
EQG does a better job of having the Remane 5 being actively involved in the big events that occur around them and that’s telling.
That does seem to be the case doesn’t it?  
>>989398 (merged)  

We understand what you’re trying to say, its just that your argument is empty. Starlight existing being a thing is not a proper excuse to let the main characters continue to be marginalized and let show half ass itself. She’s a reoccurring character in S6, yes, but there is very little demand for her to be in the series further so the chances of supply episodes of her being in the main series after this finale is limited. Supply and demand dude.
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A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I never once said that Starlight was as important as Twilight. All I said was it’s okay to hate characters. Maybe the Twilight example was a bad example, and if so then that’s my fault. All I’m saying is that even though you may not like Starlight, you have to understand that the people behind MLP are still going to have episodes revolving around her. As for Starlight showing up in the finale and being treated like the main character, so what? She’s still a recurring character. And unless there’s a spinoff with her as the main star, she’s going to stay a recurring character.
My problem is the characters I like getting dumped into damsels in distress roles to make a character I don’t like look good, that the characters I like have to be shoved down to make another one look good. The Remane 5 (The Mane 6 sans Twilight) don’t do jack squat in the two part episodes. The Remane 5 have never once had to save the day by themselves or had a big epic moment in the spotlight without it being centered on Twilight or Starlight. The closest it’s ever come was during The Cutie Map and that’s it. What ticks me off is I want to see the Remane 5 being active and instead they’re being pushed out because the writers don’t want to tell that story. EQG does a better job of having the Remane 5 being actively involved in the big events that occur around them and that’s telling.
And I already get your counterargument that they have all the other episodes and they’re still important and so on. But that’s where I bring up the President analogy again. Sure we can spend all of our time with Bill and Frank from the office but what the President does is far more important. You can’t compare opening a shop to saving the government for an alien invasion. One is more important in the eyes of the world.
Whatever, man. I tried to be nice, but it doesn’t seem like you understand what I’m trying to say.
Background Pony #C2F3
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I never once said that Starlight was as important as Twilight. All I said was it’s okay to hate characters. Maybe the Twilight example was a bad example, and if so then that’s my fault. All I’m saying is that even though you may not like Starlight, you have to understand that the people behind MLP are still going to have episodes revolving around her. As for Starlight showing up in the finale and being treated like the main character, so what? She’s still a recurring character. And unless there’s a spinoff with her as the main star, she’s going to stay a recurring character.
My problem is the characters I like getting dumped into damsels in distress roles to make a character I don’t like look good, that the characters I like have to be shoved down to make another one look good. The Remane 5 (The Mane 6 sans Twilight) don’t do jack squat in the two part episodes. The Remane 5 have never once had to save the day by themselves or had a big epic moment in the spotlight without it being centered on Twilight or Starlight. The closest it’s ever come was during The Cutie Map and that’s it. What ticks me off is I want to see the Remane 5 being active and instead they’re being pushed out because the writers don’t want to tell that story. EQG does a better job of having the Remane 5 being actively involved in the big events that occur around them and that’s telling.  
And I already get your counterargument that they have all the other episodes and they’re still important and so on. But that’s where I bring up the President analogy again. Sure we can spend all of our time with Bill and Frank from the office but what the President does is far more important. You can’t compare opening a shop to saving the government for an alien invasion. One is more important in the eyes of the world.
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Starlight and Sunny Fan
@Mr grump
Who is there to win over? Starlight haters aren’t exactly inviting reasonable discussion of her, seeing as how they always have to post excessively vitriolic comments about her every time she’s involved in something.
Background Pony #C97F
Return of it’s oldest threat? It’s either going by Arc Villains and thus a Nightmare-based villain (which would play into my World of Warcraft: Legion joke), or by in-universe chronology and bringing out the Windigos.
Background Pony #C97F
My Little Pony: Friendship is Legion
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
@Magic Nova  
You chose an odd pic to demonstrate her cuteness. That one makes her look a little deformed, like her head got squeezed a little too tight on the way out of the birth canal.
Magic Nova
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Needs more Starburst
I actually liked her for quite some time, the only thing I didn’t like was how the writers gave her no real backstory. For a character such as Starlight, they should have given her more depth. Plus how could you hate a pony with a face like this:  
She’s too adorable….
Duck - Quacks for Rainbow Dash

@Magic Nova  
You probably never really liked her. You’re just bandwagon hopping to whatever seems “kewl” now.
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
@Magic Nova  
You’re not exactly winning hearts and minds on her behalf ya know.
Sunset Shimmer - Derpi Supporter
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is he alive?
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
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A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

