Background Pony #0531
I thought rarity was married to applejack?
Background Pony #E9AC
“You’re very sweet. Talk to me in ten years.”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
@Background Pony #ADED  
Unfortunately… (I know. >~<)
Background Pony #C33F
@Little Pone  
The way I see it, if he’s down for it, she can get as lewd as she wants with him.
Background Pony #34FE
And yet, Rarity met her soul-mate in the episode. Spike’s great and all, but their shared interests start and end at “yay, gems!”
Background Pony #C33F
Not canon (though I wish it was).
Background Pony #1005
I know OP is trolling but,
Rarity has acknowledged (and taken advantage of) Spike’s crush for years now. And this episode confirmed that the rest of the mane 6 know about it too.
That doesn’t mean she looks at him in the same way.
Let me know when they start going out to dinner together, take trips together, see shows together, etc.
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
@Little Pone  
Well, as I said, it’s likely just a friendshipping.
Little Pone

Fun-loving Gal
But he is a baby dragon?? Idk how to feel about this???
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Mal Hearts
Well… It’s not the first time she’s kissed him on the cheek. And family does that too.