Background Pony #4498
Oh god, never saw this before.
I don’t know what’s funnier: the idea that most men wouldn’t love to have women act like this, that this was intended as a serious critique and not more than a ridiculous joke, or the claim that this comic was ever reluctant to tackle such “topics”.
God, I wish I’d never had to experience anything that’s happened in the last 5 years. I could have died far less miserable back then, but that’s just a complete personal failure.
Background Pony #B0C7
Their mouths look odd
Background Pony #4529
There’s actually a number of different ways this could apply that have base in actual events.
  1. Nerd culture as a whole objectifying women. Many a time I’ve heard the callous remark that girls only show up for attention, often in cosplay outfits. While this is sometimes true, it doesn’t make it right.
  2. More specifically the way some bronies approach some pegasisters. These girls are usually just like us, guys, and they deserve some respect for trying to hang out with us.
  3. The way the radical feminist sect of pegasisters regards bronies. The pure, vitriolic hate these women possess for men makes them do strange things. As with all men, their aim is to prove that bronies are creeps, and it’s impossible for an encounter with one to go well. These psychotic women, who genuinely believe men are the scum of the earth, will sometimes attempt to get into your pants so they can cry rape and have “another sick fuck” thrown in jail.
Background Pony #E3DB
I’m trying to give the comic authors some credit.
“Bad social interactions only happen to women” is a theme and message I’m sick of hearing, so I was thinking that maybe they were trying to do something interesting with it.
“Overthinking” seems to imply that I’m putting too much effort into it. I came to multiple conflicting interperetations of this by the time I finished reading it, even after pruning the ones that were implausible. This is just a bad comic. Bad at communicating it’s point. Bad at using a role reversal and not really doing anything with it.
It’s a confused, jumbling mess to me, and you have done nothing to argue against that.
If you dislike bronies so much, then why are you on this site? I’m sure you’d be happier back on tumblr.

@Background Pony #F8E4
lol your overthinking it. The message is simple and stupidly easy to determine. How is it that this comic is a mystery to anyone?
Bronys as a whole probably lack social intuition to a certain degree, but this is ridiculous.
Background Pony #E3DB
Let me see if I’m understanding you right:  
In a large gathering of people, there will be some people who are mean and do things that a passerby won’t like.  
Or they flirt the wrong way due to lack of practice.  
Or they’re just screwing around, but with other people rather than keeping the shenanigans to their inside group, where the rules for what things are okay to screw around with are relaxed, and they forget to change gears.  
Is this rule supposed to be specific to nerd conventions? I’m not quite clear on that.
Worst case scenario, it’s another “women are always victims and men are always evil victimizer” message that gets filtered away with all the others so that it loses all meaning in the white noise of the repeated memes.
I gather by your final sentence that you dislike the comic.  
In my opinion, this is a pretty bad comic, as far as communicating a message goes. There are too many conflicting messages that could be read into it that are each plausible readings of the panels. The art seems a bit off in places, but that’s just a mechanical problem that’ll get ironed out as the artist keeps practicing.
IMO the only one who was clearly over the line was ass-grabbing fluttershy, and that is only for the ass-grab. The thing she says is too forward to be tolerable in “I just met you 5 seconds ago” familiarity, but that just necessitates a metaphorical step back to reinforce the distance between the two.
There are so many simple ways to play off of what comic!dash said that I’ll just say it’s easy to brush off and use it as a way to further zero in on the requested information.
The final panel happens after the redshirt leaves and isn’t part of the interaction.

Goddamn most bronies are fucking dense as fuck
Background Pony #7D3E
I never heard of this comic. The only comics I only heard of is Foxtrot and Penny Arcade.

Alright, let’s clear this up.
I have little suspicion that this is ACTUALLY about Bronies, Pegasisters, or MLP fandom. MLP is merely used because the fandom itself is reversed to expectation. I’ve never heard of this happening at MLP cons; I’m sure it does at times, but I’m sure it’s far less than other nerd cons.
THAT SAID; this is about role reversal. You need to imagine a bit more of a ‘what if My Little Pony was mostly female fans’. Also note that even if you like the idea of women coming on to you at a convention, you (if you are male) should still feel uncomfortable with this. These girls are surrounding, fondling; their language is forceful and degrading. Not degrading that is fun, either; this is pure objectification. The danger is that it’s easy to misread and think this is sexy; I assure you no matter how desperate you are, or even how submissive you are, you would not find this sexy.
This stuff does happen at conventions all the time. Give social power to someone without it (nerds) that are resentful… well, you get abuse like this. Suddenly, surrounded by peers, a nerd sees they can do much of what they like. Most nerds will still be their normal nice self, but some… some will take out their resentment on women. They want the power that bullies have had over them. None the less; it’s still terrible and pathetic.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Stop over-analyzing things guys, it makes you look like jerks.
Background Pony #9DA0
Guys this is about how some male Bronies harass female Bronies who are cosplaying or just look good to them. That’s the joke and now I ruined it because not that many people were getting it.
Silver Strength

The joke isn’t complicated, just stupid.
The ‘standard complaint’, if one exists, is that a significant number of female cosplayers have no interest in in the characters/fiction they’re cosplaying, and are simply using it as an excuse for sexual attention. (I don’t know whether this complaint reflects reality, but I do agree it would be obnoxious for nerd conventions to be flooded with non-nerds trying to get attention via scanty attire.)
For this comic to be a gender-reversal of that complaint, that dude would be dressed in some kind of pony-themed stripper costume. He would not be purchasing merchandise. He would not be able to hold a conversation on the subject of Equestria…

So the joke is… this is a role reversal, men usually sexualise females in cons, but since this is a female fandom the men are sexualised…?
Is that it?
Jesus. I knew the majority of The Escapist was shit but didn’t know it was this bad.
I wonder if that site will implode if Yahtzee ever leaves them.
Aggressively Pastel
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Ta to bitbrony for the explanation.
Entitled Douchebag Leer Twilight is just about my favourite thing of the moment.
Duck - Niggoslav_Kwaczyk
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Drinky_Butt
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This is fueling my 100 wattage bulb quite nicely.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Wasn’t this already posted?
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This? Again?  

Guys? Seriously? You don’t get the obvious role reversal with bronies being sexually harassed by girls, and that bronies are pop culture?  
I probably screwed up the wording but the point is that this joke isn’t that hard to get…
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

i have no idea whats going on.  
so here is a picture of Cao, Bei, and Jian.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I’m a pegasister and I’ve only ever been happy to converse and chat with bronies about ponies, I’ve never found them more sexually attractive then any other fanboy o_o least without knowing their personality
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This is pretty good
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I think a lot of people here are not reading the uploader description. Sexual harassment is wrong, and it doesn’t matter which gender is doing it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Anybody found a fuck to give yet?  
I’m still looking for one.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Wait a sec… since when does being a brony make someone a chick magnet? I was not informed of this. I need to fire my secretary…