Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Well again, each of the Mane Six had unreal expectations for the Gala. Rarity’s simply was that she would astonish the elite, catch the eye of the prince, they would fall in love, and later get married. She wasn’t a gold digger or worse then Blueblood, simply misguided in her wish for having the “best night ever”.
Also, an aside, I would recommend reading the fanfiction “The Best Night Ever” by Capn_Chryssalid. A sort of groundhog’s day story where Blueblood finds himself repeating the Grand Galloping Gala again and again until he figures out how to stop it, with such as luck would have it going through much character development in “only” one night… In comparison to everyone else, in truth countless nights repeating.

Gay Viking
That’s still doesn’t raise her to the title of princess and it’s unlikely he knew about any of that, heck she certainly didn’t know squat about him.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

She was a bearer of an Element of Harmony, a heroine of Equestria, friend of Celestia’s protege, an esteemed fashion designer… Not simply a mere a peasant.
On the rest, we will need to agree to disagree.

Gay Viking
He literally didn’t do anything Rarity followed him around and he let her he was not interested in her romantically and there’s nothing wrong with that but at the same time he allowed her to remain in his company for as long as she saw fit and as a prince he did not have to do that, Rarity wanted to marry a prince she would have become a princess her intentions were less than noble.  
If he didn’t see merit in being company to such an amazing, beautiful, one of a kind mare he should have said so instead of being such a pompous and inconsiderate fool.
Because Rarity is a peasant compared to him. She may be best pony to you but she is still below Blueblood and expecting him to conform to her wishes simply wasn’t going to happen as he was not interested in her in the first place you’re letting your bias for Rarity’s character effect your judgement.
Excuse his behavior? So because he did not love Rarity but merely allowed her to hang out with him which can only help her image and Rarity wanted to become a princess through marrying him which she knew nothing about him obviously hence her not knowing his personality she was only interested in him because of his title and that’s it that makes him in the wrong? That is a gold digger my friend and that cake was karma for her actions.
Rarity was just as bad, worse actually than Blueblood was.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

… Putting aside my feelings on the matter or any excuses my point that their age difference didn’t matter still applies. Padmé know Anakin as a child, yet a romance developed between them after he became an adult. Poor writing or not, badly characterized protaganist or not, this happened.
Background Pony #CA56
in the most lazy war possible…
I was going to point out the typo, but on second thought it’s pretty fitting.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

My apologizes. I did not mean to imply I in anyway hated Prince Blueblood I just found his behavior towards Rarity, and Applejack actually, to be most unbecoming of nobility. I actually much enjoy stories showing him in a more positive light… If it also involves him overcoming hus flaws such as arrogance and selfishness.
Perhaps implying he was a jerkass in The Best Night Ever was a bit much… but given how I see Rarity as best pony, second only to Twilight herself, it annoyed me. If he didn’t see merit in being company to such an amazing, beautiful, one of a kind mare he should have said so instead of being such a pompous and inconsiderate fool.
Rarity was not being a gold digger! She was not after wealth but sought the fairytale allure of meeting a prince and becoming a princess, thus more the status and prestige of such not something as simple as money.
Was it misguided, even foolhardy? Sure, but so was all the girls desires from going to the Grand Galloping Gala. That does not excuse Blueblood’s behavior.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Anakin/Padme was a terrible ship though.
Anakin over the course of this “romance” displays creepy stalker vibes (a turn-off), fascistic tendencies (from what I understand this is a huge turn-off for a lot of women), and goes on a psychotic rant about how he murdered a bunch of people in cold blood (a turn-off to say the least).
Yet, Padme fell in love with this asshole? Please.
They were only together because the writer said so in the most lazy war possible…

Gay Viking
You answered your own question, I was gonna say Rarity should tell him she feels the same but has to wait till he’s older.
If like you said it’s not going to happen then yes they should end the folly of making Spike obsessed with Rarity it’s not good for him or her.
Poor Rarity, the ponies she has shown attraction to so far have been a jerkass
Don’t just don’t BB has gotten so much excessive hate it’s ridiculous he did nothing wrong Rarity followed him around the whole time on her own accord and he showed no signs of being interested Rarity was a gold digger in that episode following a stallion around like a dog in heat and when BB didn’t take an interest he’s the bad guy? Using Rarity to block the cake was very rude since she is a lady but he didn’t assault her or anything like that he just didn’t want to get caked and I can’t blame him I would have hid behind someone as well. BB is a pompous pretty boy that’s his character that doesn’t however make him bad or wrong it’s just his personality and the comics SURPRISINGLY did a good job of conveying this.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Yet the question is how would the writers have Rarity reciprocate Spike’s feelings without some sort of timeskip or otherwise showing him as an adult?
The writers have written Spike as a child, a “baby dragon” and many fans or viewers would latch onto this if they tried showing Rarity returning the dragon’s feelings… Which would upset, concern, or bother many because “Spike is only a child!”  

