS place has more good than bad.
But yeah, as shitty as the MLP forums can be, even I wouldn’t compare them to The Round Stable. Though they certainly do have their special snowflakes who seem nearly close to special case as TRS far as threats go. Any site that stalks you outside of their own boards is one you CLEARLY must avoid.

It’s not a matter of “is it directly comparable”, but more along the lines of “can it be compared in any way?”.
Donklight Sparkle - For supporting the site
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Economist -
Heart Gem -
Silver Supporter - Silver Patron
Thread Starter - Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Retired Ass
@Beau Skunky
I’m not sure that’s really fair. Few things deserve to be compared to TRS.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
I got suspended for a fucking YT comment once. Will show you the ban when I get back from class.
They stopped, though.

Just imagine if they can suspend people for saying things about them on OTHER sites.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
But to truly understand the horrors that is MLPF’s staff, you have to understand how it works.
The site is owned by a guy named Feld0, and he basically has final say on everything because he runs the site. That in of itself is nothing unusual, but the way he goes about enforcing the rules is horrible.
The staff there is very much so a revolving door, with people joining and getting fired/leaving all of the time. If you talk to just about any of the former mods/admins on that site, they usually cite the same reason for leaving. Feld0 makes it like a business to make a profit for himself, community be damned - the profiles and customization access of members who don’t pay are so hell nerfed and everything remains ugly forever, just about. They operate off of a very intense ad revenue system that basically places adverts alllllllll over the site unless you opt to disable them as a member. They use the ability to turn off ads as a way to try and get guests to join the site, and then once you get a free profile it really, really sucks compared to those who pay. Your avatars are significantly limited and smaller. Your signature is less than half of the size. You’re stuck with generic titles.
It basically becomes a micro transaction type deal. You pay for this. You pay for that. Everything you say gets buried behind the people who day pay for things on a monthly basis and you’re just doomed to remain almost unknown until you get that huge signature and big avatar and custom member title.
It’s why he makes the mods enforce the rules to such a ridiculous degree to the point where there’s always a clique of people rioting against them before they get banned, while he doesn’t have to deal with it and just pockets the revenue he makes from running a relatively cheap to run website while gaining so much money from the amount of ads placed all over the site as well as the psychological ploy to get members to donate while the staff themselves just take all of the heat and have to do the dirty work.
The only reason I know all of this is because that people who get mad and left the staff all say the exact same fucking thing about him - it’s just a cheap ploy for him to gain money and that he doesn’t give a damn about running a good site.
The staff changes so much, too. Every month, just about, someone leaves and someone else joins.
It’s just such an insipid site, especially when you learn about the inner workings of it.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
There was a while where they wouldn’t even allow even a passing mention of the words “clop” or “clopping.” Totally banned words, let alone topic of discussion. They did try to amend that after they got so much backlash for it, though, but it was a pathetically weak attempt in that they made a single, constantly moderated thread dedicated to solely discussing the morality of clopping and nothing else.
You can’t say you draw NSFW art because they don’t want anybody to look you up. You can’t mention anybody who draws NSFW art because they don’t want anybody to look that person up. You can’t say you yourself are a clopper. Just whether or not it should be okay.
Then we have the PM fiasco, which is why they started hounding me and likely why I got that BS 7 day suspension, because I criticized the fuck out of them in the announcement thread and it resulted into a back and forth argument. Sadly, they couldn’t punish me for debating with them because they knew I would just tell everyone on Skype because everybody had my Skype, seeing that even after 6 months of total inactivity I still have the highest member rating in turns of likes on my posts.
In the PMs, they explicitly said that they reserved the right to go through someone’s PM inbox on the basis of suspension and any NSFW discussion in a private message would result in the same punishment as discussing NSFW openly. This not only was the biggest load of bullshit I had heard from them thus far, but then they permabanned someone for discussing NSFW in a private message before they even made that a rule. The bloke just asked if he would get in trouble for doing this before it was a rule and then they combed through his inbox and permabanned him for NSFW discussion.
The moderators on that site are just so abysmal that it hurts. Avoid it at all costs.

Well there’s “laid back”, then there’s “not giving a damn”. It’s likely the nature of the comments. Don’t get me wrong, if you have something constructive to say about the nature of autism or retardation that’s supported by facts as they are presently known, and your comment isn’t directed towards someone specific, then it should be free to DISCUSS those terms.
But yeah, insulting someone like that can easily be avoided, and, for what it’s worth, should be avoided. Hell, it triggers Rule #0 even without considering the meaning of the words…
@Beau Skunky  
I’ve made so many quips regarding the admins in the past, I’m glad I only got suspended ONCE so far (for something unrelated to the quips about the admins).
It almost seems like one of those sites that tries like heck to purge most of the provocative subject material on it before it’s all printscreened and posted in an artice on SomethingAwful to say “Hey, check this forum out; It’s full of losers and freaks, huh? Am I right?”
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Professional supermodel
So it’s kinda like the “Round Stable?”

Gay Viking
@Beau Skunky  
That site thinks themselves above everyone else and will attempt to show it at every chance they get, it should be avoided like the plague.
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Professional supermodel
You got banned for basically saying you think death doesn’t have a place in the show, and that you couldn’t take the guy’s post seriously, or that he may be trolling?
I’ve been called by racial slurs, I’ve been told to “EFF myself” online, and much worse things. (A guy even told me to delete my DA page, just for being a pony fan once. lol) I’ve seen way worse then what you said.

I was about to register there but you’ve talked me out of doing so.
Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
MLP Forums.
Fuck that place.