Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
She’s bland, her backstory sucks, all her plans were moronic and had no justification for anything she did.
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Do you actually believe that?
Just to clarify, I’m honestly just curious. I never cared much for either version, so hearing why one is better than the other is interesting.

Gay Viking

Very well then, Pagan. I can top that. Just know that you forced this upon yourself.
Comic Chrysalis is better than the show version. cackles maniacally

Gay Viking

Gay Viking
@Evil Emperor Proteus  
I agree with that.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Reminds me of Starlight Glimmer.

Gay Viking
@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Good to know this >full now passes as “character”.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
I see no problems here. Comic Sombra is an actual character.
Duck - "someone befriended them, saved them, coaxed them out of their shell, and showed them that sex is nothing to be afraid of. I’m kind of envious of that rape victim"

I heartily agree. we should never speak of shining armor and princess cadance again.

Gay Viking
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Yeah, IDW could have found some heavy drilling machinery with which to dig through rock bottom with.

Gay Viking
One of the best villains gets erased and replaced with a complete tool.
[sarcasm]Yeah it could have been so much worse.[sarcasm]
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The Tastiest
Could’ve been worse, I guess.

Gay Viking
Here! Here!
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Mods see you
Perfectly honest, I liked Radiant Hope. Her portrayal in the Fiendship comic made her interesting. So, when I saw she was returning, I was excited. My hopes were dashed expertly. She came off as dumb. I’m willing to let slide that she was deceived by the Umbrum for a long time and came to trust them (You’ve known your friends for less time than that), but some of the things she did were just weird.
It feels like the main problem with the comics is that they spend too much time building up the conflict, and don’t leave enough time for the resolution. With the first two arcs, those were paced well enough. The pets comic with Cassie? They could have cut back on the build up a couple pages. Heck, if they cut the Reflections arc in half (too much romance crap that spoiled a good concept) and made the pets comic (rushed ending) and the time-travel comic (no problems, but could have been better with more shenanigans) two comics each, I’m sure more people would be satisfied.
Not that doing that would excuse any of the really dumb stuff from later comics (Twilight’s “moral code”, the entirety of the deer arc). Although I don’t think they deserve as much flack as they get (Damn single panel ruining the rest of the very good Power Ponies comic), they’ve done plenty to earn a good bit of ire (said panel). I get the feeling some fans (or, if memory serves me, more reasonable fans) were brought on, the comics would be at least good enough to avoid the complaints they usually get.
I have more to say (on Sombra’s reform), but I don’t want this comment to drag on too long.
Background Pony #B7B0
I agree, the comic had its moments. A good number of them do, even if they don’t always conclude in the best of ways.
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

How about we just never speak of the comics in general ever again

Given how the show runner said he’s dead in the show and it would be outright confusing if Sombra ever just walked on set and was like ‘I’m a good guy, everyone’, yeah, I don’t think so.
And this is from someone who actually likes the comics, for the most part. Hell, this isn’t even the worst of the bunch and had least had some decent bits and concepts, even if it was…..too clunky for its own good.
Chuy Ryu
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everybody agree