A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #403D  
apparently a lot find it beneath her to do that (making apps)
Background Pony #6543
Oddly enough, this description of Sunset actually fits my headcanon fairly well, except that in my headcanon she wants to be a computer programmer. Oh, well, computer programmer, app developer, it’s not that big of a stretch. There’s no reason why she can’t do both.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Young Leosword
I’d imagine developing an app will lead in to a larger goal, which this book, and subsequently, the EG series hasn’t yet approached. It may, and if the series remains a movie series, it’ll probably happen very, very gradually. Which is why I believe it’d get more out of becoming a TV series. However, I know that’d put a bigger strain on DHX’s production costs and time, but I know not the greatest way to expand the EG series without giving it a comic or web series. Which I shouldn’t have to explain why not everypony will like that. >w<
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What a beautiful Sunset
That curiosity about the world, or even the universe, is exactly why I think she’d want to do something like astronomy or biology. Something worthy of her intellect as well as leading her into answers about strange life that isn’t found in her world, or the vast cosmos that the laws of physics bend to their will in the human universe, but are manipulated by an alicorn in hers.
I mean, you’re entitled to have any headcanon of her that you’d like. If you want to believe she wants to make apps for some greater purpose, that’s fine, but my idea of her definitely lends towards something else.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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she’s a horse in human form in a human world she has little to no idea how great/bad it really is. that’s a pretty big step already.
besides, she can develop apps that can be beneficial to the whole world (not just for money). with how technology progresses, she can reach out to more people faster than most.
besides if there’s a lesson to be learned from this guy  
you can have all the talent in the world but if you don’t have the passion, you get burned out pretty quick.  
for context: he’s an athletic genius that can sub for any sports team and he will do surprisingly well but found yo-yo is what ignites his true competitive spirit.
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Crackfic Creator
@Background Pony #74B9  
I’m not sure what her prospects would be, though I don’t think she’d be a student to either Twilight or Starlight. Post Rainbow Rocks, Sunset strikes me as having friendship stuff down for the most part with most of her problems she goes to Twilight for being magic related crises the Sunset often seems to figure out on her own. Given what happened in Friendship Games, I doubt we’ll see much of pony!Twi in EqGs now.
Still, I agree there doesn’t seem to be much tying her to Equestria, at least nothing that points to a solid place for her if she comes over. She does seem to be an expert at spells and has the power to back them up, but that doesn’t seem to equate to a position such as “wizard” as far as we’ve been shown. Though, if she rekindled her ties with Celestia, with her “friendship knowledge” and other skills maybe she’d make a good diplomat or other royal official.
Background Pony #3F53
Eh, her prospects in Equestria are pretty much shot anyway, because Twilight has everything that she threw away because of her impatience. At most she’d probably be Twilight’s (and probably eventually also Starlight’s) student, but nothing really more than that. She has nothing to really tie herself there anyway, aside from Celestia.
In the world she’s in now, though, she’s both younger and has another chance to do things right. So yeah, “developing apps” or whatever else she wants to do is much better than being bitter over being rejected to be a princess.
I do believe that the torch passed to Twilight because of Sunset’s refusal (proving herself unworthy of it because of her impatience, greed and ambition). Aside from one stupid thing that contradicts that: Twilight’s cutie mark being on the Tree of Harmony thousands of years before she was born. That means she was always destined to rise and Sunset to fall, and shit like this never sets well with me in any media, because “destiny” is just a way of saying that none of your decisions matter (in fact, they’re not even yours to begin with).
So I think she’d eventually reconcile with Celestia, but remain in the human world for most of the time. As bad and impulsive as it seemed at first, going through the mirror was the right decision for her (since she was already rejected and dropped as Celestia’s student) but she didn’t know exactly how then.
Artist -

What a beautiful Sunset
@Background Human  
If she wanted to get into the field of technology I think she could do a lot better than an app developer. A mechanical engineer at the very least, so she could go a step up and actually design new technology itself rather than just menial apps. As a side project for some extra money and to get some experience in the field, maybe; but the extent of her ambition? I think that’s a massive waste of her potential.
Background Human
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

CHS, Class of 20XX
Those dumb little smartphone games are her gateway to a field of knowledge that doesn’t exist in Equestria. If ponies had anything resembling modern computer science, we’d have seen some evidence of it by now, even if it involved some weird steampunky Babbage crap.
Look at it from the other direction. You go to Equestria. You want to study magic, because holy shit this is awesome. And all the natives are like “meh,” because to them magic is just a normal everyday thing.
Artist -

What a beautiful Sunset
I don’t know a college student that doesn’t want to travel the world. While it certainly would fit in with a more scientific career for her, I can’t really see her wanting to focus on something that isn’t on a much more grandiose scale than just society and culture. And based on her obvious interest in the magic of her own world to the extent that she could have certainly come close to being the element of magic, pushing the boundaries of human understanding on evolution and the development of life or the complex workings of the cosmos seem more up her alley to me.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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based on the travel part, she wants to explore this world first (she probably hasn’t even left the town/city the school is).
travelling alone and meeting new cultures and societies is just as knowledgeable as biology and astronomy. she could probably be the first non-human anthropologist in that world.
Artist -

