Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Artistic Detective - For exemplary work, above and beyond the call, helping to sort out artist tags and aliases.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Da Magicks! - Merited Fine Arts badge with only their own art
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
Archailect child: uses nanobots to reconstruct an exact copy of the stains using spare carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen  
Dad: it’s just not the same  
Archailect child: but it’s copy down to the atomic lev-  
Dad: it’s not the same!
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Prometheus labs CEO  
Then dad comes in looking for his favorite coffee mug “who cleaned the coffee stains outta my mug! There was 20 years of different memories in all of that coffee!!”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
Just use nanobots do clean the dishes at the molecular level
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
“Ugh, whatever, Mom! Get off my back! You just don’t understand me! This isn’t a phase, my new godly Pony Matrix powers are how I live my life now!”
Ma: “Teenagers.”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Joseph Raszagal  
“if you actually paid attention while using telekinesis to do the dishes, you would have noticed all of the spots you missed! You expect us to eat off of that?!”
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
“Look, ma, six arms and the third eye of enlightenment!”
Ma: “You’re not Shiva, sweetie, now finish your broccoli and do the dishes.”
[Proceeds to do the dishes with his mind]
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Prometheus labs CEO  
“That’s nice sweety, now come down from there and finish your supper.”
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
And then you find a way to take I’ve the computer the simulation runs and expands your mind to take up the entirety of it “look ma I’ve become a god!”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Joseph Raszagal  
Imagine if you learned the world around you is a computer simulation and you are in fact a self aware AI and some person outside of the simulation found a way to enter your world… Just before you found out the cheat codes to screw around with the simulated world “look mah I found out how to turn on no clipping mode!” “stop walking through the walls dammit! I just cleaned them!”
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Then we perfect the means with which to enter the Pony Matrix.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Prometheus labs CEO  
Aliens build a computer powerful enough to run a simulation that we live inside of, our scientists do the same to build a simulated universe for ponies to live in.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
Powering massive computers such as a matryoshka brain to run godlike ASIs on, how else to advance further than by making a mind that has the mental capacity of billions of ordinary people
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Easier, yes, but still wildly infeasible unless the ones building the structure are technologically advanced to the point of absurdity. Just imagine trying to hit the sweet spots within the star’s immediate gravitational pull to sustain the structure equally from all sides and prevent pieces from being pulled down into the star’s surface during construction.
Materials capable of withstanding intense heat would be required too, ones that could survive for hundreds of years without being replaced (constant maintenance wouldn’t necessarily nullify the potential usefulness of a Dyson Sphere power plant, but it would definitely make the project a supermassive bitch for the poor souls tasked to work on it).
Scientists be like: “This could be done.”
Engineers, on the other hand: “THIS SHIT IS BANANAS!”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Joseph Raszagal  
Heh I’m reading up on Wikipedia articles regarding White Dwarfs, while they can be about ten times more massive than our sun, they are about the size of our earth, sounds MUCH easier to build a Dyson Sphere around a white dwarf than a full sized angry and burning hot star…
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Ponies can sing winter wrap up songs all year long!
Best argument I’ve heard for the Sun Wall so far xD .
As for what aliens would do with that kind of energy… uh… That’s a hard one to answer. If a civilization existed that was large enough to require 100% of a star’s output, I can’t even begin to imagine how massive it’d have to be. I might be wrong here, mostly ‘cause it’s been a while and I can’t remember for sure, but I don’t even think Star Trek boasted a civilization advanced enough to enclose an entire star for the purposes of tapping into its power.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
Ponies can sing winter wrap up songs all year long!
@Prometheus labs CEO  
I understood most of what you said. XD  
Still tho, a lot of people discussing if any aliens actually work on building such a structure out there, if the sphere actually reaches a point where it could collect 100% of the stars energy output, what would they use all of that energy for?
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
You politician, you xD .
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Charitable Contributor - Contributed to a series of art packs that helped raise over $10,000 for charity
Lady's Wink -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Magnificence - Artist with 100+ Safe/Suggestive images with over 100 upvotes, and 5+ Questionable/Explicit images with over 350 upvotes
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
The Power of Love - Made a piece of artwork loved by 1000 users
Chaotic Little Trees - 1000+ images under his artist tag
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag

"sOcIOecOnOMIC thEoRY"
@Joseph Raszagal  
that’s okay, shoveling snow will create many new jobs
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
There’s a few ways to resist its gravity, for one thing the energy pressure from the star pushing at the sphere, you have both massive amounts of light and solar plasma. Another is using exotic matter to enhance its structure integrity, such as monopoles, imagine how strong those things would be if you make them into something. And the finally one is centrifugal force, spin the sphere along multiple axes
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
@Prometheus labs CEO  
Whenever I hear people discuss the possibility of really high tech aliens building a Dyson sphere, like the hypothetical situation involving Tabbys Star, I always have to wonder “How close do the solar collectors have to be to the star? How do they resist the stars gravity? If they build the collectors further away from the star to avoid its gravity, wouldn’t that mean they have to build a larger ring to get all the way around it? Than if they were closer to it? Doesn’t the star have its own solar wind pushing things away from it?”  
Darn those crafty aliens and their highly advanced technology that might as well be magic when compared to our lesser existence!
Joseph Raszagal
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emily Brickenbrackle III
Sounds to me like somebody’s totally down with the idea of another Ice Age.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Charitable Contributor - Contributed to a series of art packs that helped raise over $10,000 for charity
Lady's Wink -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Magnificence - Artist with 100+ Safe/Suggestive images with over 100 upvotes, and 5+ Questionable/Explicit images with over 350 upvotes
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
The Power of Love - Made a piece of artwork loved by 1000 users
Chaotic Little Trees - 1000+ images under his artist tag
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag

"sOcIOecOnOMIC thEoRY"
yea but at least the sun will be gone, rekt and annihilated sunflower
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Memetic eldritch horror
They also don’t seem to understand just how big the sun is. And thus how big said “wall” would need to be
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty soft for a Sony.
Most highly advanced technology god like aliens would probably build enough very efficient solar collectors around their star to get enough energy to power whatever the hell they need that much power for…  
Which in the end probably wouldn’t block all of the sun light out…  
Now Nolegs and her bat pony friends simply want to build “awall” around Equestria’s with the only end goal to block out ALL sun light. Sort of Nightmare Moon’s thing, but with out any evil intent and completely ignorant over what that would do for their planets climate and ecosystem….  
I wonder how much fan stuff has been done with popular bat pony oc’s and Nightmare Moon?