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Flufux Corporations
I did actually. But yes, agree to disagree.
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You did not read any of my comments.
Very well then, we can agree to disagree.
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Flufux Corporations
Look, my problem isn’t your opinions. You can think whatever you want. The problem is that you keep making every Lightning Dust-related picture on this website drag on into long debates. Do you really need to defend Dust on every picture from every single comment that imply she’s anything but a nice girl who just deserves our sympathy. Even when I see people keep insulting Spitfire (one of my favourite characters in the show) or claim that my personal favourite villain, the Storm King, is the worst bad guy in the series, do I usually just let them think that and move on.
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You are free to do that.  
You don´t need my permission.
And I don´t need yours.
Artist -

Flufux Corporations
Then why don’t I go around on every picture ranting about how Svengallop was completely justified and needed to be redeemed, or how about Spoiled Rich or the FLim Flam brothers? Just let it go for goodness sake!
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With good reason.
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Flufux Corporations
That’s what they all say.
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You know I´m not wrong.
Background Pony #3AE5
I’m sure arguing will stop if you stop being wrong :V
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Flufux Corporations
Whatever you need to tell yourself to continue arguing this one plot point I guess. I mean seriously, I have never seen anyone get this passionate about defending a single cartoon pony who was written only to be a one-episode antagonist in a cartoon about talking pastel ponies.
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It is what was originally intended before some “genius” decided that the ending needed to be mean-spirited.
Despite what you may think Dusty has not to grovel at Dashies feet and plead for forgiveness.  
She does nothing wrong as captain of the Washouts, it is her decision what risks she is willing to take and she is more than capable to handle them (the same goes for her teammates).  
It would be more than enough for a redemption if she helps her out (for example against Grogar) and proves that she is capable of being heroic.  
And you can forget about that stupid “drinking through a straw”-joke; it is not going to happen.
A “reformed” Dusty would still be a friendly rival to Dashie.  
She would still be still the captain of her own amazing and popular stunt team with her own views about safety rules, stunts and training methods.  
Also a serious threat to the Wonderbolts.  
Dusty is much more than Dashie 2.0.
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Lightning Dust is a good police officer now…. it doesn’t matter what she’s done in the past
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Flufux Corporations
I mentioned the ending just so it wouldn’t be used as a loophole in my argument. Yes, I have read that tweet, and it just confirms what I said. They said that they could reform her if they wanted to, which I agree with, but not that they needed to do it or that it would inevitably happen. So far, she’s done well in being a foil for Rainbow Dash, and by doing so, help Dash’s character development, and justifying her actions with excuses all the time actually makes her a less effective character.
The only way she could ever be reformed is by somehow making her realise her own actions and properly apologise for them…maybe she could get a wake up call if her own stunts landed her in the hospital or something. But none of that matters if the writers don’t want to write that story. Besides, what would be the point of keeping a reformed Lightning Dust around anyway? Without her suicidal recklessness and constant tendency to put others in danger, she is pretty much just another version of Rainbow Dash, and we already have one of those already.
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I did not even mention the ending.  
All I did was to point out double standards and that several things she does are not unjustified.  
And I will continue to do that.
I will also leave this here.  
On Twitter on August 4, 2018, between the magazine​[​specify​]​ comic Super Sub! and The Washouts, Jim Miller was asked, “is Lightning Dust capable of being reformed into a protagonist”, and answered, “I’m sure if that’s a story a writer wanted to tell, we could make it work.”
Artist -

Flufux Corporations
Look, Genervt, how long are you gonna keep doing this? Lightning Dust was meant to be portrayed as the antagonist of the episode she was made for, and whether you see her that way or not, that is the character she was meant to be. (‘Oh but the cut ending’, well it was cut, so it’s not canon)
Now I love Lightning Dust…as an antagonist, which is what she is meant to be, and what the writers want her to be. Sure, they COULD write in a redemption story for her…but they haven’t yet. This ‘all her actions are justified’ talk is really starting to get annoying because that is so far from the truth, and even further from what the writers wanted. Plus, you’re relentless and people, including me, are getting tired of it.
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@Background Pony #1C40  
The tornado was an accident, the sabotage was not.
AJ and Dashie did not really learn something.
And Dusty only endangers herself and her willingly volunteering teammates now.
I love Dashie but those double standards are not acceptable.
Background Pony #8B02
Restricted area or not, the tornado still could have injured other cadets. Also Applejack and Dash realized and learned what they did wrong, Lightning never or probably ever will learn what she did wrong.
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I think that that they are at least equal in this aspect, too.  
Yona would agree with me.  
Also restricted military area.
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Flufux Corporations
At least no one was hurt when that happened…I think. Dust’s actions if Rainbow hadn’t intervened would have claimed the lives of Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and probably Fluttershy and Scootaloo too. Plus, she never seems to learn from her mistakes, unlike Rainbow Dash.
Yeah, I’m still holding on that Lighting Dust is the most problematic of those two.
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Dusty never commited terrorism.  
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Flufux Corporations
Yeah, but Dust is even worse in that department.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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A long victory parade through Ponyville will be sweet revenge for the rocket incident.  
And Dusty will never let her live it down.
Eden Shallowleaf - For supporting the site
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Emerald - For users who have donated to the site
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Dash has always been a troublemaker
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Flufux Corporations
What is this? Role reversal day?
Eden Shallowleaf - For supporting the site
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Emerald - For users who have donated to the site
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event

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Dash is a stubborn prisoner and it’s even more cute
I love it, do you think Lightning Dust would make Dash walk around all of Ponyville with those hoof-cuffs on? :D