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Not that one. A different comic.
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You mean the “Legends of Magic” comics? Because that was the version we got in “Shadow Play”, if so why was the comic take better? (It just give them more time to show counterbalancing traits to his flaws?)
And the Scorpan thing was vague enough, not even stating it was him from despite Celestia who was personally there narrating, I can rationalize this as the same deal with Twilight’s Canterlot friends, they didn’t realize/appreciate it enough to stick. But that raises the point that the direction they went wasn’t that well set up.
The differences in the book and film version had no impact on the story which played out effectively the same way. Starswirl is different in changing his character completely changes the story and themes of “Shadow Play”.
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An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Yeah. True enough.
In the comics though, that showed him being a mentor and foalsitter to young Celestia and Luna, he was a lot better, wiser, and nicer. I liked that version.
Again, I can understand there reasoning of introducing him the way it is. But it doesn’t make too much considering he’s suppose to be the guy who mentored the princess’s, who are kind benevolent rulers who believe in harmony, him and the other Pillars created the Tree of Harmony itself, and he was said to have befriended Scorpan and helped him see the ponies of Equestria in a new light, reforming him.
And out of topic but I REALLY hate his canon design (which doesn’t match with how he looked in the book with Scorpan in “Twilights Kingdom” or the picture of him with a white coat and long beard in the festival Twilight attended). Maybe if they gave him a better design and voice, he’d have been more tolerable
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House of the Arcana
To reiterate my comment and this description: “Star Swirl: A new princess of Equestria? Am I to assume that my former protégé choose a student that far exceeded her expectations?
Twilight: She sure did ^^ Princess Celestia will be ever so happy to reunite with you. We must go see her right away!
Twilight turns around and begins to walk away, expecting him to follow her, but instead, he surrounds her with his magic and pulls her back towards him.
Star Swirl: Believe me, I’m certainly looking forward to seeing and catching up with her, and we all are looking forward to see what has become of our old homes. But I’m afraid there is a problem. A serious one.
Twilight: And what would that be?
Her question is answered when the Pony of Shadows appears. We skip to the next scene where it leaves and Twilight puts her head down, feeling shame and guilt for releasing it. But Star Swirl puts a hoof to her shoulder and begins to encourage.
Star Swirl: No need to hang your head in shame, we all make mistakes, but we have to correct them. You didn’t know that by releasing us, the Pony of Shadows would be release as well. Now we must stop it, and we will, together.”
It sounds like how the Goblet of Fire works in the book vs the movie.
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I can accept not liking how he turned out in the show, and this debate due to differences in defining good characters.
My issue is “fixing” him but leaving the episode whose premise depended on his flaws intact even though it no longer makes sense and invalided the point and conflict. The IDW and fan portrayals worked better because those stories gave other sources of conflict.
Just swapping in this version to “Shadow Play” makes him come off as a Mary Sue (invalidating other characters by fixing their mistakes and angst for them, lacking flaws that keep the conflict from being uninterestingly straightforward and easy.
But if you wanted to go for the straightforward escapism of this idealized Starswirl, it would work better if the Pony of Shadows was cut from this version of the story, or at least reworked to allow alternate source of conflict.
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An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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I still don’t like how the writers introduced him. And none of what you mentioned/explained was worth ruining him. And I’d rather have him be the great wise and mighty wizard we were all expecting for so long, than a compelling flawed character, even if it robs that episode of conflict.
It is one of my biggest disappointments of G4. Throughout the seasons we heard all about how great Starswirl the Beard was and all the great things he’s done in the past making me and many others interested in him. Still pretty disappointed to this day that he didn’t turn out to be the great wise and mighty wizard I’m sure we all were expecting after so long. From how he turned out, I probably would have preferred him staying a legend and not actually appearing on the show. The fandom has portrayed him a lot better and most fan portrayals are better than the canon one imo.
If it hasn’t been years since they moved on from the show, I’d tell the writers of that episode that what they did disappointed us.

@Background Pony #D36C
Starswirl is a hero antagonist, not a villain, as he was quick to own up when proved wrong, but that’s what makes him compelling is that he was a flawed character such the conflict is about getting over their preconceptions of his infallibility. Seeing him as an antagonist makes him far more compelling and nuanced than most of the shows villains. The only bad thing I can say is Twilight’s growth from this didn’t stick.
I’m just not seeing how there’s room for meaningful conflict if he were a nice guy. In fact it robs Twi of anything meaningful beyond screwing up in the first place.
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Background Pony #0CEA
@Background Pony #D36C
To be honest, a lot of the conflict that happened throughout the show he was indirectly responsible for.
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House of the Arcana
@Background Pony #D36C
At worst he just feels like Gandalf than Dumbledore
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Background Pony #D36C
I wish we had a Starswirl closer to this one because, let’s be honest, Starswirl was the true villain in Shadow Play; not Stygian/Pony of Shadows. Because of his arrogance, holier than thou attitude, and not letting Stygian explain himself, he ultimately created the Pony of Shadows and caused this whole mess. It was worse how he constantly scolded Twilight despite the fact he should’ve warned anyone reading his journal not to free them or else the Pony of Shadows would be released too.
I get what they were trying to go for initially, but they dropped the ball massively on Starswirl. I hate to think what would happen if he learned of Luna being Nightmare Moon.
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Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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House of the Arcana
Okay, just having the Pony of Shadows come out after Star Swirl calmly greets her is rather funny.