soviet pone
Artist -

The Soviet Pony
comrade what I’m suggesting is that I still have one more drawing to finish the quota, and you can fill in. you can request anything, any one nsfw/sfw etc.
Ghost of Zeon

@soviet pone  
What you mean? And yeah I’m lax and I know the mare she’s satire her and the other two are basically Nazi fetish joke and make fun of the third rike.
soviet pone
Artist -

The Soviet Pony
dah, its just that I’ve not expect people’s reaction to be this explosive. After all this is a site where people draw porn and other stuff. hell there is even a nazi oc. You seem like a nice guy and I have one more drawing to do for the night. whatdaya say?
Ghost of Zeon

@soviet pone  
Ok that is interesting and I understand my mom’s dad drove a Sherman in WW2. So I get the meaning behind this. I would definitely include information like that in the post about the piece. It changes the whole meaning of it. /)
soviet pone
Artist -

The Soviet Pony
same here comrade. I took on this piece mainly because of my grandfather’s passing. He was a commissar in the red army and  
I remember the stories he told. and to ease my pain a bit I thought to draw the signature soviet poster to remember him by, I know it’s a weird way but I feel better now.
Ghost of Zeon

@soviet pone
It’s not the name I’m a third white Russian, my mom’s family. It’s just right now there is a new communist push based on race equality of out come. And it’s got a lot of people in the USA on edge especially with anarchist communist of antifa and B.A.M.N. attacking people at free speech rally and calling every one right of marks a Nazi.
I suggest providing a translation of the words and explaining in the caption it was a stream piece.
soviet pone
Artist -

The Soviet Pony
Sorry guys, i just draw what people want me to draw thats the whole point of my channel. As for my name? It was a joke. Sorry for offending you guys.
Background Pony #ED67
@soviet pone  
I think your lines are better put to use with traditional coloring than digital. You have a lot of white spaces left from using the fill tool instead of using different layers to color individual parts.  
Other than that, better dead than red.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
Artist -

I`m suspisious to them
@soviet pone  
Its not your art, its your propaganda. We don`t care what the heck did you make for us now.
soviet pone
Artist -

The Soviet Pony
Jesus lad. not sure if its my bad quality or people just really dislikes the soviets. Maybe its both.