Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony  
>would you still have a problem with Jim and his delusional relationship?
Not at all, if it makes him happy, more power to him. It’s his life and his mind.  
He might be making the fandom look like nutjobs, but hey, who isn’t these days, like I give a shit.
Background Pony #C183
I am not from the US either and I don’t know much about guns, so I gotta give you that point and thanks for clarifying that to me. I just assumed that the procedure to acquire a gun would be more strict and cautious, at least legally.  
Just curious now, if it weren’t for him holding a gun, would you still have a problem with Jim and his delusional relationship?
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony
Let me rephrase that: acquiring a CCW permit doesn’t require you to submit to a mental health records check - unless you live in Rhode Island - and it never requires you to submit to any sort of psychological evaluation.
Purchasing a firearm requires a background check. Which, again, doesn’t require you to submit to psychological evaluation, so unless someone diagnosed you before with a severe mental illness or you have been involuntarily committed to a mental health institution, you are good to go.
Not to mention that if you buy a gun in a private sale, you don’t have to submit to a background check, so you can buy a gun even if you’re, say, a violent felon and a diagnosed sadistic schizophrenic.
I’m not from the US so it’s not for me to judge, but I’m glad for our (slightly) stricter gun laws, and this guy right here is the exact reason why. Never thought I’d say that, as an owner of 25+ guns.
Background Pony #C183
And that is not considered negligence? I don’t really know that much about weapon control, I’ve seen tests being made to see who’s worthy of a gun and who’s not. So if this guy approved the test I just saw no problem with him having it.
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony  
>he must have passed some sort of mental test or something amog those lines
No. That’s not how CCW permits work. Nor background checks.  
Until he has been diagnosed or involuntarily committed, tough luck.
Background Pony #C183
You do have a point. But he has a permit, so he must have passed some sort of mental test or something amog those lines, if the system allowed him to have the gun, then they probably saw no problem with him.
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony
Are you dense? His perception of reality includes sapient entities that don’t exist in mine or yours, or nearly anyone else’s for that matter, how am I supposed to know what’s still “safe” around him and what his distorted perception already considers a threat to the goddamn plushie?
Background Pony #C183
As long as no one hurts the plushie, there will be no problem. Is that so damn hard to do?
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony
Great, so I just need to believe the guy who has a hallucinatory pony girlfriend that he’s perfectly capable of threat assessment with a deadly weapon. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
Background Pony #C183
@Background Pony  
Wouldn’t that make EVERYBODY a ticking bomb? People who legitimately get upset when someone calls them a fag on the internet? Psycho daddy girls who’s boyfriends break up with them?  
You wouldn’t feel sure with anybody around since you don’t know their stories and how they are going to react, based on their unknown feelings or impulses. They also do not understand the consequences of their actions.
Background Pony #C183
He said that he would only use it if someone were to hurt the plushie. So as long as no one hurts the plushie he won’t lose his shit.  
Many shoot people over “objects” and home invation, the fact that he is married to Twilight Sparkle in his head is not relevant, he’s not a nutcase that would shoot someone over anything, just if someone were to hurt the plushie.
Badman Giant
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony  
Plus, the insane never believe that they are.
Background Pony #771E
I’m not here to call you crazy (plenty others are doing that already) but you have to put yourself in our shoes for a moment here. You admit to seeing things that nobody else does. You may be confident in your sanity, but for the rest of us, that sounds like a ticking bomb.
How are WE to know that you won’t one day wake up and see something else floating about somewhere? What if Discord himself shows up, and you valiantly defend Twilight by shooting him?
Consider a simpler possibility. Consider you get a job. How are we to know that you won’t tell your incorporeal girlfriend to do something? And then, of course, she doesn’t?
You are, for all intents and purposes, completely unpredictable. It’s not about you being sure you won’t hurt anybody. it’s about US not being sure of that.
That’s why so many (myself included) are against you owning a goddamn gun.
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony  
>They aren’t hurting anybody.
“Jin” has an imaginary xeno girlfriend / plushie and owns a goddamn gun.  
Once he decides the postman was eyeing Twilight’s flank and blows his brains out, it’s gonna be another no-fun-allowed year for every responsible and mentally stable gun owner out there.  
But I guess that could be good news… if you stocked up on $12 PMAGs and want to make a $40 profit off each when the scare buying hits again.

@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
Oooookay then…
  • Backs away slowly *
Background Pony #C183
@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
Do you keep your relationship to yourself (and internet folk, of course) or does your family and friends know about it?
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

Sorry to disappoint, but neither Jin or I is a troll.
Background Pony #C183
@Background Pony  
So? If you talk shit about them why should you care? Let them be.
Background Pony #933E
That reaction image is gold. Nicely done.
Background Pony #933E
@Background Pony  
Anybody except themselves.
Background Pony #C183
People will do what people want to do. Even if they’re hated or not accepted. I say let them by, for I could give less than a fuck, if anything, I admire their ways if they truly feel happy. They aren’t hurting anybody.

@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
Either you’re the finest trolls I’ve ever seen or the saddest sobs on this side of the Milky Way.
Please tell me you are the former.
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

Doesn’t work that way - Rarity has a mind of her own, after all she is her own pony, an autonomous being. We have conflicts and disagreements just like any human couple.
Lurker 17BA

Hey, guys! What’s up? I see y’all are pointlessly arguing over silly things that you’ll never budge on in the comments section. I’m not really talking, I’m just making my presence known. If any of you would like some popcorn, I’ve got some.
<sits back and noms on popcorn as he watches teh lulz ensue>
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
>Even if it doesn’t work out between us, I would search for companionship with another pony.
Well, why would you want to imagine it doesn’t work out? You can imagine her doing whatever you want, after all.