Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

I’m not saying it isn’t bad, all I’m arguing for is that it’s not Venus levels bad. That is all. I’m more worried about the algae plums dying off than anything else, though.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

that’s a nice image , i like that , but you shouldn’t have used it here cause you didn’t actually point out a fatal flaw in all this…
the term venus syndrom , and that this is where we’re on a fast track to , does not mean we are a physical copy of that planet , it’s talking about the processes in which the climate systems change , which are well established science from what i can see
you linking to wikis on how the current composition of both planet’s atmospheres are does not refute this , it only shows that you’re assuming a lot of miss conceptions here and we’re not having the same conversation….
i did not say this planet has experienced venus syndrome in the past , i said the methane build up has exploded the atmosphere in the past that instantly killed everything , us life forms are not very explosion proof….
>It’s just not comparable to how the Earth is today
indeed , but in the wrong direction , you think our situation isn’t as bad , when in reality it’s far worse , our current carbon buildup that you are assuming life on this planet can keep under control (fun fact since the era of humans the planet has lost over 50% of it’s biomass) is already , i repeat , not ‘could be’ , not ‘going to be’ , already is now , higher than it was during most of the previous mass extinction events in this planet’s history  
>And even then it’s heavily debated between people much smarter than both you and I how much of a threat they are.
do you even know about ameg?  
answer these questions….
@Keith Mowz  
ok i’ll try and explain this in brief to you
first you must get rid of the false premise that there is reason in this equation , there isn’t , just a bunch of stupid apes
nobody is telling you because they’re paid to keep things like this a secret from you , you don’t even know an illegal federal gag order has been placed on all weather service and noaa employees in the us
the terms global warming and climate change were used by the power structure to condition the public to accept that what is happening to our weather is natural when in reality global geoengineering has been conducted for 7 decades and none of us talking here have ever experienced weather that can be considered truly ‘natural’
the lobbying you’re referring to has to do with part of that psychological operation , when the temporary cool down that halted the planet from warning around the 1970s (which caused plenty pseudo-skeptical ppl such as yourself (like scientists) to think that the planet was heading for another ice age stopped working and the power structure was faced with either giving up their power or not , they chose not to and to double down on trying to stop the warming with geoengineering
then they came up with a scheme to scam more money/power out of the public with the idea that because carbon was a factor in this they could scare people into accepting a carbon tax , but the stupid apes didn’t realize just how fast things were going to get bad
enter carbon credits and al gore , lots of what he had to say about the weather systems were wrong , but not in the direction the social engineers would have you believe though where it’s being over played , it was all in fact being underplayed , our global climate system is in far dire straights than what is being reported by corporate the media , and al gore’s real purpose was to become a scapegoat for the social conditioning of this downplaying , he was pushed on the people by the establishment so that he is the figure head that is associated with global warming for many people , then thoroughly discredited and shown for the scum bag he is , so the power structure can keep the people divided and arguing over the state of the climate while it continues to get away with engineering it all
now , though , the situation is so obvious and blatant (square clouds lel full that cheap parlor tricks like that aren’t going to work for most people anymore , so like i shared above the power structure just puts an illegal gag order on anyone that is already aware of this that has the potential to speak out and inform the people what’s going on (there’s already many documented cases of weathermen speaking out about this however quick youtube searches is all you need)
and same goes for those global warming lobbyists you mention , those people are just disaster capitalists , but the disaster is getting out of control for the power structure on all fronts , did you know that the obama administration has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than all previous administrations combined?
and you wonder why nobody’s telling you about any of this? time for the public to realize we’re in the biggest fight for near term survival of all life on this planet whether we like it or not , and continuing to not do anything about it will only ensure of collective demise……….
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

I know it has happened in the past. But what you don’t get is that it defeats your argument. If it happened in the past, yet the Earth is still here, then it wasn’t a runaway greenhouse effect on the levels of Venus. In fact, Venus’ greenhouse effect is caused by a massive influx of co2 caused by apocalyptic amounts of volcanic activity over millions and billions of years, not methane, something which is evident given how dense their atmosphere is. It’s just not comparable to how the Earth is today, especially considering that we have life that makes sure the co2 level stays extremely small. But even then the density of the atmosphere is much, much, much less than Venus.
Oh, and I gave you the most direct sources there are for my thoughts because they are based on actually personally examining the atmospheric composition of Venus and Earth, and applying my knowledge of physics to it. I’m not just basing my ideas on other peoples’ conclusions and hasty thoughts like you. It’s hard to find sources for things you’ve learned in various textbooks throughout your life, not just webpages.
And no, I am not denying that methane pockets are not a threat, just that they are not a planet-killer that would turn Earth into Venus. They don’t even lead to that kind of thing. And even then it’s heavily debated between people much smarter than both you and I how much of a threat they are.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