@Mr grump
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
A Perfectly Normal Pony - The best thing about being an anime mod is you get to eat babies for free
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

@Mr grump
Yes you are right they only have so much screen time. Which is why I was pointing out that whoever makes up Starlight’s team will be irrelevant overall, ie the car metaphor. Every two-parters sans at best the first two use the same precedent in terms of character usage. There is one main character, the villain and occasionally one supporting character that helps the main character out. All the other characters get shoved to the side and not do all that much for the plot outside of their one moment, if they get lucky. The same that will likely go since this entire story is about Starlight Glimmer.
Also this show is still episodic so even if pre-established characters are introduced they’d still have to give exposition on them.
Yeah but it’s SoL vs Finale. It be like saying Bill in accounting is just as important as the President. Sure we can spend all our time with Bill but what the President does is generally more important.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I never once said that Starlight was as important as Twilight. All I said was it’s okay to hate characters. Maybe the Twilight example was a bad example, and if so then that’s my fault. All I’m saying is that even though you may not like Starlight, you have to understand that the people behind MLP are still going to have episodes revolving around her. As for Starlight showing up in the finale and being treated like the main character, so what? She’s still a recurring character. And unless there’s a spinoff with her as the main star, she’s going to stay a recurring character.
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
@Background Pony #CC00  
Okay, you can go on expecting the worst and I’ll keep hoping for the best.  
Only time will tell.
Besides, the first was different because it was twilight learning to be part of a team for the first time.  
Starlight is about to get a similar crash course in group dynamics is my bet.
Background Pony #C2F3
@Mr grump  
Yes you are right they only have so much screen time. Which is why I was pointing out that whoever makes up Starlight’s team will be irrelevant overall, ie the car metaphor. Every two-parters sans at best the first two use the same precedent in terms of character usage. There is one main character, the villain and occasionally one supporting character that helps the main character out. All the other characters get shoved to the side and not do all that much for the plot outside of their one moment, if they get lucky. The same that will likely go since this entire story is about Starlight Glimmer.
Also this show is still episodic so even if pre-established characters are introduced they’d still have to give exposition on them.
Yeah but it’s SoL vs Finale. It be like saying Bill in accounting is just as important as the President. Sure we can spend all our time with Bill but what the President does is generally more important.
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
@Background Pony #CC00  
Wow, These characters have had their importance to starlights developement telegraphed from day one and you think there’s a chance they won’t be their for starlights big moment of self discovery and forgiveness?  
Do you not understand what foreshadowing is and that a good finale will require a bit of buildup?
The fact these characters have already been introduced is a good thing. Less time wasted on introductions and exposition and more time on interactions and further character development! Besides, Twilight technicaly met the main 5 before her adventure actually began and there’s going to be a lot more going in in this finale. Their’s no time to introduce new characters and get us to care about them. Why waste the effort when there’s already so many good characters being underutilized?
The fact that you think chysalis is the most likely villain and still think thorax might not be utilized actually made me crack a smile.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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A Perfectly Normal Pony - The best thing about being an anime mod is you get to eat babies for free
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

@Mr grump
Popularity =/= Screen time. The entire point of the two-parter is to show off Starlight being Super amazing a leader/friendship guru in the same way as Twilight and so will have to pair up with ponies she likely doesn’t know or relate to all to become friends with to show the bonds of unity or something like that so in that regard Trixie’s out because already having that established ruins the arc they are trying to set up. And if Starlight needs someone to confide in, then that’s what they’ll use Spike for (you know, instead of him being the leader which I would find a ton more interesting)
And even then if the Changeling’s don’t show up (though I find this unlikely) Sunburst and Throax have no reason to show up, being in the Crystal Empire and potentially too far away to help.
Twilight Sparkle was there from day one, she was a part of the very backbone of the show. Starlight was added on 5/6 of the way through it’s current run. With Twilight you knew what you were getting from day one, not with Starlight. The problem I have is that this character which I don’t like is usurping most of the Mane 6 and being presented to us as more important than them.
Also how the heck did I get into a debate with two Nicholas Cages?
I’m not debating you. All I’m saying is that there will  
always be characters that someone doesn’t like. And as for Starlight, I know she wasn’t in the beginning of the show like Twilight was, but that wasn’t my point. All I said was that Twilight has her detractors as well. Also, usurping the main six? She’ll only be in 7 or 8 episodes by the end of season 6.
Sunset Shimmer - Derpi Supporter
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is he alive?
Also how the heck did I get into a debate with two Nicholas Cages?
Hey, you made your choices. ;)
Background Pony #C2F3
@Mr grump  
Popularity =/= Screen time. The entire point of the two-parter is to show off Starlight being Super amazing a leader/friendship guru in the same way as Twilight and so will have to pair up with ponies she likely doesn’t know or relate to all to become friends with to show the bonds of unity or something like that so in that regard Trixie’s out because already having that established ruins the arc they are trying to set up. And if Starlight needs someone to confide in, then that’s what they’ll use Spike for (you know, instead of him being the leader which I would find a ton more interesting)  
And even then if the Changeling’s don’t show up (though I find this unlikely) Sunburst and Throax have no reason to show up, being in the Crystal Empire and potentially too far away to help.
Twilight Sparkle was there from day one, she was a part of the very backbone of the show. Starlight was added on 5/6 of the way through it’s current run. With Twilight you knew what you were getting from day one, not with Starlight. The problem I have is that this character which I don’t like is usurping most of the Mane 6 and being presented to us as more important than them.
Also how the heck did I get into a debate with two Nicholas Cages?

