Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
It seems to me based on comments I’ve heard from here and there throughout the fandom that Shimmer & Flash are the most-talked about problems in EqG because they’re relatively flat.
Am I wrong in theorizing that if the run time was stretched just enough so
  1. that the ending climax was less eleventh hour  
  2. More elaboration on Shimmer’s backstory (preferably from her point of view)  
    and 3. Decent development from Flash
    that EqG would be significantly improved, if still probably imperfect?
    I mean obviously we’re not going to please the “HURR DURR HIGHSCHOOL CLICHE I WANT MAH PONIEZ” crowd anyway, so I just thought I’d ask
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

You sir, have a point.
As much as I bag on Equestria Girls, I don’t have a lot of problems with Flash Sentry. I’ve seen rain melted cardboard with more personality then him, true, but I appreciate the fact his presence was mild.
Now, the really godawful character from that movie was Sunset Shimmer. I would argue that she’s even worse written then Flash, and the entire plot is centered around her. I’m convinced that if Sunset was a good character and nothing else in the movie changed, the whole thing would go up from awful to mildly interesting.
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
No, it totally would.
The only difference would be that instead of a character that’s almost universally hated yet said hatedom never seems to shut up about him, we’d have a character who has a following for legit reasons against an equally large hatedom based solely on his love interest status, and the drama would NEVER FUCKING END.
I don’t know about you, I’d consider the latter to be the worse of two evils.
I wish Meghan did something with him too, but she probably knew (whether it was of her own accord or a futile gesture to appease us) that we wouldn’t take a shining to him no matter what they did, so she went the safe route. And considering all the hell we put her through for Twilicorn and everything else prior, I don’t blame her.

Yeah, the battle wasn’t great. But that was posted right after I posted.

the last clip is the guitar battle.

>implying your personal reaction is the final word
Vinyl Scratch strutting around to dubstep or the lackluster guitar battle?

why not?  
specially the last one just make me roll my eyes….
Background Pony #7CFB
@Background Pony #D2A5  
Maybe a little, I personally don’t care for Equestria Girls or whatever happens with it… it’s only a bad spin-off after all ^^
Background Pony #D0A4
@Background Pony #CA7D  
You cry too much.

Don’t fuck with the shorts.

well, it doesnt matter, still crap
Background Pony #7CFB
True, part of being gary-stu is a lot of action focusing on them but the other part is showing how ‘perfect’ they are. Even this prologue referred couldn’t just refer to Flash Sentry normally, they had to add “handsome” in his description.
In EQG Flash could not exist and it wouldn’t change a thing but he was still thrown into our faces as idiotic and stereotypical love interest. He was placed in role he didn’t earn.
Not only that, it made people who like Twilight angry and I don’t mean the ‘waifu idiots’ ones but people who like her because she represents a level headed and smart pony. Suddenly she became dumb xenophille…
I don’t want to rant or be pessimist but I don’t like prequels of EQG2, they foreshadow something worse than first EQG and I think that when the movie comes there is a high chance for well earned hate bursting in the fandom.
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Lingering Wyvern
True, not saying some criticism wouldn’t come up.
But it wouldn’t be quite as bad if he really did earn his place in the movie.

I think he’s right. The fact that he was originally thrown in there as a love interest for Twilight would rankle some no matter what.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
You don’t seem to have much faith in him either.
You’re saying people would hate if he was a good character, I think your aim is slightly maligned.
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
Adding to that, they could’ve gone as far as to make him something that we actually asked for, and the /b/tards infesting /mlp/ would never ever shut up about “TEH PANDA RINGZ!!!111!1!”
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
It failed, apparently.
He’s pretty much a lose-lose situation.
I garun-fucking-tee you that the staff could’ve made him the most likeable, well-written male the show’s ever had, and the bitching would be a thousand times worse than it is now because “HOW DARE HE STEAL SCREENTIME FROM THE MANE6 HURR DURR!1!!!!” on top of the usual shipping and waifu crap.

He got like what, 5 minutes of screentime? Maybe as to minimize the butthurt?
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
@Background Pony #CA7D  
Did they really even build him up that much though?
Did they really?
Also, part of what makes mary sues/gary stus what they are is how much focus they recieve in the story.
Flash has pretty much the exact opposite problem.
Background Pony #7CFB
Nope, writers don’t give a damn about fandom hate, they work for Hasbro who pays them. If it was up to writers they wouldn’t probably include such stereotypical Gary-stu in the first place… he is literally the copy of Shining Armor before comics made him into nerd. Too bad, FS can’t get the same treatment because he would be a complete copy.
Remember that from Hasbor’s perspective, the whole point of the movie was to start and sell new toys and Flash was created to be Ken for Barbie Twilight so I don’t actually blame people for hating the movie and flash especially.
In short: Flash Sentry gets what every Gary-Stu receives. Even if they build up his character, he would end up like Princess Sally Acorn from Sonic Archie Comics… he will carry this stain of hate for years to come. It’s better they forget about him at this point.
Background Pony #A5A8
I don’t think the writers will let the Dreamy Cutebottom haters from doing what they want with him. I just hope what they want goes further than a cliched safe tweenybopper love interest for a main character.
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
@Background Pony #CA7D  
Flash COULD be made into somebody interesting if the fans would stop flying into a Rage whenever somebody mentions his name and lets the writers actually DO IT.
But since this drama train never fucking ends, that’ll never happen because too many goddamn people in this fandom have a fetish for shitposting, stirring up drama and just generally making asses out of everyone.
Background Pony #7CFB
@Background Pony #0EB8  
I think people getting worked about it is a sign they care about the merchandise although there is so much negativity.
I also don’t ‘hate’ Flash (how idiotic would it be to hate fictional character?) but I don’t see any future for him since so many people dislike him. He was portrayed as Gary-Stu without much personality so he should be kindly written out.
As for Spike…there are episodes where he does something and it doesn’t involve being abused, right? Besides no way for Spike being written out, he and Twilight are inseparable friends after all.
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Retired Ass
@Millennial Dan
They want Twilight Sparkle’s butt on the big screen for 90 minutes so they can be like this:
Millennial Dan
Artist -

Sure is a lot of nonsense being touted as fact in here… mostly by a BP who seems to think that all would be right with the world if Hasbro would only be meek enough to kindly stop trying to make money, and be more obedient to a handful of critics who hate EqG and love Spike, or something like that.
And I don’t know why this idea of a pony movie without humans is keeps coming up. I can’t think of any particular reason why they should make one, since we have plenty of pony in the show already.