
Gay Viking
I used the legged floors as a foundation putting it above the water and kept the trees so they grow right up through the building and they look like supports the first floor is just a large open area for viewing the surrounding area like a deck with small bridges to make it look ornate with a clinic near the back, the floor above that is separated into 2 huge rooms one is a bar area and lounge almost cabin like the other room is a store room with a armor and weapons vendor with a smaller room connected for people to sleep with about 10 or 11 beds, the second floor also extends out over where the bottom floor stops creating a canopy for that small shack where the workbench is (I added other workbenches there as well) it also covers the broken house creating a ceiling which I put a general store in and I built a small shack right next to it like it’s a part of the house with more beds in it. Theres a wall around the area the deck area is higher than the wall allowing me to see over the wall at all times and theres 8 windmill generators on the buildings roof that provide power.

Tá cairdeas draíochta
Considering how my settlement at Murkwater is nothing but a two-person shack and a water purifier, I’d love to hear what you did with the blasted place.

Gay Viking
I actually like murkwater swamp or at least how I built it I’d have sent her to county crossing hate that place stupid disappearing walls.

Tá cairdeas draíochta
Ugh, Marcy. If it wasn’t for poor Jun being in such a fragile state of mind, I’d have exiled her to the Murkwater swamp long ago.

Gay Viking
Got a mod that shuts Preston up no more stupid side quests unless I specifically ask for them thank the gods for mods.
As annoying as Preston was it was Marcy that annoyed me the most got a mod that shuts her up too. XD

Tá cairdeas draíochta
I say let ‘em have Sanctuary if they want it. I’ll be partying with Codsworth in my new pad on Spectacle Island.

If Fallout 4 had a decent dialog system, you’d be able to tell Preston Gravy to go fuck himself.
If it were a better game altogether, you would be able to wipe the floor with him and his pathetic band of weaklings as soon as you encountered them instead of having them force their way into sanctuary and ruin it for the rest of the game.

Gay Viking
I’m just going to keep the institute as enemies I don’t like them period they’ve done horrible things and killed people I like. R.I.P Highrise.
True the brotherhood in fallout 3 were the best gods I loved them but then that little shit maxson ruined everything.
I had someone try to tell me all the synths are bad even the ones the railroad saves because of that one that went haywire in diamond city saying all synths are prone to this, except they’re not if he had just looked up information on the terminals and holotapes in the institute he would know that the synth was a prototype that wasn’t even supposed to activated yet but someone decided to field test it without informing the project leader.
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Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

So Bethesda reused dragon scripts from Skyrim for vertibirds?
Clearly the popularity of *MOMENTUM eluded them.
Also, Minutemen have a bonus of Artillery. While it’s useless for pretty much any real combat, when you can stage it (like Swan), it’s glorious.
>they’re also a quasi religious organization that shun outsiders and see anyone who isn’t a member little more than vermin and are too focused on hoarding technology.
Their disposition depends heavily on their Elder. Lyons tried to make them into do-gooders, Maxson returned them to idiotic and self-destructive original ways of the BoS with additional sheen of pretense of still being good guys.  
>Even if you were in charge you would be little more than a figure head not getting all the information and having things done behind your back.
Unless you do it like a true Fallout protagonist and murder the shit out of everyone who opposes synth freedom. By the way, one of those (Synth Retention dept head) is perfectly remove-able during Institute questline.

