Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

IRL 🎠 stallion
Next episode: mares going their own way

With flutter-shy to cheerilee and marble pie all want to shoot down sugar-mac shipping when if flutter-shy has a knife while cheerilee has a pistol and marble pie armed with a slingshot.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #1CCD
Regardless of canonicity or personal preference, what I’d like to know is;
Why is it so flipping important to stay/force others to embrace the canon? I’ve been noticing this kind of behavior more and more here on the net, and I’d like to know how it started or why people think it’s so important for EVERYONE to just follow only the canon pairing(s). It’s not like canon vs fanon resulted in the death of the universe or anything.
Background Pony #1CCD
Only sugarbelle is meant for bigmac. end of story.

Who’s going to make the first move?
Background Pony #3B0F
Fluttershy cheerilee and marble pie are very angry
Background Pony #4981
@Background Pony #8A52  
Doesn’t change it being best ship.
Background Pony #0BDA
Deletion reason: Rule #4 - Go be a triggered troll someplace else.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
A knife, a gun, aaaand… a slingshot, unless it shoots Ebola it’s not gonna due much
Background Pony #A386
My ships:
Big Macintosh x fluttershy  
Feather bangs x sugar belle  
Flim x cheerlie  
Braeburn x marble pie
Background Pony #1A70
SugarMac is the best! Down with Fluttermac, Cheerimac and Marblemac!
Background Pony #DB2A
No no, please. Look at all the stupid that happened. Less of it would be a good thing.
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Est. 2012
I see your point.
Duck - "You would all have 10/10 episodes if i was responsible for this season as story editor and I could do it for free"

@Hollowfox the Stallion  
I still fail to see how is Discord responsible in how she act in Flutter Brutter, Buckball Season or Fake it till you make it. Discord never affected Fluttershy in any way toward antagonising Mane6 or other ponies beside Discording her in Season 2 premiere. Anything wrong with her is the fault of the newbie writers who don’t even know how progressive assertivness work and often either portray her as shy shell of a pony or a over the top bitch because they only see her as Fluttershy from S01 who is a doormat or Best night Ever/Putting your hoof Down Fluttershy who is crazy and over the top. In any regard, Discord is as much at fault here as Angel Bunny or Harry the Bear. The actual fault lies in how Faust ignored fleshing her out and how new writers don’t understand how to make her character appealing.
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
And being an angry bitch who gets angry at innocent people is a lot worse than just being a doormat. Look at Courtney from Total Drama, she got angry that her ex-bf Duncan got together with Gwen as a couple, and she gets hated by the fandom. I know it’s a different show, but still. (Hey you even compared a manga and comic book character though)
Besides, like I said before, Fluttercord didn’t ruin her character. Sure, I don’t see Fluttershy being distrustful nor antagonistic of Discord, but you are twisting my words just because I don’t like the ship nor I don’t like how Fluttershy treats innocent ponies in episodes like “Putting Your Hoof Down”, “Magic Duel”, “Flutter Brutter”, “Buckball Season”, “Fame and Misfortune” and “Fake it Till You Make It”. And the reason why I said that Fluttercord is ruining the friendship of the Mane 6 is because of how Fluttershy’s friends are angry and distrustful against Discord, especially Princess Cadance. I agree that they are in the wrong though.
Is just that I am afraid that Fluttershy would turn her back on her friends because they don’t trust him. What would you do if your girlfriend is a criminal and your friends don’t like her?
Also, Discord is a person with a troll-ish personality, so of course the Mane 6 will take it differently.
If I wanted her to be assertive fine, but the writers should have written Fluttershy dealing with innocent ponies in a civil way instead of acting all angry towards them.
Jesus, I came back from something I unsubbed just to reply.
Duck - "You would all have 10/10 episodes if i was responsible for this season as story editor and I could do it for free"