I would rather they not have Spike simply “move on”, lose interest, or shoehorn in a dragon love interest… though perhaps they could have the dragon try to setup a date and at some point Rarity saying something like “Maybe we can try again when you’re older Spike”. Thus acknowledging that Rarity may return his feeling in the future or somewhat reciprocating the dragon’s feeling but making it clear it won’t be happening anytime soon as long as he is still a child.
Honestly I don’t have much hope, since romance has almost been treated mockingly in the show given Prince Blueblood and Trenderhoof… Sighs. That and it has pretty much been established that there wont be any romance, taken seriously at least, involving the Mane Six.
Poor Rarity, the ponies she has shown attraction to so far have been a jerkass or attracted to somepony else.
Doesn’t help there isn’t really many positively written male characters except Big Mac, Spike, maybe Shining Armour and Mr. Cake (though both are married)… and Fancy Pants. Really probably the one stallion I could actually see Rarity getting with, though there is the question of what is his relationship with Fleur?

Gay Viking
Don’t get me wrong I’m all about interspecies relationships and have no problem seeing Spike with Rarity in fact I hope Spike gets with a pony and not some dragon girl who gets thrown in to be his love interest. However we know Rarity is not interested in him from what we have seen I think she’s more likely to end up with AJ than Spike, It’s not good for him to be played along with this and the longer he’s given false hope the harder it will be for him to handle and accept it’s doing more harm than good for his character. They need to either cut him loose from this gag that isn’t funny or have Rarity reciprocate her feelings for him like he does with her because the longer they string him along the worse it will be for everyone involved.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Hmm, okay I was somewhat off:  
“He was 9 in Episode I because Padme was 14 and he was 5 years younger. Episode II was 10 years after Episode I so he was 19, making Padme 24. Episode III was 8 years after Episode II making him 27, Padme 32.”
Perhaps also I had Rarity’s age be too high, since it is generally seen that the Mane Six are in their teen by many, myself I seem them as adults between late teens and early twenties.
Still, I think a romance can work, one just needs to wait until Spike grows up.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

@Trahzo, @Pagan  
Honestly I am of the camp that feels ending Spike’s crush with Rarity is unneeded or would be a detriment to the dragon’s character.
It may never come up in the show proper, but having the dragon’s crush reciprocated once he grows up into an adult while having a romance develop between him and Rarity is something I could see taking place.
If it worked for Anakin and Padmé it can work for Spike and Rarity I feel. The little dragon is at least as mature as my 13/14 year old brothers and I actually peg his age around there with Rarity being in her early 20s… Which is around the age gap between are Star Wars couple.

Gay Viking
Hmm you have a point, it would probably a terrible episode but at least it would end the running gag.
Though I’d prefer they make an actual good episode that accomplishes the same thing.

This synopsis shows Spike trying to figure out what Rarity really thinks of him, it should end whether or not Rarity says she’s in love with him or just sees him as a friend.

Gay Viking
How would this end it? Seems more like it would prolong it.

Yeah, we need a conclusion, even if this isn’t real, just find something to end the crush.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Personally I think this synopsis, fake or not, is interesting and could make for a good episode.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

@Background Pony #7BE1  
Source for this please.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Background Pony #F0C7  
There’s no source, so yeah it’s a fake.
Whenever there’s no source to things like this, it’s a safe bet to assume it’s fake.
Background Pony #0C33
This one’s another fake, isn’t it? Because I know they;d never do something I’d find as amusing as this.
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Artist -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Join the club.  
I considered saying something about the comments, but decided I didn’t really have anything particularly clever to say about it.

I feel like a huge asshole for enjoying comment drama so much.
I- I don’t really have any snarky jokes, or insightful additions here, I just needed to share that.

She was joking? I thought she was angry.

Gay Viking
@Background Pony #7BE1  
That has nothing to do with gender bending.