Background Pony #D767
Tempest brings up grogar in first s10 issue
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #D767  
Issue 96 when Fluttershy talks about Discord losing his powers is something weird, she mentions Tirek but when she sees Discord actually loses his powers, she only says “twice” when in the show there are 3 times. So, that makes 2 things, she don’t count Chrisalys throne (something that don’t make sense because even in the comics we can see the changedlings, so she should know about Chrysalis’ trone) or she don’t says about the Grogar thing.
Background Pony #D767
It was mentioned
Background Pony #D767
Taking kids shows too seriously like I didn’t come here to see a one side gangbang onesided gang bang on why people hate a character thought id be a less bias discussions here sadly not
Non-Fungible Trixie -
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Noodles > Everything
@Background Pony #FAB0  
Yeah, imagine, Whitley despiste his mistakes knows that Ending of the end never should be mentioned even if the comics are the season 10.
Background Pony #FAB0
Wow IDW did something right other then the Sonic comics
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Noodles > Everything
Why do we even keep arguing over something that never made both logical and personal sense? A pointless plot twist that was simply the only thing left from a chaotic writing process. Not even IDW wants to mention that event.

and don’t get us started on how he had dangled a carrot in front of Cozy Glow; already making an emotionally-unstable child who was already considered irredeemable (for some asanine reason) even more unstable by taking her out of Tartarus, threatening her on a daily basis, and expecting her to go along with your plans. The revelation of Grogar actually being Discord did nothing more than just enrage Cozy Glow: thinking that this plan was possibly being orchestrated by Princess Celestia and Luna as nothing more than an elaborate form of execution.
Just Wayne
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
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Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
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Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Shut up Cartman!
Yeah, you just gave me one more reason to criticize his decisions. If he could find Chrysalis so easily. It makes no sense that he never kept track of the three villains’ activities. Especially in Summer Sun Setback when they’re so close to Discord. It’s like Discord’s omniscience only turns on sometimes. I don’t want to say this is bad writing but they obviously nerfed Discord for obvious plot convenience.  
If you were talking about how Discord always could’ve helped Chrysalis but basically left her in the wild to rot. Yeah, he’s also pretty cruel.
Background Pony #D767
Everyone let her stay on the loose, Say what u will about him but He has a limit to his wrath he didn’t pull up to tirek to get revenge, he only went after them when he thought id help twilight.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Whats disturbing is how he found Chrysalis with such ease.  
This whole time he could have found her after she fled but instead he let her remain on the loose but also the fact she ended up suffering and losing her mind.
Background Pony #D767
I dont think the show disagrees that hes at fault given everyones rant on him in the show but the show also doesn’t deny he meant well for twilight either. The first part of it i feel is the only one looked at by many because of the sure levels of how badly he messed up this time although discord acknowledges his fault too.
Just Wayne
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Fluttershy - For supporting the site
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Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Shut up Cartman!
@Background Pony #D767  
Either way, he crucially underestimated them. I wouldn’t call him an idiot but he’s definitely neglectful. I noted that in season 9, Grogar/Discord shows up very rarely in the “secret lair”. Discord really should’ve at least paid attention to their activities and search the place for potential hazards, maybe not the bell but something different. They’re still his responsibilities as he brought them back himself. Another one of his mistakes is bringing back Cozy Glow. If he hadn’t brought her back, his negligence may not be so devastating.
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
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Glowin' up!
@Background Pony #D767  
Sounds reasonable.
Background Pony #D767
I do think he did expect they would try to betray him as he stated as grogar in frenemiee he doesn’t trust any of them. I believe he just thought they feared him enough not to try anything.
Just Wayne
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Fluttershy - For supporting the site
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
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Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Shut up Cartman!
Exactly what I thought. Discord was still at fault even if he had good intention. I can’t believe I didn’t stumble upon this post sooner. :P
Background Pony #D767
Deletion reason: Commenter request
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Ironically on their last days as rulers, Luna and Celestia ended up looking like massive failures once again.  
No, distracting the trio doesn’t fix that(especially since they got captured AGAIN. Like twice in the same damn finale)

Here’s the thing…if actual bad things happened to Twilight, it might effect Twilight’s ability to be Celestia’s complete and utter tool of an apprentice/groomed unquestioning princess heir…
…and since Hasbro can’t have that, the threat had to be fake the whole time, and the three villains basically just winged it with a slight power boost and inevitably got the asses kicked, without the smallest effect on anybody in the slightest, least of all Twilight.
(… whom Luna gave her job to as well despite only being back on the job for only a couple of years and being so underutilized in the series which is SO stupid but I digress)
Smart Heart

I hear you.

Amateur Sheep
To this day i still think of how much i was rooting for Grogar to be the ultimate total badass to the point of humiliating Twilight more than the terrible trio ever did. When Thinking about it, just makes me sad.
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).

In Treue fest
@Background Pony #AC95  
Hardly. Expecting a deflected magic attack to destroy a magic absorbing artefact is far from what I’d call a cunning plan, to say nothing of the fact that Tirek easily could’ve just throttled him.

MLP, Megaman, Modularity
@Background Pony #AC95  
Yeah, but one smart decision doesn’t make up for a massively stupid one.
Background Pony #AC95
Well he was pretty smart when he tricked tirek in part 2 pf the finale

“And his particular magical knowledge, while vast, isn’t really useful in our research,” Luna said. “’Tis just… too different.”
“Yes. You see,” Discord was suddenly wearing a painters smock and fedora and holding a brush and painters’ mortarboard “Chaos magic is more of an art than a science…” he proceeded to paint one of the statues on the balcony in polka dots and checkerboards. “In fact it seems to get irritable if you try to get all science-y with it.” He said the last in a flat voice as he regarded his work. “Bleh. I wanted stripes.”
“Hard to do lab work when you try to add two and two and keep getting ‘potato,’ “ Celestia admitted.