
World's Smallest Violin
Your level of pretend omniscience is kind of cute.
Because you assume Celestia relegated Nightmare Moon to being a fairy tale. Not the passage of time.
We never learned they were Changelings until we met the real Cadance who was locked away underneath Cantelot unknown to everyone and was being openly mocked by their leader. So no. Not common enough to be recognized on sight.
I always love the “Discord was left in the garden” argument for why Celestia is stupid. Apparently 1,000 years only matters when it comes to trying to draw pity for Luna. Because apparently when he manages to sit their sealed for over four times the length of the United States existing as a official country (and over 10 of our lifetimes) despite losing their connection to the elements has absolutely no bearing on anything.
Ah yes, back to the assuming that Celestia wiped them from the records. Not the passage of time. Your proof that Celestia is the cause of everyone forgetting? Citation needed.
“six paragraphs”. Assuming you even have one it feels like it would just be summed up as “I want to blame Celestia for everything”.
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@Goddess Erosia  
They’ve literally said unicorns did it. Multiple times.  
Or have you forgotten season one?  
And low and behold, the book Mooniedrop brought up was marked as such since it’s partially the bible for the series.  
Relegating a known threat to a fairytale and doing nothing to prepare a non-preordained by who knows what solution leaves no redundancy, meaning had Twilight failed, everyones boned.  
Shapeshifters common enough to be recognized on sight? I’d say they just don’t get taught about them otherwise someone somewhere would’ve worked to solve the problem out of pure spite if nothing else.  
Discord was sitting in plain sight. She kelt the magical equivalent of a disarmed Czar bomb sitting in a garden. Thats pure stupidity no matter what her belief on the elements would be.  
Sombra was outright wiped from records, too the point the empire wasn’t kknown to one of the best scholars in their age, and frankly with where the crystal heart sits when actuve I don’t believe she didn’t know about it, since it’s literally in plain sight and under the tallest building in the entire place.  
Tirek’s his own can of worms worth six more paragraphs so I’m going to move on.
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
This just screams “I’ll find a way to blame Celestia for everything” type crap.
She definitely isn’t.
What is this “revision of history” you’re getting in regards to Nightmare Moon? And omission in regards to the Changelings? That implies she even knew Changelings where a threat the first time and how do you exactly prepare for the Changelings a second time without some sort of asspull solution?
And Tirek? They didn’t even know he escaped until he started stealing magic. Yeah. It’s not a omission of history because she doesn’t literally tell everyone about every single villain locked away.
This feels like the many pompous “I think I could do better than the people in charge” type things.
I absolutely have to agree with this guy’s reply to you. I really don’t like listening to this crap. “She could easily be replaced by a bunch of powerful mages” freakin’ prove it then. Show me that in-canon she’s an evil tyrant who is manipulating the world into being her slave and that that’s the kind of person the show wants her to be seen as. Show me, or else go and write a fan fiction about it.
As a side thing, any book has to be explicitly and specifically confirmed to be canon by the show writers, before the actual show can consider it canon. I don’t know about the non-IDW comics, but at least as far as I know for the comcis, the policy was “it’s canon until we say otherwise”. So in other words the comics are only semi-reliable.

World's Smallest Violin
This just screams “I’ll find a way to blame Celestia for everything” type crap.
She definitely isn’t.
What is this “revision of history” you’re getting in regards to Nightmare Moon? And omission in regards to the Changelings? That implies she even knew Changelings where a threat the first time and how do you exactly prepare for the Changelings a second time without some sort of asspull solution?
And Tirek? They didn’t even know he escaped until he started stealing magic. Yeah. It’s not a omission of history because she doesn’t literally tell everyone about every single villain locked away.
This feels like the many pompous “I think I could do better than the people in charge” type things.

Yes and this is a book written by Amy Keating Rogers.
Gold Bit -
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Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
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I’ll take the comics as soft canon, using bits of them works but most really don’t work well in the actual story of the show.  
But there are definitely released written works that are canon, as much as people want to say otherwise.
Gold Bit -
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Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Silver Supporter - Silver Patron

@Goddess Erosia  
They could easily be replaced with competent mages(which admittedly we don’t see many of, as while powerful none of the Alicorns nor Starlight or Starswirl show any actual intelligence in their actions, regardless of research and power)and going further this plays into the gambling woth lives thing.  
Twilight, as much as I despise the amount of free chances she’s been handed and the number of legal slides given, isn’t the one responsible for that.  
She’s playing the hand Celestia’s manipulations dealt her, irregardless of how she takes to the situation.  
Truth be told Celestia can be held fully accountable for pretty much every major threat, through either revising history like Nightmare Moon or outright ommission like the Changeling’s and Tirek, which means no one studies or prepares countermeasures to those kinds of threats.  
The sheer lack of preperation is tied to her reliance on prophecy for major threats and a severe lack of tactical awareness, such as allowing a wedding of two highranking officials to go on even when the capital is fully expecting an attack, which shouldn’t have happened period, regardless of Cadance/Chrysalis’ urging.

