Background Pony #3044
@Background Pony #AF31  
I aggree, but I don’t think Cozy deserved Tartarus. A mental institute or something like that would have been far better.

Hmmmm yes, Hell is your home now

The Spanking will be thoroughly.

Plantar Fashiitis
>basically like a series of amateur seminars on “How to Win Friends and Influence People”
Background Pony #A788
>teaches the values of friendship in an inorganic setting with inexperienced teachers, basically like a series of amateur seminars on “How to Win Friends and Influence People”  
>surprised that somepony inevitably lacked understanding for how much Friends meant to them, personally, and tries to start a cult with their teachings like an emotionally tone-deaf sociopath  
Cozy Glow did absolutely nothing right to deserve leniency, but she was a monster of their own making. And it’s pretty sad that not one of them considered their personal accountability and leveled the blame entirely on a fucking child with a malignant personality disorder.