Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
How did I know you would believe a bunch of BS like that?
Am I now a mind reader?
As someone who actually knows a lot of those people, I can say for certain that all that BS it not true.
But then again, folks like you will believe the first negative report about other people but will whine if anyone says anything bad about you. Oh the hypocrisy.
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Background Pony #0E90
Jehovah’s witnesses. And before you view that as invalidating the cult claim because it’s a religion, normalization of pedophilia, extreme misogyny, and mandated isolation were involved. Everything is affected by choices, including other choices. However choices can also be affected by completely external factors as well, such as having a genetic predisposition to a type of addiction. I’m at risk of alcoholism due to heredity for example. As for the painkiller example, It is possible, however unlikely, to develop an addiction from from using as intended. Also, the urge to start taking more than prescribed is the manifestation of the addiction, not the trigger.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
Did you actually grow up in a cult or are you just calling any religious group a cult now?
But that’s the thing dude, you can’t act like all those situations aren’t effected by choice either.
The painkiller one only becomes a major issue if the person taking them isn’t responsible with them, which is also a choice.
I mean, if your doctor tells you to only take 1 of those pills a day, and you choose to take 2 or 3 a day just because they give you a bit of a high or just a overall good feeling, that’s you making the CHOICE to disregard any warnings that your doctor gave you.
Because there’s a difference between someone responsibly taking painkillers for years and someone who gets addicted to them by misusing them.
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Background Pony #0E90
That example was used to point out that the list of potentially addictive substances/activities is a lot longer than you seem to believe as well as reinforcing the point by the fact that it was non-hypothetical one. I also never pretended that stupid choices don’t start stuff, but not all stupid/bad thing are started by a stupid choice. Like a person getting addicted to painkillers through being required to take them due to a medical condition like a severe injury. Also, I still can’t figure out where mental disorders entered this conversation. The part of the cult related to being born into a bad environment that was used for the same reason as the milk, to give a non-hypothetical example.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
Well, you can’t just pretend that it wasn’t a stupid choice to start stuff you know is bad for you, or that is at least pretty common knowledge that it’s bad for you.
And the voices in their heads is incredibly obviously talking about people with mental disorders.
But either way, you can’t act like getting “addicted” to milk is the same thing as getting addicted to hard drugs.
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Background Pony #0E90
“voices in their heads”
Once again, where are you getting this shit.
“vast majority of stupid and or bad things that people do, be it addictions or otherwise, are started by a freaking choice”
Except for the fact that I literally agreed to that point over half a dozen posts ago without any prompting from you.
“Starting it maybe, but once it sets in your own body decides for you.”
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
No, you’re the one who’s been trying to say that all sorts of stuff isn’t always by choice, trying to ignore the fact that most people don’t have voices in their heads and such telling them to do bad stuff because of a mental disorder.
You’re the one who was trying to beat around the bush and not simply admit that the vast majority of stupid and or bad things that people do, be it addictions or otherwise, are started by a freaking choice, not because they can’t control themselves.
You’re basically just doing all of that in a round about way, that’s all.
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Background Pony #0E90
Thank you for proving that you’re misrepresenting my arguments. Majority? Where the hell are you getting that hogwash from? Also, claiming that my arguments only account for people with mental illness? Point out where I ever said anything even remotely close to “choice doesn’t mean anything.”
I don’t know if it’s malice, a mental issue, or just extreme confusion, but you seem to be arguing against a caricature of me you have in your head rather than with the real me.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
That’s basically what you’re doing.
You’re trying to act like a few cases of actual mental illness and such are the majority of people instead of just a small group of them, which is a bullshit argument if there ever was one.
So quit trying to make it out to be as if addiction or whatever is completely uncontrollable and that choice doesn’t mean anything.
The VAST majority of bad things people do is because they choose to. End of story.
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Background Pony #0E90
And I’ve BEEN sick about how you continually misrepresent my arguments to make it look as if I’m arguing idiotic bullshit like predestination.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
I’m just going to stop you right there.
I’m getting really sick of how you’re basically trying to take away any and all agency and responsibility from people and then basically justify the dumbass things some of them do, as if they have absolutely no choice in the matter, which is bullshit and you know it.
You’re basically trying to pass off a lie as truth.
Background Pony #0E90
The examples you gave are correct, but that doesn’t mean you are correct in your stance that everybody has 100% agency over every situation they’re in at all times. As for your parroting complaints, Am I required to make sure not to use a single word you use when replying to you for it not to be a 100% copy? Because I only see 8 words that “parrot” the post it was responding to and 3 on the one before that.
Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
Quit trying to parrot what I said pal, because it just makes you look super desperate to sound like you still have an argument when you don’t.
Quit trying to treat every stupid decision stupid people make as if every single person has full blown mental disorders and such, as that’s simply not the case.
Because like it or not, people like gang members within the black community for instance, don’t HAVE to do things like sell drugs and such, but they CHOOSE to, which just ultimately hurts other people in the black community.
