@Silver Strength
Uh how is that last one a surprise exactly? Actually that seems to fit almost perfectly with most fanon assumptions I’ve seen and the bits of canon we had. Cadence clearly wasn’t an adult when she knew Twilight as a child, going by the show flashbacks, so anything more then very early 30s for her age seems quite unworkable.
The other examples though just kind of indicates what I’ve always felt which is that the simplified art style makes any guessing about age pretty impossible. You’ve pretty much got kids, adults, and ‘one foot in the grave’. Anything more nuanced can’t really be supported by appearance IMO. Given the simple art style I’d say any given ‘adult’ body type could be between 18 and their mid 50s.
This only makes sense though roughly 90% of ponys we see has pretty much same ‘adult’ body type. Are we to assume every single one of them is in their early 20s? That’s a little silly, so too me I see no issue with Thunderland being perhaps a decade older then the main cast for instances.
I was getting my issues confused (thinking this was the Celestia micro for some reason). I did check with Andy on twitter too and he confirmed it was Katie too, I apologize for my confusion :)
That is not me, it’s Katie. I don’t know how you got the impression that Katie did not work on this issue, her name is right there on the cover.
@Star Cavalcade
My headcanon is that you have the “regular” school (here being Canterlot Academy that servers to educate anypony (earth + pegasi too)), and the Celestia’s school only for unicorns and only for those well-schooled in magic. This all still is in Canterlot, so the population of both schools can still mingle. And it’s implies that Canterlot Academy is high school, but I can see Cele’s school being all the way through advanced studies/graduate school.
@The Twelfth Doctor Whoof
Didn’t Twilight go to one of those schools for unicorn geniuses? I can’t see how a cheerleader like Moondancer managed to get in.
@The Twelfth Doctor Whoof
in the sunset bitch prequel comit we see both Moondancer and Twilight, the former is a full grown upa mare while the later is a cutie mark less filly.
How can Moondancer be Cadance’s age when she’s clearly heavily implied in the pilot to be around the same age as Twilight and Twinkleshine? (justification: an older pony wouldn’t bother inviting school age ponies, plus Spike, to her birthday party)