Background Pony #94BA
Chrissy, you can just blast her, for goodness sake!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

It was at this moment chrysalis knew she messed up
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Pretty sure NMM would be more powerful than normal Luna due to she’s essentially Luna’s powered up form via her darkness in her heart taking form.  
And the fact its implied Celestia had to hold back due to there was too many bystanders in the room.(wished they did touch on that idea honestly).
So NMM would most likely fair better than Celestia did against Chrysalis.
Background Pony #BE7B
Background Pony #DC20
“You dare harm my sister?! Only I may smite her!”

Background Pony #7FA9
This could go down similar to the Death Battle between Shang Tsung and Akuma, with Chrysalis’s cleverness and ability to shape shift (meaning she can take the form of Celestia in order to trip up Nightmare) being evenly matched against Nightmare Moon’s more straightforward way of dealing with things (In every appearance she makes since the pilot, Nightmare Moon’s thing seems to be to relentlessly blasting whatever her problem is).
Background Pony #7CD5
Nightmare Moon: You’ve put yourself in an interesting position, insect. I admire that, even with borrowed power, you managed to best Celestia (But her sentiment for her subjects could have also been a factor). But for all your careful planning you didn’t anticipate THIS! I might as well have fun for no matter who wins this it will end in more paltry friendship games. Prepare yourself! “Queen” Chrysalis!
Background Pony #2861
“It has been some time since We had changelings to hunt. Run little insect. We shall count to ten. It makes the hunt more interesting. For me.”
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
Ok, I’ll agree with you on that front, the ending sucked.  
What SHOULD have happened is Luna crashing out of nowhere, impaling Chrysalis’s neck on her horn, and Celestia and Twilight getting their second wind and immediately fragging that bug bitch.

Deus Ex Energy Waves annoy me. The Elements I can understand as a singular explained weapon but the Cadance X Shining thing came out of left field with little believability, foreshadowing or explanation. It is cannon and I personally don’t like it.
The story was good, villains were good, the ending sucked.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
>Cadence standing a chance on a mano a mano.  
Ok, now I know you’re just fucking with me.

Celestia also tried to destroy that threat before her. Now her little sister is outgunned 1000 to 1 with 1 of them being more powerful as Celestia.
I just don’t buy that Nightmare has any chance in this situation what so ever, Cadance of course does and would save her either before or after NM whooping.
That is what you get for not killing your prisoners.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
And what makes you think that Luna will lose?  
Unlike Celestia, Luna is not tolerant, she WILL destroy any threats before her.

In case you haven’t noticed this image is still the first assault. Celestia is literally lying behind her.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

“Keep away from my sister, Chrysalis. I can give you all the love you need!~❤”  
And then they knock boots and the world is safe once more.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
Sir, the only reason Chrysalis kicked Celestia’s ass is because she was hooked up to Shinning Armor’s love.  
Need I remind you that a huge platoon of your supposedly unstopabble invading force was wiped out with relative ease by a group of six small town ponies, and the only reason why they weren’t massacred in their first assault was because they had the element of surprise.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

“In order to protect my sister and this land we both love so much, I’ve committed a grievous sin. I’ve allowed the darkness in me to return. All in the name of doing what’s right. I’ll repent for this later, but I won’t repent for killing you.”
Nightmare Moon
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Chrysalis is about to get loved tenderly.
Radiant Heart

Pretty sure NMM is more than a match for Chryssie.

I have not heard of this character but if you think she will lose quickly then she should fight first before Chrysalis and her forces curb stomp Nightmare Moon like they did the royal guard corps, the elements and Celestia.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
>Implying Queen Bitch Gorgonzola Strides stands a chance against a pissed off Luna.
Background Pony #5E92
Damn, she’s so screwed.

V Those words would never be forgotten…
cause they were written on the side of NM’s cocoon.
Background Pony #B3D8
“I will break you beyond recognition and raze your homeland from the face of the earth, and I will see to it that history forgets you ever existed, whore queen.