The facts are, that many of those people the fools in BLM try to make excuses for are choosing to do bad things, not because they have no real choice, but because they want to try to scam their way to success and all that, you know, try to cheat their way to the top.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

I mean, I remember this one black guy calling all BLM for that kind of crap.
He basically said that if the police are involved, then it’s a problem, but if one black person kills another black person, it’s just one black person off the streets. But it more colorful language.
But it’s nothing but a bunch of hypocrisy.
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Background Pony #0E90
And you’re just trying to avoid having to admit that choices aren’t always black and white, that when it’s time to chose the chooser is not always aware of all of the available choices, that the outcomes of a choice aren’t always what we expect or intend, or that there exist circumstances where a person can be robbed of choices by external/internal factors.
As for the BLM stuff, you have my full agreement.
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@Background Pony #0E90
Quit acting so childishly by parroting what I say.
You’re just trying to avoid having to admit that in the vast majority of situations, that it’s people’s choices that get them into situations like that, because you clearly want to make excuses for such people.
But to reference the OP’s stupid BLM message.
I kind of hate BLM because of how disgustingly hypocritical they are.
I remember a news story from a few years ago, and it still makes me furious.
I mean, they’re riot and try to burn down cities because some black guy chose to break the law and fight with or shoot at cops, but it’s nothing but crickets and tumble weeds when a little black girl is killed because some stupid gang bangers, who were also black by the way, shot at each other and some of their stray bullets killed her.
The girl’s name was Genelia Bolton, if I remember correctly.
Her life mattered, and yet those BLM guys were pretty much silent about her and other such cases. Her mother called them out on the news for their hypocrisy.
I also remember either a black policewoman or security woman, maybe both happened at different points. Killed by black people…. Where were BLM in the issue? Never mind turns out it was all a scam the media is trying to keep it under wraps, or the BLM leader in Canada charged with hate crime about a month ago. Our heroes and saviors 🤣
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
Quit acting so childishly by parroting what I say.
You’re just trying to avoid having to admit that in the vast majority of situations, that it’s people’s choices that get them into situations like that, because you clearly want to make excuses for such people.
But to reference the OP’s stupid BLM message.
I kind of hate BLM because of how disgustingly hypocritical they are.
I remember a news story from a few years ago, and it still makes me furious.
I mean, they’re riot and try to burn down cities because some black guy chose to break the law and fight with or shoot at cops, but it’s nothing but crickets and tumble weeds when a little black girl is killed because some stupid gang bangers, who were also black by the way, shot at each other and some of their stray bullets killed her.
The girl’s name was Genelia Bolton, if I remember correctly.
Her life mattered, and yet those BLM guys were pretty much silent about her and other such cases. Her mother called them out on the news for their hypocrisy.
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Background Pony #0E90
What you are basically saying is that evil could only possibly exist if a person knowingly and willfully choose to be evil and that any addiction can be immediately and permanently cured just by choosing to not be addicted. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that you believe that air doesn’t exist because you can’t see it.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
No, I’m just not accepting your obvious strawman arguments, that’s all.
What you’re basically trying to do is all but say that people don’t really have choices in anything and that it’s all a bunch of “born that way” type of BS when you know damn well that people can and do have free will and many idiots choose to misuse theirs.
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Background Pony #0E90
I am very much legitimately addicted to drinking milk. Withdrawal symptoms and everything. It doesn’t need to slowly kill you to be an addiction. Also, you completely disregarded the historical not realizing it’s actually bad for you choice of consuming tobacco products prior to the public realizing that it was actually bad. Seriously, there used to be ash trays literally everywhere.
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
Really dude? You’re trying that kind of BS argument?
Now you’re trying to act like the action of simply enjoying anything is on the same level of being addicted to drugs.
Wow. Just wow.
Quit trying to make strawman arguments dude.
The vast majority of people make freaking choices in life, it’s not all predetermined or any other such BS.
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Background Pony #0E90
You say no, however I don’t believe you. Did you know that any substance or activity that triggers an dopamine response can result in addiction? Not just the ones that involve the willing consumption of various types of poison? On a side note, it was most likely before your time, it was not only culturally acceptable to smoke, it was weird not to. Thus resulting in rampant tobacco addiction. Hell, there were even cases of people getting addicted through second hand smoke it was so prevalent.
Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
No, but I’m not going to act like choosing to do something stupid isn’t stupid.
And I’m certainly not going to make excuses and try to constantly say “but, but sympathetic reasons” or whatever to try to all but justify people making bad choices.
And don’t try to act like addictions aren’t started somewhere and by the choices someone makes.
Background Pony #0E90
Let me guess, you only count high profile addictions as being an addiction, right?
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Duck - I love arguing so much I don't know when to stop!
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

@Background Pony #0E90
And I’m a little tempted to ask what cult group you were a part of, as I know that some like to call any sort of religious group a cult for various kinds of reasons just to make them look bad, but I’m still a little on the fence about it.
And that certainly sounds like it totally sucks, but not everyone is born into an actual either.
But my comment on addiction was in fact correct, and you shouldn’t try to keep saying “but, but” all the time, just trying to make excuses for people’s poor life choices.
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