Gay Viking
That’s my feelings as well, as superior as the brotherhoods equipment and training is they’re also a quasi religious organization that shun outsiders and see anyone who isn’t a member little more than vermin and are too focused on hoarding technology.
The railroad though good are too determined to remain hidden to attempt to protect normal people their priority are synths and their numbers are few.
The institute are the obvious bad guy though with a bit of a grey area however despite this they have used children as experiments turning them into super mutants they have created life and then abuse it treating them slaves they tell you not to hurt people above ground unless it’s needed but then they attack settlers at will with their synths for no reason, which means they only told you that so they could make you think they are peaceful. Even if you were in charge you would be little more than a figure head not getting all the information and having things done behind your back.
The minutemen are basically a really big neighborhood watch a militia of men and women who have decided to try and defend the commonwealth they have massive numbers and with mods are fairly equipped they are the least likely to attack innocent people.
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Consentacles and boobs!
I actually do that with all other settlements, LOL! God mode the player, build to my hearts content, set up up a powerhouse, link everything to a terminal, and test the defenses with 100 or so raiders or glowies. Nothing like seeing body parts fly all over the place! Now to figure out gravity and watch said body parts fly across the sky and land in another settlement.
I agree with this. Still have yet to see who’s hostile and who’s not after running the caqs console command.
I just execute the killall command if the Brotherhood piss me off enough, or just want to watch carnage unfold. Keeps them from becoming hostile, plus any vertibirds in the air start their crash landing cycle. Had one fly around for a minute going in circles before it finally crashed at my feet.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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The Minutemen are the only ‘good’ faction in the whole game; The Brotherhood means well , but are too extremist and zealous in their methods.
The Railroad wants to give the synths freedom from their slavery, but aside from that they couldn’t give two hoots about what happens in the commonwealth.
The Institute wants to rebuild pre-war society, but they view all outsiders as savages who are beneath them, little more then lab rats. They also managed to create life and use it for slave labor.
The Minutemen are the people of the Commonwealth banding together to protect themselves from the many threats of the wasteland, their only flaw is that they lack coordination and proper organization.
So yeah, Minutemen are the only real ‘good’ ending for the game.

Gay Viking
I did the neutral ending where the minutemen are in charge but the other factions are still alive so I still get brotherhood help.
I did all the endings and the brotherhood one left a real bad taste in my mouth at first I liked them but as I continued helping I began to hate them they betray their own they are so racist and despite saying they want to protect people I have seen kill settlers and I had to kill the brotherhood patrol to save them fortunately they didn’t hate me for it. The minutemen are the best choice in my book.
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Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

Especially good if you sided with the Brotherhood.

Gay Viking
The mods is what I went for I got the minutemen reformed mod really good.
I know right? All of my defenses face inwards in most of my settlements. XD
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

Hey, at least that makes you perfectly justified in building concentration-camp-style settlement defenses!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

That was the 1.4 patch they put out a while ago, now settlements have a chance to fight off attacks without your help. As for Preston, there are mods that remove or at the very least greatly reduce the radiant quests you get from the minutemen.

Gay Viking
I didn’t think about moving him to castle I should do that.
I hope they also patch the fact that enemies spawn in the middle of the settlements instead of outside of them why even build a wall to protect it if they are just gonna spawn in the center.
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Lover of Huge Pony Boobs
i tend to move him to the Castle once i haven taken it since it used to be the Minutemen HQ or somewhere else along with Strong.
also i heard in a future patch the settlement can defend themselves which helps if they get attacked so you can choose to ignore it if you want :) (be sure to have a decent defence built up tho.
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Consentacles and boobs!
And this is why I send Preston to a settlement that is tiny, far away, and with no defense and just enough stuff to set and forget. Though… “I can’t rebuild the Minutemen, I could, but I would rather stick you with the tasks while getting a free ride. You could take me along with you, but I’ll criticize you every step of the way, because disrespecting my rank is something that I enjoy and you can’t punish me for.” Seriously, pick up scrap or even just walking… he’s annoying!
Spectacle Island is too good to have Preston there walking around like he owns it.

Tá cairdeas draíochta
And that’s how Preston ended up marooned on Spectacle Island.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

That would be great though. Being able to delegate those to, say, a group of NPCs one could “invest” caps and equipment in for higher probabilities of them succeeding.  
Rather than the general having to always drop everything and help in person.
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
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Toola Roola - For helping others attend the 2019 Community Collab
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

If they JUST had time limit, it wouldn’t be an issue. If they were JUST forced on you, without time limit, it also wouldn’t be an issue. But they’re BOTH forced and time-limited!
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You know this is why I can’t take you any where Preston!
I love this pitch keep up the good work well take back the waist land yet!!! Lol