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Well Sarkeesian is trying to use this whole experience to move her career forward, so her ethics are of importance.

It is completely unrelated. It’s like the Anti-DWM people trying to prove Pinkiepony wrong by bringing up her relationships from 6 years ago.
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The Fallen Brony
While I myself have heard enough from straw feminists to be convinced that all feminists sound like that, I do agree. This is a sick burn.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

It is unethical to pass it off as her footage when she’s trying to be a social critic

She didn’t need permission. Nobody actually owns a copyright of the footage they post. That goes for Let’s Players, her, me, you, everyone who may post something to Youtube. They’re google’s servers, and she is not legally obligated to acquire permission to use the footage.
Fair Use and all that.


The what in the where
old school feminist=/=modern feminism
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I neglected to mention that she did it without permission.
I don’t want you to do a video, it’s your channel.
But we’re talking about it so let’s just take some time to get up to snuff and then message each other.

Because they are irrelevant. People complaining about my use of Zero Punctuation style is not a valid complaint, as it is so blisteringly tangential.
And I’ve already explained the comment approval. You don’t believe me, oh well. Not my first encounter with blind internet stupidity.
GET THE FUCK OVER IT. And stop pretending as if I’m some grand horrible person for using an arty style. Get a life.

No. I’ve already said I’m not doing a video about Tropes Vs Women, because there’s only so many times I can reiterate “Someone wanted to do something, the internet cried about it” before it get’s old.
Sure, you can get the games and recording equipment, but considering how the footage for the games was used, it made no sense to natively record the footage when game footage comprised about 11% of each video.
If this were a full analysis of each game bit by bit and frame by frame, yeah you’d need to record your own footage. But being used as the visual addition to an academic piece? And not even in HD? Yeah, you can rip it from somewhere else.
That is perfectly valid. And not a mark against the series.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Sexism is bad. People equating feminism with tumblr echochamber insanity is bad. Tumblr echochamber insanity is bad. M’kay?
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

No you’d like to do things without answering for them, hence why you don’t even after stopping.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I told you to watch the videos that go over that.
They have shown that she copied footage from other youtubers of these games without permission… and anyone with common sense can guess that $160,000 is more than necessary for getting games and recording equipment.
Don’t fly into a rage before you actually check out the arguments made by these youtubers.
The reason I’m not putting it all out here is that I don’t want to misuse the words and arguments of these youtubers.
So how about this, we both research this over the following week and then I message you on this site and discuss it then. K?

I don’t claim to be an “Authority” whatever the fuck that means.
I moderate my own sectors of the net, like my Youtube channel and my blog. But that is my right as a content creator. I don’t have to enable comments at all, that’s just a courtesy.
I don’t turn a blind eye to my indiscretions, I merely don’t broadcast them to the internet while I’m dealing with them. If I were to decide to drop comment approval, I wouldn’t have a big video detailing why, I’d just do it and move on.
Hence also when I stopped using Zero Punctuation’s art style, I didn’t explain why, I just did it.
I owe you no explanation.

It’s not an excuse. They gave her the money, willingly, and now it’s her money. That’s what “donating” means. You have 0 control over the money you give someone after it has been given to them. And furthermore, she isn’t scamming people because she used the money to do whatever it is she’s doing.
On a side note, there is not such thing as unneeded money. Because you can never have too much money, despite what others may say.
And what are you, the police? We get it, you think Bhaal is a terrible person. Fine, whatever. It’s his right, and noone is being hurt because of it (except maybe a few egos that needed to be trimmed).
Bad people exist. Worse people than them exist, too. And no matter how much you gripe and groan about it, they will resurface and do whatever makes them most content. I’m not saying you need to get over it, but you could at least be a little more reasonable.

“Not spending it on what it was donated for”
It’s all speculation. And speculation without proof is baseless. Keeping donated money and not spending it on what it was donated for is not immoral, it’s illegal, and that’s what matters.
If you can PROVE it, you have a case here. But pointing another person’s youtube video and saying “SEE! SEE!” is not proof. It’s just someone who agrees with you.

As for Super Princess Peach, she equated it to being two steps forward, one step back since the game uses female mood swings as a central game mechanic.
Effectively a subversion of the Damsel in Distress trope, but still adhering to every other obnoxious trope for female character design. You want to design a good female character?
Here’s your master class.
Here’s your “How to do that but on a larger scale” master class.
And here’s your big book of DON’Ts
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

None of that makes it okay for Bhaal to claim to be an authority while turning a blind eye to his own indiscretions
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

First of all, that isn’t an excuse. Keeping donated money that you don’t need and not spending it on what it was donated for is immoral. || I know you’re going to say that you don’t subscribe to petty notions of morality, despite making many moral claims yourself, but we both know that is just you being evasive ||  
There’s more to it than that anyway. So watch the videos.

The flaw with that is that you have no idea of knowing what her exact production costs for her series are. I can make a rough estimate (Buying her research material [games], buying her production equipment, paying her production staff’s salary, her own salary while she puts her usual work on hold to do this series, ect) but without having her actual budget sheet in hand, anything and anyone claiming to know her costs is making at best a wild guess, and at worst an attempt at slander.
Backers paid for a series. They are getting a series. She asked for $6000. They gave her $160,000. The backers were getting exactly what they paid for. This was not a scam.

Comedians don’t have a sense of shame. So it makes sense that they steal other people’s jokes.
In case it isn’t evident, I’m ripping on comedians.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

People still remember comedians who shamelessly copy jokes
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

oh terribly sorry bhal, wrong comment to respond to.
Well, for one Anita accuses the “Save the Princess” trope to be misogynist. But she also dismissed the game where Peach saves Mario as simply inverting the trope.  
So basically neither is okay.
But as for the scamming, Check out MundaneMatt on Youtube. He goes into more depth than I would care to in a comment section about how this is purely a career move by Anita and how she did could not have spent all the money she received from kickstarter
Here’s one of his vids http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X_r57cY2mw

I’d like to point out that feminism and egalitarianism are not the same thing. Feminism seeks to promote women’s right as equal to men’s rights in a society. In other words, feminism distinctly references an existing gender inequality. Egalitarianism only puts for the notion of equivalence among humans, referencing inequality among humans in general. It’s a broader category.
And to the person stating my “argument for plagiarism”: I see how you got to that notion, but I would also like to point out that a style of acting, speech, writing, et cetera is cannot be cited, unlike actual works of prose or data. As such, you cannot plagiarize a style. Jokes work in a similar manner, because noone remembers the guy who made the joke (and hence why history does not remember any comedians).
Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

It’s simple really. Let’s use men and women for the sake of simplicity.
Men and women have different behaviors. And as a result you will have inequality because different behaviors rarely lead to equivalent outcomes.
For example, why do men make more money? Because men are more likely to work overtime, take longer hours, not get pregnant (natch) etc etc (You can look up the economic reasons for yourself if you wish a more thorough list) and as a result they are generally more valuable to employers. Therefore employers are willing to pay more.
Otherwise, if it were pure discrimination then you would see firms trying to capitalize on it by only hiring women.  
Because companies are amoral and opportunistic and only care about the bottom line.