She could very well get an aurora mane. Luna didn’t have an aurora mane immediately following her transformation from Nightmare Moon, but she has one in S2.
If Cadence gains an aurora mane than she could come close to Celestia’s power level.
And with all that off season “loving” she’s been doing, surely her powers have increased immensely.
Well, Celestia might have slowed down in terms of gaining power.
And Luna might be having to make up for a thousand years, so she might not be as close to her sister’s power as it seems. Her mane only has like 1-2 colors, while celestia has like 4.
I dunno man, she did a lot of growing from S1 to S2, it’s almost like it’s exponential growth. Celestia is probably at her plateau in terms of power, Luna is progressing with vigorous momentum. If these trends stay the same, well….
She won’t, Luna is the younger one so it makes sense that she hasn’t gained as much power as her sister. In the time it takes for Luna to reach her sister’s current power levels Celestia would have gained more power as well. But I would think that they’d have limits so they’d eventually be at equals in terms of power, but that might take a few millenniums.