What a beautiful Sunset
Man this is so disappointing to see. This girl was one of Celestia’s students, and had enough confidence in her own studies and magical abilities to know she was going to be a princess, had the ability and knowledge to attempt studying how magic worked in the human world, and she wants to develop apps? Seriously?
At the very least, I’d imagine Sunset would want to be a biologist or astronomer or something. To discover all of the secrets of outer space or life on earth, and then try to push the boundaries of that knowledge in her own studies, not sit around developing dumb smartphone games or self-help apps that wouldn’t be rewarding in the slightest for someone of her intellect. It might not have been quite as understandable to the target audience, but seeing as she rose to the level of Celestia’s personal student and was her first pick for being a new princess before their falling out, this seems like a massive waste of her potential, and sort of out of the character we’ve seen built up in her as well.
I’m definitely keeping the headcanon that she wants to be something a lot greater than some app developer. Maybe as a way to make some money on the side or something, but for sure not the extent of her ambition in life.
A Perfectly Normal Pony - <SocDev> Si hay pelito, no hay delito
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Well stressed, friend!
People, remember that Rule 7 is a thing. If a comment or an image goes above the image rating, either spoiler it or dont post it at all
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Remembers when they were called Programs and not Apps? Calling them Apps is like making street slang the standard English.
Cirrus Light
Economist -
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
Best Artist - Providing quality, Derpibooru-exclusive artwork
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under his artist tag

Sciencepone of Science!
“Pony princess ruling the world” to “developing apps.”
Is our world really so depressing, magicless, and soul-crushing that it’s crushed her this badly? XP
Loljk, okay, I’m not that misanthropic or cynical, but it does come off pretty bad when you think of it in that light.
But, it’s hard to see how being famous is harder in a world of 7 billion versus 70 million (random smaller number for a less advanced civilization), but let’s put it this way; it’s easier to be well-known among your school, than your entire town. Likewise, it’s easier to make it “big” in a smaller world than a big one.
“big” in quotes because making it “big” in a bigger world is actually making it a lot bigger than being “big” in a small world (known by 300 million people instead of 30 million).
@Background Human  
“Next big rock band” - I think you nailed it on the head, there.
Artist -

Well, unless you make an app that’s overpriced as hell and has no actual function other than expression that you are rich and dumb enough to buy the app, then that’s expected.  
My dad did a small side job to work for app developing. He made 2 games, and people only started to get it after he decided to make them free. And considering this was on the Apple store, the fee to have the ability just to upload a game and the fact that revenue is shared is ridiculous.

I think Sunset Shimmer just likes developing apps.
Background Human
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

CHS, Class of 20XX
Well, yeah. It’s the nerd’s version of “I’m gonna play for the Lakers” or “I’m gonna start the next big rock band.” Developing apps as a career is insanity. But if you’re just doing it as a hobby, I don’t see the harm.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Also an Author
This comment section is quickly developing into why I said I was disappointed back on page 1. This is an old man rant from someone that’s worked as part of a team that develops apps and other software, so feel free to ignore it.
“Developing apps” is a cop-out type of ambition set up on false assumptions about how they are made and how then make money. It is NOT easy, it is not stress free and it is not a gaurentee to cash. Just look at your touch device of choice, how many apps on there did you pay for versus were free downloads? How many of them with ads do you click on the ads from? How many micro transactions do you do with any of them?
Apps are a time and money PIT. You have to know loads of programing, plus have an idea that will not just be useful, but marketable. Most profressional app developers make their money by making them by the truckload and hoping one of them catch on to be picked up by a service company or firm. Or to be endorsed via social media to the point where the ads start to actually meet overhead costs. It’s big business and the road there is paved with the blood and sweat of thousands of failed start-ups and individuals.
It can make money, it can be fulfilling and rewarding in its own right. I just hate that the concept has been packaged and sold to so many people as “easy money” or a legit path to wealth or fame. That is a lie we need to stop telling to our children. Among others.

@Background Pony #74B9  
Hard to be an Alicorn princess in a world where Alicorn princesses don’t exist.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Background Pony #1E39  
depending on the app, MAD money.
it doesn’t even have to be groundbreaking. just something cheap but catchy that if lots of people will buy it, it will all add up.
Background Pony #26B3
@Background Pony #74B9  
There’s good money to be made and it probably isn’t as stressful. I don’t blame her
Background Pony #3F53
Sunset went from wanting to be an alicorn princess to developing apps. Well, I guess that’s both a safer and more realistic job.
Background Pony #D496
@Background Human  
That’s actually a good idea. I’m sure that a unicorn horn for smartphones would be faster in dangerous moments that ponying up!(Not being sarcastic, seriously!)