i’ve cited some of my sources which have many sources cited in themselves to investigate , and your response consists of “conspiracy theory” and no sources , and you unironically assert that im the one who can’t think for myself , are you actually kidding yourself here? cause that seems to be what you’re doing , and i can say for certain you’re not kidding anyone else here , do you even know the term conspiracy theory was invented by the cia in 1967? do you?
just take a look at the sources in the article i linked  
“Venus once had an atmosphere and oceans,”  
“Venus underwent a “runaway greenhouse effect”.”
and methane exploding our atmosphere has already happened in our planet’s history
Wesley Foxx
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The Fluffiest
Pretty sure if it was legit we’d be hearing the global warming lobbyists saying something about it.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

You literally can’t think for yourself, can you? You don’t know how to compare the two planets’ atmospheres to themselves and realize that while people use Venus to compare how Earth is headed, it’s just an analogy: not reality. And yes, I know Venus syndrome is real. I’m only saying we don’t have enough atmosphere for us to literally turn into a second Venus. It’s like we are using the term explosion for both a firecracker and a nuke. Sure, both a firecracker and a nuke are explosions, but that doesn’t make them the same thing.
For the atmosphere to ignite, you need a constant source of extreme heat. A positive feedback loop of rising temperatures will not get to that point given our atmospheric composition and density. So while the runaway greenhouse effect is real, Earth will not become like Venus anytime soon. We’d have to have so much volcanic activity for it to happen that it’s not even funny. Like, so much. The numbers are many orders of magnitudes larger than what you think.
Also, you are using a conspiracy theory website as a source. So please, instead of convincing yourself with single source, read some books about how the climate works and other sciences related, then make a decision based on the laws of physics.

Gay Viking
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

oh sry , kept neglecting to reply to you  
no venus syndrom is real and a venus atmosphere s where our planet is on a fast track towards right now….
>flawed statistics and speculation
you have not demonstrated how they are flawed , and by making that claim without doing so have shown yourself to be the flawed presenter here….
>but it wouldn’t ignite the atmosphere and kill everything like you said.  
because the subject that the image is about is playing a major role in leading to the fatality of all life that we know of , forever , that’s why…..
Jona G. Yong

……What in the FUCK!?!!
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Instead of taking flawed statistics and speculation at face value, how about you compare the atmosphere of Earth and Venus side by side, and then do the maths to calculate just what it would take for Earth to even begin to look like Venus.  
Atmosphere of Venus  
Atmosphere of Earth
Note that methane isn’t even a significant factor of Venus’s greenhouse effect. In fact, Venus has oceans of Methane, and it acts like a water cycle there, but it’s not a large amount compared to how much CO2 there is.
Now that I got you to stop saying the atmosphere will ignite and Earth will become a second Venus, I have to say you are correct that if a massive methane explosion happened all at once it would be bad, but it wouldn’t ignite the atmosphere and kill everything like you said. It would spell doom for humanity for a number of reasons, but it wouldn’t kill all life. Massive extinction event, sure, but life would go on. That’s my point.
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iamli3 just brings out the best in us, I suppose.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Well, if you live in America like I do, then maybe one day our government will push the wrong people too far and we’ll get nuked or invaded or firebombed, and won’t that be something to look forward too?
If nothing catastrophic like that happens, you can see everything you know and care about age to death in front of you. Its not as much of a spectacle but its always there.
Why are we being so fatalistic in this comments section?
Wallet After Summer Sale -
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

when it comes to effect you you wont be thinking that anymore….
You’re funny, kid.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

no i meant your reply to my comment complaining about my replying to other comments…
>it’s not as bad as you think  
>proceeds to not give any counter argument to the evidence
the degree to which this planet can achieve an atmosphere like that of venus is secondary to the part where it’s still going to explode in 5 years and kill everything and continue to destabilize until life can’t grow anymore….  
still not an exaggeration
no i understood , what im saying to you is that when it comes to effect you you wont be thinking that anymore….
Wallet After Summer Sale -
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

i know , im saying that when people in our parts of the world start witnessing the mass die offs first hand and no longer have the ability to produce food i bet you anything that you wont be wishing for more of it to happen then….
Perhaps you don’t understand.  
I want it to happen because I’d like to see the human race extinct.  
Do I need to be any more clear?
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Look, it’s not as bad as you think it is. Not even close. Again, life has survived much worse. And no, we will not turn into venus. Venus’ atmosphere is so thick that you literally have no idea, and when scientists compare the runaway green house effect to Venus they don’t literally mean it’ll get that bad, just that with our much less dense atmosphere it’s still the same process.
And I’m done talking about it, because as Pagan said: this is off topic. I just can’t let exaggeration stand.

