My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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“you got one thing wrong so your entire argument is invalid” lol okay  
So it isn’t a cry for help to mention how you’ve never been told you’re special, or that you’re good at something? That’s a pretty loud cry for help, a child who is looking for comfort and love that they aren’t getting.
And again, they leave their child to be raised by others. Also, isn’t that incredibly dangerous in its own? What if Scoots house got robbed? Or Scoot has a stalker? Or a literal pedophile pretending to be a babysitter? Being raised by someone else isn’t a free pass for the parents to say “well I didn’t abandon her, I got a selection of random people who I’ve never met taking care of her!” And yeah, they are random people considering they don’t even recognize Rainbow Dash.
@CMC Scootaloo  
I don’t hate them as characters in of themselves, but they are not worthy of being parents. And I never said I hated the episode, just that they handled it poorly.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

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Keira Alcove
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Non-Fungible Trixie -

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Keira Alcove
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Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Keira Alcove  
Thought you would ignore me.
CMC Scootaloo
Duck - Common sense 'n stuff
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
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Scootaloo Fanclub Member
@Northern Dashie
That’s because they ARE uncaring assholes who are emotionally detached from their daughter. That was the entire point about them.  
For you goes the same that I told VermiIIion: @CMC Scootaloo
I think you and Northern Dashie confuse hating the episode with hating Scoots’ birthers. Her “parents” are horrible, there’s no doubt about that and you are completely in the right with hating them. But that doesn’t mean the episode is horrible for portraying how they are.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@CMC Scootaloo  
You know what is weird?  
That you and I are for once on the same side of a discussion…
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Horses in the 🅱ack
The very first line you said is a complete contradiction, they never left her without a guardian, that’s false. And you don’t know that it was a long time since of course Scootaloo would be excited to see her parents regardless of how long they’ve been gone.
And that segment you posted has nothing to do with “abandonment issues”.
@CMC Scootaloo
And neither do Scoots’ birthers. They work a job only for themselves and they are never at Scootaloo’s side and she doesn’t sleep in their house.
The Very first thing you said is so completely wrong I can’t be bothered to read the rest. Did you actually watch the episode?
Keira Alcove
Artist -

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CMC Scootaloo
Duck - Common sense 'n stuff
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
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Scootaloo Fanclub Member
“Scootaloo doesn’t sleep at RD’s house, she doesn’t watch her and take care of her all day and she doesn’t work a job to support her.”
And neither do Scoots’ birthers. They work a job only for themselves and they are never at Scootaloo’s side and she doesn’t sleep in their house.
“Taking her away from parents”
What? Who tried to take away Scoots from who now? You somehow manage to completely overlook and ignore how it were her birthers who tried to take Scoots away. In order to take Scoots away from her “parents”, it would be necessary that she is even with them, which she never was, because her “parents” chose to spend their lives somewhere else rather than with their daughter.  
They were never there for her and never cared about spending time with Scoots, so she can’t be taken away from them.  
Her parents made a decision, that they care more for their adventurous job than for their daughter and that they rather spend time hunting creatures and examining flowers in a jungle than with Scootaloo.  
They made the decision to not be her parents, but to assign others to become parents for her, and this robs them off every right to take Scoots with them.
“just to hang out with some friends”
“friends who you casually hang out with”
>>> Friends she knows her entire life, who are closer to her than the ponies who set her into the world and spent more time with her than those birthers and who literally share their entire destiny with her
>>>just some friends
You completely fail to understand how important Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, and also Rainbow Dash, are for Scootaloo. These aren’t some acquaintances who she can replace in another town she moves to. These ponies are her life and if she could never or almost never see them again, then this would be just the same as if actual parents, who care for her like parents should, would get ripped away from her.  
Your entire reasoning here shows that you lack empathy and that you don’t understand what it means to have friends that are close to your heart.  
Nothing of this is melodramatic, but you are a cold person who can’t feel what her birthers’ plan would have meant for Scootaloo if they would have succeeded with it.
“Now all of this is just headcanon.”
Headcanons? You mean, like that one time when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon attacked Scootaloo for being flightless with the goal to make her lose in a competition they wanted to win by upsetting her and when Rainbow Dash was the one who raised her spirits again? (“Flight to the Finish”)  
Or when Rainbow Dash taught her that it’s okay to have fears and that fears are natural and don’t make you a lesser pony? (“Sleepless in Ponville”)  
When she went camping with her (“Campfire Tales”, “Sleepless in Ponyville”) or participated with her in the Sisterhooves Social (“Brotherhooves Social”)?  
And when Scootaloo told Rainbow Dash that she doesn’t have parents who tell her that she is great at something? (“Parental Glideance”)  
Alright, I concede. Nothing of this ever happened, it was all just in our heads the entire time.
“And No, friends who you casually hang out with don’t have more of a right to be with you thank your actual parents”
And not only do you not understand what it means to have close friends, you also don’t understand what a “parent” is. For you, a parent is just a name on a paper and a legal definition. But there is so much more to it than that and you don’t get this.  
A legal caretaker is not the same as a parent.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

