The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Heroine Addict  
So much care for social justice on a site that already has “lesbian” and “gay” tags. Why don’t you care that we support homphobia? Expcet with tags we don’t support anything. It’s just a simple fact of having this sexual orientaton or this color of a skin. Does that change my attitudes toward actual people? No? It only keeps changing my attitudes towards people who keep forbiding me to tag it properly. And I’m pretty sure they’re actually all white. This is not just tag for “just plain ugly”. Futa is also “just plain ugly”. It’s a tag for a detail that significatly changes the feel of the image that is repeated so notoriously it should be tagged. And you can also tag “white skin” or whatever all you want if you don’t want to look racist so much.
@Lord Niggertron  
Looks few points prettier to me (if you don’t count visable edits.) No matter whether it looks better or worse to someone it’s still a well recognized detail that significantly changes the image and should have a tag.
Lord Niggertron
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Once again, all ya’ll niggas has missed the point. The point isn’t that this a nigga humanization. The problem is it’s a bad lookin nigga. Consider applying the Niggertron Test. Do it look like a nigga when you paint it white?  
See how she just looks like a white gurl? Regardless of the artist’s agenda, at which we can only speculate, this image is all kinds of bad.
All ya’ll motherfuckas need to quit racegoating.
As for a tag, I don’t think any tag will be satisfactory. Best response is to give it the Test and move along. Hopefully this artist, and others, will choose to improve.
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Pedantry Executive
I’m afraid we don’t have a tag for “just plain ugly” and never will. We also don’t cater to people who think that dark skin inherently makes people uglier because we don’t want to support those beliefs. That applies to fictitious characters as well, because if you have such attitudes about fictional characters, it does not say anything good about your attitudes towards people with the same traits in real life.
And no, just because it isn’t as bad as Jim Crow laws doesn’t make it acceptable. That is like saying picking pockets is all right because it’s not mass murder. A small contribution to anything, good or bad, is still a contribution, and these contributions add up.
I’m getting the impression that you are losing your patience, judging by your angrier tone and increased usage of sarcasm. I can understand this, as it is a rather tiresome debate we are involved in, and suggest you take a break for a time to calm down. Perhaps you can look at pictures of Celestia being motherly for a while instead, and come back when your temper is once again under control.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Heroine Addict  
What? What “sort of thing”? This is not Ku Klux Klan meeting, no one’s gonna get “ecouraged” to anythyng, and no one’s gonna learn to tolerate anything. And downvoting it isn’t a problem. It simply looks like forced shit if one’s being honest istead of being afraid of sounding “racist”. It’s not about actual people. Not even about fictional characters. It’s about how fictional ponies are being CONVERTED to humans and how ugly they look. Everyone’s got to filter things they don’t like, be it humanized, anthro, winged humanization, futa, equestria girls or princess twilight, yet this one fucker can’t because of steaming manace of racism™. Because people gonna go burn down Mexican villages because of a tag on derpibooru.
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Pedantry Executive
@Wilhelm II, Kaiser  
It’s gender-flipped Big Macintosh, actually, but your point about tanning stands.
Personally, I see Twilight as the darkest of the Mane Six, followed by Rainbow, then Applejack, then Pinkie, then Fluttershy, and Rarity being the lightest. It’s sort of based off their coat colours and sort of based off of things just happening that way. Still, I’m pretty flexible, and I can accept most opinions that aren’t “shoehorn Zecora into the ‘black’ role and make everypony else pale”.
Wilhelm II, Kaiser
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Technically, (seeing how she is above the clouds a lot) wouldn’t Spitfire be more tanned? With Flutters having less sun and all? Eh, who cares?  
What @DasHiveMind  