@Background Pony #CC00  
She was only in 4 two parters to give a tame antagonist after Tirek in S5, and to be tamer protagoinst in S6. They gotta fill the time before the big movie somehow. Her interaction and growth wasn’t important enough to be shown, so they skipped it(FACT), they barely put her in any episodes this season, she was only given a distinguishable personality in a third of the few episodes she was put in, and she’s a reoccurring character for S6 but not a main character according to the writers.
The reason were assuming a few things is 2 episodes is not a long time and it will take some real story selling and mental gymnastics to group 6 ponies who don’t know each other at all and make a good story out of it. It CAN be done, but it would normally take way more the 42 minutes to sell the characters, the main villain, and the whole story and not have it suck.
(shrug) We’re simply being practical.
Duck - Quacks for Rainbow Dash

@Mr grump  
Posted before I was finished. What I was gonna say was all these angry Glimmerfanatics arrogantly shaming any negativity aimed at her (which a lot of is perfectly valid) is just gonna make people hate her more than they did. I’ve made that mistake more than once and it ends up bothering me that I just ruined any chance of them ever giving a character I like a fair shot. Nobody wants to give a whiney jerk the satisfaction of proving them wrong. They’re not doing her any favors. It’s exactly why a lot of people don’t even try to like her. They’re also cementing their place as the most obnoxious character fanbase to spring up out of nowhere since Derpy first spoke.
As for that “squad of unlikely heroes”, yeah they’d definitely want to be characters with an emotional connection to the mane 6 as well. Like ponies they’ve helped in their past adventures coming to return the favor. I think the CMC would be a great addition. There’s a few others that could work quite well too, but as some people have already pointed out, this is gonna be Glimmers show, and just like what always happens with Twilight and the other 5 when they save everyone: Glimmer(Twilight) gets the glory, the reverence, the royal title, the wings, in this case probably the throne, and everyone else(mane 5) gets a pat on the back and a t-shirt saying “I was kinda involved sorta!” and go home in a cab.
That’s what’s losing me about this whole thing. Glimmer hasn’t earned this. Most of the members of her squad are probably characters that have earned this, and there’s a chance they’ll end up having little impact so Glimmer can have her pointless undeserved moment of glory.
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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A Perfectly Normal Pony - The best thing about being an anime mod is you get to eat babies for free
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary

@Mr grump
But once again the most boring aspect as you put it is the center of the entire plot, the thing which the entire story is based off of. It’d be like say a car is super awesome because it has a kick ass radio and racing stripes when the engine is a two-cylinder rip off from an underpowered moped. Sure the car has some flash but no substance.
@Background Human
The timelines were just filler and padding to stretch the episode out to the time length. The timelines in and of themselves did nothing other than to show Starlight was doing bad with the whole time line manipulation thing.
Despite being someone who likes Starlight as a character, I understand it can be frustrating to see a character you don’t like be in the spotlight or be the main focal point. But the thing is, there’s always going to be characters that someone doesn’t like. I mean, I know a lot of people that don’t like Twilight Sparkle, the main character of the show. But does that ruin the show for them? No. And that’s what’s great about My Little Pony. You don’t have to like all the characters. The show has such a rich, complex character line-up that it doesn’t ruin the show for most people if they don’t happen to care for one particular character. And who knows? Maybe this will be great for Starlight’s character. Anything can happen.