They left their Young child alone without Guardian.  
For a Long time else Scootaloo would not be so overjoyed to see them finally again.  
Her aunts were only visiting and as they left to their own home and live noone knew the parents were coming back.  
Which means she is alone on a regular Basis.
Add to that Parental Glidance
Scootaloo: Ya know, some ponies would dream of having parents like that.  
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, right! Name one!  
Scootaloo: [sighs] Me. Growing up, I never thought I’d be the best at anything, because nopony ever told me. But your parents told you over and over again. Look! Best bath taker ever. Best carrot eater under three. Greatest napper of all time!
You can say headcanon, but it is not baseless. It is build around the Canon of the Show. Your headcanon seems to ignore the Canon more just so you can say Scootaloo has to stay with her parents.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Horses in the 🅱ack
Now you’re mixing headcanon and reality too. You keep mentioning how they “never had her in the first place” but that just something you made up for angst. Scootaloo has obviously spent time with her parents before. Also you listed like 5 basic things any friend can do, none of which would give RD parental rights, you’re vastly misunderstanding how much more important parents are instead of another friend.
You’re also over-exaggerating the move. Not sure if you’re aware but children move away from friends all the time and it’s not the end of the world. She would still be able to see and communicate with her ponyville friends. Also the people that love and take care of her are her actual parents.
This is what I’m talking about. You guy’s headcanons have gotten so warped now you’re talking about neglect for absolutely no reason other than to try the parents look worse when that claim is absolutely baseless.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Northern Dashie  
Or they were great protrayed if that was the Goal of the characters.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Keira Alcove  
Because a fiction that is meant to depict hardships like you said should not make you think or feel. Flawless logic.
Tell that to child care. Biological connection does not set you free from neglect.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Downplaying how important the are? Hmm, lemme see here, how many times has her parents been mentioned?  
Who has given Scootaloo advice? Who comforted her when she might not be able to fly? Who encouraged her to do what she loved? Who has been her idol, the kind of pony she wants to be some day? How is Rainbow not important? Rainbow has done much more for Scoots than we’ve seen her parents do for her. She wouldn’t be “taken away” from her parents, because they never had her in the first place.
At age ten, it IS her whole world getting ripped away. SHE’S A CHILD, of course this kind of change would dramatically change her life. She would have been taken away from the town she grew up in, her only friends, and the people who love and take care of her. If she were a teenager perhaps it would be less dramatic, but she’s a child who responds to situations like a child would.
Northern Dashie
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

I didn’t like this episode or Scootaloos parents. They felt like bland card-board cutouts that got shoe-horned into the final season just say “Look, Scoots parents did appear in the show”. And no I never thought Scoots was an orphan or whatever, I just think the writers did an extremely poor job at portraying them in the episode, they came off as being uncaring assholes to me that looked emotionally detached from their daughter for pretty much the entire episode.
Keira Alcove
Artist -

Ignoring you now. Bye.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Keira Alcove  
So you are saying you don´t feel empathy and are an emotionless machine.  
Because you advocate for not caring for others.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Horses in the 🅱ack
Or they could you know, fly? Or teleport?  
Also you’re the one downplaying how important her parents are. RD isn’t as important to Scootaloo as AJ is to AB, that’s just crazy. Scootaloo doesn’t sleep at RD’s house, she doesn’t watch her and take care of her all day and she doesn’t work a job to support her. Taking her away from parents trying to do all 3 of those things just to hang out with some friends is ridiculous. And she’s not getting “the whole world” ripped away from her, like I said that’s way too melodramatic she’s just moving away.
@CMC Scootaloo  
Now all of this is just headcanon. And No, friends who you casually hang out with don’t have more of a right to be with you thank your actual parents. That’s just silly.
CMC Scootaloo
Duck - Common sense 'n stuff
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Artist -

Scootaloo Fanclub Member
Rainbow Dash has much more right to feel like and be her parent than Scoots’ biological, so-called “parents” have.  
She cared for Scootaloo more than they ever did, she was there for her in hard times, she gave her advice and support and guidance when she needed it. She did all the things with her that her biological parents should have done with her.  
You don’t become a parent by doing all the necessary steps to make a foal. You become a parent by raising that foal and Scoots’ birthers (THAT is an actually accurate term for them) didn’t raise her at all, they just dumped her and ran off on adventures.  
Rainbow Dash and also her aunts, Rarity, Mrs. Cake and probably everypony else in Ponyville are who raised Scootaloo. Each of these ponies have more right to call themselves Scoots’ parents than her birthers do.  
Believing anything else shows that you are just as heartless as them.
Keira Alcove
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Keira Alcove
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You know what, what the fuck ever.
Believe whatever the fuck you want to believe.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Keira Alcove  
Because it Shows the hardship in peoples live it is so easy to hate them. Leaving Scootaloo with her aunts in the end of the Episode was the single best Thing they did for Scootaloo.