Personally I view the ponies as all white because their voice actors are white, but I’m perfectly alright with people making their humanified ponies other races.
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Pedantry Executive
There’s not a whole lot we can do about downvotes without preventing legitimate complaints, but we can do something about tags that encourage this sort of thing. Just because you can’t solve all problems doesn’t mean you shouldn’t solve some of them. Allowing these tags so people in general can filter them makes racists get encouraged more, whereas if we don’t have them, they have to learn to tolerate it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Ugh, that watermark…
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #3291  
Eyes? Really? What’s the damn point of avoinding it if I still see it all the same? No, that’s exactly what filtering is for.
@Heroine Addict  
This isn’t against any “others”, not only those characters are fictional, but also their “race” is just and interpretation, becase they are actually horses - which makes it double level of meta. This is as much “racist” as allowing downvotes on this picture. “They enable people to act racist!”
Background Pony #0225
You know that whe have thumbnails here, and this one wasnt tagged as questionable or spoiler so you wpuldn’t need to click to know there was a black humanization, if you see a black charachter you don’t need to click, you can avoid. We don’t need tags to avoid stuff, sometimes our eyes are enough.
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Pedantry Executive
Believe me, I do not like any glamourization of rape and other such things, but the thing about Molestia is that she’s not necessarily portrayed as being good and everything she does is purely fictional. Acting racist and enabling others to act racist as well is a more direct concern.
@Background Pony #3291  
Just so you know, I actually appreciate this picture. I usually dislike Fluttermac because I am a little disturbed by the implications of pairing a fan-favourite female with somepony whose fan following seems to be based mainly on him just being male, but changing the gender of one or both of them makes it better. Sorry for clogging your comments with this debate.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #3291  
Background Pony #0225
@ForegroundPony, if you don’t like something, why don’t you avoid instead of comming here to complain, I upploaded this earlier thinking, hey it’s gonna be fun, lesbian fluttermac, let’s see the funny comments, you made this into a race discussion. Avoid the things you don’t like and can’t change or go fuck yourself.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Heroine Addict  
Yes, because tags on a site about fictional horses are gonna cause racial discrimination against people. Next we should ban Princess Molestia, because in a perfect world there’s no rape (oh my!). It’s not even like it’s a problem with races themselves. I have nothing against Zecora being humanized as black, but I’d probably start having problem if Zecora was notoriously drawn as white, when it’s not-stated-yet-painfully-obvious that’s she’s black.
And yes is “forced” is subjective just like in “forced meme” or “1000 hours in ms paint” tags, yet no one has problems with them. But that’s why I can also roll with a tag without that adjective.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Things I’d do for editable comments…
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Pedantry Executive
Let me see…
#1: I have no idea what you mean by “forced”. This artist doesn’t seem like the kind who must draw the same character a certain way all the time, judging from their gallery. If that is not what you mean, then you have to explain, and I’m starting to think your definition is far too subjective to tag.
#2: Wing and horn tags are a completely different bag of potatoes. As far as I know, discrimination against people with horns and/or wings is not a serious issue with serious consequences.
#3: Have a look here for discussion of the problems with “diversity” tags and the like. In short, they have racist implications and racist results. In a perfect world, we could have tags for all skin colours, but we’re not in a position for it right now.

Sorry to interrupt, but it’s spelled taboo. You made that mistake in more than one comment.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Heroine Addict  
This isn’t about some agendas; just forced things that look bad, being forced and looking bad. Like “forced meme”. Ugh, then why not just “diversity”? “Race interpretation”? Whatever? Also why there are “horned humanization” and “winged humanization” tags then? So people use it as an excuse to slap it on any humanization that isn’t wingless? Either way people can slap it with the downvotes. Hopefully you’re not going to block downvotes because of this stupid tabu. At least this I can do.

It takes one.
Just one smart person to end it all.
I don’t know why people care this much about diversity anyway. Can’t we all be one big, happy family? This is an MLP website anyway…
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Pedantry Executive
The tag isn’t appropriate because you have no proof that the artist has any such agenda (just like how we don’t assume that any picture with only white humanizations is because the maker is a white supremacist), and it’s going to be used as an excuse for people to slap it on any humanization that isn’t white as a form of complaint. That is not “everybody winning”. The tag is simply not worth the trouble.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #3E32  
Sit and enjoy.
@Heroine Addict  
This why I wanted to come up with something less explicit than “dark skinned”, dunno let it be just “diversity” or something, but even though just because the author wanted something, doesn’t he/she nailed it.
@Background Pony #86C9  
All I ever wanted is to give it an apropriate tag, so you won’t have to listen to my “racism” and get less downvotes on these images, and so I won’t have to watch images I don’t like. Everybody wins!
Background Pony #313A
Seriously, this pic needs an upvote bombing run STAT!
Background Pony #4F23
grabs popcorn
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Pedantry Executive
Two things:
Firstly, you have no proof that it is “forced” or “unnecessary diversity”, as you claim. For all you know, it’s not meant to be some kind of statement and just because the artist thought it would be nice to have her be dark-skinned. This is jumping to conclusions.
Second, if this is allowed to slide, it’s only a matter of time before more images get this kind of tag just because not all the characters in them are white. This is the entire reason the previous “dark skin” tag was annihilated.
Now, I am hopeful that we can come to an agreement, but if this persists, I may have no choice but to ask for the moderators’ opinions. We cannot have this kind of tag war.