Gay Viking
My comment was related to the picture.
“Good work father you are now one step closer to being of average intelligence.”
and didn’t go off on some unrelated tangent.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

you are absolutely right , i didn’t mean to imply that stopping geoengineering will be enough to save the planet , just that it’s quantifiable the most damaging thing we’re currently doing to the planet and if it is not stopped then nothing else we can hope to do will matter , but if it’s stopped then we can have a chance of saving our dwindling life support systems….
read my initial comment  
im just responding to people here…such as yourself….i can say the same thing about your comment too btw…….actually lol this has everything to do with the image now , cause the image is perfectly representing the difference in the importance of what im talking about and what you’re talking about XD …..
‘good work, pagan’ c:

Gay Viking
I hope it happens soon and the earth gets incinerated so comment sections like this will cease to exist, seriously what does any of this have to do with the above image? Take it to the forums.
Artist -

If we’re gonna die in a decade, and stop only geoengineering, I really doubt it’s gonna change much really. If it does, probably only another couple of years. Don’t know enough about climate change and what not, but that doesn’t exactly make sense if we stop one thing and believe that everything else we humans do is fine.  
And how long would the Earth last with no more geoengineering anyway? It’s all predictions and guesses but I doubt it’d be enough for the earth to recover anyway.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

i know , im saying that when people in our parts of the world start witnessing the mass die offs first hand and no longer have the ability to produce food i bet you anything that you wont be wishing for more of it to happen then….
it is a mathematical certainty that we will not be able to return to the planet we’ve known in any time frame that matters  
we won’t know unless we try  
i don’t have any kids but i would have to be the biggest asshole in the world to tell the kids of today that they have to die and i didn’t do anything to try to prevent that  
i also have an interest in staying alive myself , top priority in fact
and finally there is something we can do about it , which is stopping the ongoing global geoengineering programs which have only made our overall situation far worse not better
if geoengineering is stopped then the planet can have a chance to respond to the damage being done to it , but as long as it continues we have no chance of having a planet that will support life a decade from now……
Artist -

Real or not, if we’re at that point, there’s nothing we can do to stop it. We can stop all our emissions right now, try to fix our mess and that would only prolong it and probably not enough that we’d be satisfied with anyway.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Note that I’m not saying I believe it, but I’m just making the point that if it’s real, I’d like it here sooner than later.  
Any of this crazy stuff you’re throwing at us, really.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

what part of it is crap?….
wait and see how much you’ll still think that in the coming couple years when we have an ice free arctic and no seasonal weather changes cause as of a week ago the hemispherical jet streams started mixing which has never happened before and will result in that
“I seriously doubt that’s even possible because I did not read that article. “  
>It’s happened in the past,
this is what all the stupid apes running around this planet don’t realize , WE’RE ALREADY PAST THE LEVELS OF IT ‘happening in the past’ for many of the things that matter in the equation like c02 levels in the atmosphere
>And five years? Nah.
systems of cause and effect don’t care about your uneducated opinion….
>If life has lasted for over a billion years already, then nothing the Earth itself can throw at it can end it.
look up “venus syndrome” , cause that’s where we’re on a fast track towards right now , it is not possible for life to survive on venus…..
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

It’s happened in the past, but it’s honestly not as bad as you make it out to be. And five years? Nah.
And no, our atmosphere will not ignite. If life has lasted for over a billion years already, then nothing the Earth itself can throw at it can end it. Even a Super Volcano will not be the end of the world, it’ll just suck for a few centuries.
Although, of the top of my head, here is a list of things that could end all multicellular life: a direct hit with a gamma ray burst, an asteroid hundreds of km wide colliding with Earth, a black hole of any size colliding with Earth, another star coming into our solar system and passing within a couple million KM or less of Earth, and the Sun’s luminosity increasing by a good fraction in the next billion or two years until our oceans boil away. I would say a super nova going off within a few light years, but that’s most likely happened before. And we’re still here, it most likely wouldn’t be the end.