Background Pony #094C
Hey who you calling this dumb me dumb comment

@Background Pony #39DE  
Yeah ok, you put way too much effort in something this dumb.

@Background Pony #205B  
His name is Flash Sentry. Brad is just a three year old meme.
Background Pony #C756
Whatever, name Brad perfectly fitting and represents his character.
Background Pony #094C
Flash: Girls girls calm down no need to fight over me  
And suddenly they show but look rage  
Microchips: hey  
Flash: uh oh hi guys  
Sandalwood: get your hands off are girls you girlstealing  
Micro: girls get over here now  
Twilight: no  
Micor: girls he broke yours heart  
Suddenly the girls eyes turn heart their somethings wrong with girls microchips seem to know what happening to twilight and sunset  
Micro: sandalwood I think somethings wrong with sunset and twilight  
Sandalwood: yeah I know flash I’m going kick your ass  
Micro: no you idiot there somethings wrong with them just look  
Then sandalwood see their eye turn hearts and he realize that somethings wrong with the girls  
Sandalwood: oh my god what did you do with sunset and twilight you monster  
flash: (evil laugh) I that right you guys I put their drinks with love postion to made them to fall in love with me  
Micro: you monster you won’t get away with this  
Flash: I already did girls take them out  
Sunset and twilight: yes my darling  
Sandalwood: put me down sunset it me your pookie-bear  
Sunset: I’m sorry I don’t know who is this pookie-bear  
Sandalwood: flash you bastard

@Background Pony #205B  
His name is Flash Sentry.

Flash Sentry: “This is embarrassing. I should be at home studying Maretonian history and watching tonight’s Assassination Classroom marathon.”
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The Tastiest
Sharing is caring.  
Friendship is caring about someone.  
Friendship is magic.
So… sharing is magic?
Background Pony #5794
Flash Sentry: “Ladies, ladies. There’s more than enough of me to go around.”
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EqG fan + Love Liver
I enjoy this love triangle, even though I’m not particularly fond of love triangles.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Phantom Rider  
Heck. I don’t even like shippings (though I’m fine with Flash X Twilight/Sunset)and I 100% agree with you.

Kotone Shiomi fanboy
@Background Pony #205B  
In that case:  
Phantom Rider
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

You are already booped.
@Background Pony #205B  
Ok, how about, “everyone is going to ship who they want to, and everyone ought to be used to it by now?”
Background Pony #C756
This is real straw grasping right here, I won’t even gonna argue.
Chuy Ryu
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@Background Pony #205B  
weill , in the ending of fg, flash is watching sunset, as if he would be interested in sunset again  
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@Background Pony #205B  
Filter “flashimmer” => problem solved.
Background Pony #C756
I can understand Twilight, but could you stop slamming Brad with Sunset, she doesn’t care about him at all.
Phantom Rider
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

You are already booped.
He is not worthy.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Even if I don’t care for Love Triangles this is funny.