By that logic nothing they release is canon :P
Background Pony #3FB3
Hasbro releases whatever boosts the sales… if we took everything they do as canon, things would go weird quite quick…

@Goddess Erosia  
Yes that one is offical and released by hasbro.
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
yeah but does the show consider it canon though that’s the thing.

@Goddess Erosia  
It’s a book called the journal of the two sisters, they made a real version of it.
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
I’m not sure if the show ever officially explained /how/ their royal bloodline came into power or why, I don’t remember much, but they’re still pretty important to the functioning of the kingdom as it is now. They’re not just political parasites.
There’s probably something in the IDW comcis but that’s ehhhhh as far as canon goes.
Background Pony #3FB3
They didn’t find crap, they found Equestria. ;)
Gold Bit -
Sapphire -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Silver Supporter - Silver Patron

They didn’t found crap, they inherited the entire thing from the three tribes respective leaders.
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
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Pone of Astronomy
Yeah I have nothing else to add to this discussion so toodles.
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
Again, just send Dash! Why do you need to risk the lives of your (pretty incompetent, but still…) guardsponies, when you have a living WMD at your disposal? One rainnuke will solve the matter faster and clearer!
Yeah okay Mr. Trump :v
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Humble Dash-worshipper
Again, just send Dash! Why do you need to risk the lives of your (pretty incompetent, but still…) guardsponies, when you have a living WMD at your disposal? One rainnuke will solve the matter faster and clearer!
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Pone of Astronomy
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
I don’t think either of us are wrong honestly, we both have separate perspectives on this. I won’t deny Twilight is being a bit of a prat
LOL just when I thought there couldn’t be any new negative words to be added onto the pile for her in this comment section there’s a word I don’t even hardly hear. She’s been called a bitch, an idiot, dumb, inexperienced, arrogant, a brat and now a prat.
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Pone of Astronomy
Just because one guy said something stupid doesn’t mean all the people mad at Twilight here agree. So good on you for calling him out, but I don’t see why you keep throwing that at other people.
I didn’t say they did…. I’m not trying to throw it at them :I  
Sorry if it comes off that way…  
K but I’ll keep calling her out if I feel I should.
I don’t think either of us are wrong honestly, we both have separate perspectives on this. I won’t deny Twilight is being a bit of a prat.  
But I think we can agree she’s an ass for missing hers and Luna’s anniversary.
Goddess Erosia

bow before me owo
She doesn’t seem like a very good person.
Because of a couple times where she didn’t act better? Yeah, no.
To me at least, yeah, yes. Get gud. I just said I didn’t like this version of Twilight.
Stop defending a bad little book horse. Let her bern. Not lethally, but still, get bernt.
I’ll defend her if I feel I should.
K but I’ll keep calling her out if I feel I should.
@Goddess Erosia
Also, let’s look at this comment shall we?
If Twilight is so insistent on diplomacy, send her to do the negotiations. If she gets killed, no real loss. The most inexperienced princess was removed.
Great solution!
I was wondering where I read that originally, because I thought Rokesh wrote that when you replied to him as if he said it, and I thought he deleted it or edited it cuz I couldn’t find it. Now I see it was some anon. Sooo earlier, why did you imply “killing her is a good way to take the story” was his idea when that guy didn’t even imply that in his own comment? Really confusing…. Just because one guy said something stupid doesn’t mean all the people mad at Twilight here agree. So good on you for calling him out, but I don’t see why you keep throwing that at other people. It has nothing to do with me either. I never said I want Solfoe to fucking kill Twilight Sparkle. I’m just saying I’ll be very upset if his story puts her completely in the right for this cuz that’s an annoying cliche.
Sky Spark - For Patreon supporters
Pone of Astronomy - For Patreon supporters
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
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Pone of Astronomy
She doesn’t seem like a very good person.
Because of a couple times where she didn’t act better? Yeah, no.  
Stop defending a bad little book horse. Let her bern. Not lethally, but still, get bernt.
I’ll defend her if I feel I should.  
Also, let’s look at this comment shall we?
@Background Pony #CE83  
If Twilight is so insistent on diplomacy, send her to do the negotiations. If she gets killed, no real loss. The most inexperienced princess was removed.
Great solution!
Background Pony #3B01
Lol, okay.

@Background Pony #8BF4  
Well I am an anarcho capitalist :P