@Hollowfox the Stallion  
I see so you are just mad over things and don’t have any argument to explain why. And yeah, being JUST kind hearted and nothing else is and always be boring. If Goku and Superman had no powers or fighting abilities and were just nive guys, they would never sell any of their comics.
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
Ok. I’m done.
I don’t know how to make you understand. I am not saying Fluttercord ruined her, but you are putting words in my mouth.
And I just can’t stand this shitty logic of “kindhearted = boring”. I’m done.
Have a nice day. Let me ship what I want in peace. And let me like kindheartedness in peace.
Duck - "You would all have 10/10 episodes if i was responsible for this season as story editor and I could do it for free"

@Hollowfox the Stallion  
A) How is being just a “nice girl” with no ambition or career not being boring?
B) I don’t even know what are you trying to say since you don’t make any sense or even attempt to explain your problem in detail. How did Fluttercord ruined her character? How did it ruined her friendship? When did Fluttershy became angry or distrustfull of Discord? If anything it was Twilight character being ruined in What about Discord. Or being mistrustfull to potential friends in S4 while being a self provlaimed princess of Frinedship and having no problem trusting Starlight and Changelings later on but acting as an ass to Discord in S3-S5. Even attmepted to brainwash Discord using reformation spell which was as unethical as Starlight brainwashing others.
C “let’s get angry at him so Fluttershy can betray us and turn into a villain when she thinks that we don’t respect her friendship just because we don’t trust him” drama that the Mane 6 does before the end of Season 4.”
Thats literally not what happened. Mane5 didn’t trust Discord enough while Fluttershy did because she spend time with him, like for example countless days of recovering him from sickness after Threes a Crowd or all those adventures they had in comics. Mane5 don’t know that side of Discord and thus why Fluttershy is not as antagonistic toward him. It is mane5 who are in the wrong.
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
A) How is being kindhearted boring?
B) I am not saying Fluttercord ruined her character, I said that it almost ruined her friendship with the Mane 6 because of her being angry and distrustful to him, which the majority of shippers don’t care.
C) I am okay with her being more assertive and I can accept that she and Discord can develop a friendship. But it could be better if the writers can try to handle her assertiveness towards innocent ponies in a balanced way, and the Fluttershy/Discord friendship would have been developed without any “let’s get angry at him so Fluttershy can betray us and turn into a villain when she thinks that we don’t respect her friendship just because we don’t trust him” drama that the Mane 6 does before the end of Season 4.
D) If I wanted her to be an angry bitch, then she would be angry towards people who always hurt her friends and other innocent civilians in Equestria, or towards some jackasses.
Duck - "You would all have 10/10 episodes if i was responsible for this season as story editor and I could do it for free"

@Hollowfox the Stallion  
Fluttercord didn’t ruin her, if anything it added some dynamic to her character who is extremely boring with just her passive personality as seen in Equestria Girls.
If you are mad that she became more “bitchy” then that would be the problem with writers and lack of story editing (thank Haber for that) and lack of balance to her progressive assertivness over being over the top like in Putting your Hooves Down. Unless you meant that you didn’t want her to become assertive or develop any friendship with Discord, in which case you just want the cute looking but extremely boring plain background character Fluttershy from Season 1 in which case you can still follow her in Equestria girls as writers refuse to develop any of mane6 beside Sunset and Scilight.
Background Pony #4981
Which makes it seem strange that it was your reply to a conversation on that subject.  
Well, okay, on the subject of hooking up two characters at a family get-together, not reunion. In any case, …
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
Then why did the writers made her less kind just like Courtney from Total Drama, even if it had nothing to do with the ship war?
I know it’s her having a character growth, but there are other things to deal with innocent civilians in the show than just being angry like a bitch.
I still love Fluttershy as a character, but i think what the writers are doing don’t seem to know her element and her actual persona.

Not a Changeling
@Hollowfox the Stallion  
You seem to be confusing canon with fanon again…
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
Also I wish people would know and care about the Element of Kindness since Fluttershy’s kindness is fading since these pointless ship wars…
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Est. 2012
@Background Pony #62AD  
Fluttercord almost ruined her friendship with the Mane 6 and people don’t care except me.