Well the invasion happened during the day right? Meaning that it’s Celestia’s problem. This happened during the day meaning that it’s supposed to be Celestia’s problem. But Celestia has been pushing all manner of things like this and worse on others to fix for her hasn’t she?
Luna slept through the whole invasion of Canterlot and everyone thought it was adorable, but Celestia doesn’t help fix some misused redecorations and everyone thinks she’s horrible.
I know that but, the Crystal Empire is still part of Equestria. I’m just counting all the main threats to the land; either parts of it or as a whole, we have seen so far in this show. And I said (soon to be six) because of the season finale.
See, this is why Equestria almost suffered through five great big threats (soon to be six).
If you guys don’t know:
1: Nightmare Moon
2: Discord (evil)
3: Queen Chrysalis & Changeling race
4: King Sombra
5: Black vines from the Everfree Forest