Techy Pony

@Techy Pony  
I love these words ~
Techy Pony

An autodidact, epistemophiliac and somewhat of a philosopher as well, not something Flash seems to share.
Twilight time somewhat revolved are her love of learning for learning’s sake.
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Young Leosword
@Techy Pony  
Maybe fans are adamant simply because “knight in shining armour” is an obsolete tale in this era… :T
Techy Pony

That sounds epic, would watch repeatedly.
Techy Pony

@Millennial Dan  
Just because there’s no reason to believe they’re not a good fit, doesn’t mean they are. You can’t go and assume he’s a good match because he’s not obviously a bad match.
There are soo many characters who are just as bright (though I’m not sure why you think Flash is soo bright, he found pictures, is that impressive?) and kindhearted, why not ship her with Celestia? (bright in more ways than one xD)
“The nuances and details of the relationship haven’t been explored yet, but that’s to be expected, since it’s still relatively new.”
But those are what’s important. I’m pretty close to a clone of Twi in terms of personality, I could find many people who are as bright as Flash (oh gosh, that sounds like a bad pun) which is really not necessarily even above average, and kind, doesn’t mean I’ll like them on a personal level. Sure great, they’re not dumb as a rock, and being nice is great, but if you can’t relate about anything that you care about, what’s the point?
Simply put, I couldn’t see Twi with anyone other than a fellow philomath, and someone who’s just bright isn’t a philomath.
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Young Leosword
@Millennial Dan  
Hue. ;3
Millennial Dan
Artist -

You really need to lay of the crack, dude.
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Young Leosword
About her title Princess of Friendship and the stark differences in Faust’s original concept: Remember when Worf went bounding through alternate dimensions while aboard the Enterprise and they ended up tearing a hundred holes in reality and we get to see a few realities where Picard is dead? Well, imagine Twilight in another reality is not evil or dead, just Twilight, and then multiply that by twenty, and then put that at the end of EG3 a two-parter for like two minutes and watch the fans whine… Wait, fuck, I’ve forgotten the topic. XD
Millennial Dan
Artist -

@Techy Pony  
I have yet to see any way in which these musings actually demonstrate how Flash isn’t a good fit for Twilight. Again, he’s obviously bright and kindhearted, which are two of the major defining characteristics of Twilight as well. In fact, her title these days is… Princess of Friendship… (ugh, it hurts to even type that). If the “art” of friendship is her defining virtue, then Flash is almost overqualified for her.
The nuances and details of the relationship haven’t been explored yet, but that’s to be expected, since it’s still relatively new. The point is, nothing significant so far stands between them.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
@Techy Pony  
Pinkie Pie suffers from Phoning-It-In-itis. :P
Techy Pony

@Millennial Dan  
There are far more traits to a person than the ones on the surface the “fundamentals of a person’s being” if you will. I’m quite nerdy, just about everyone I meet in all my classes are just as nerdy (engineering), that doesn’t at all mean they’d suddenly qualify as a friend, let alone a romantic interest.
Twi has a deep seeded love of knowledge and learning. Loving books is merely a result of that deeper trait. (since they don’t have internet) That aspect has made her very studious, and she will use just about any opportunity to study something and learn. Someone can be smart, and share none of that. I’ve met plenty of people who could school me in so much, but care little more than getting a grade.
List making is not a defining trait and I doubt that what she’d look for. Often the shallower traits can be polar opposites (like the relationship you’ve mentioned), but when it comes to the deeper things if they don’t get along, there’s not much hope, at least not for a really good relationship.
There’s lots of room between Flash and a clone, while not being obnoxious to the audience. (though frankly who cares? Pinkie can be obnoxious, doesn’t mean they boot her)
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
@Millennial Dan  
It’s not yet clear, but a smart person believes they’ll develop Flash to be not a perfect clone of Twilight. If either character gets a starring role on FiM in the future, both Sunset and Flash are certain to get their own set of problems they’ll handle in an episode each.
Their supposed popularity with children, if it exists; I’ve not been on FB in a while, will determine the preceding. Now, we don’t need to fret. We never needed to fret. Maybe that’s simply how my personality works, but I’m aware that’s no solace for the rest of us. :I
Millennial Dan
Artist -

@Techy Pony  
I assume you’re limiting your thoughts to pony Flash, which is what usually causes these conversations to be more confusing than they need to be. After all, the two guys that represent Flash are, like any of the other characters that we’ve seen on both sides, enough alike that whatever applies to one applies just as well to the other.
And FYI, the “opposites attract” principle is no lie. For example, almost every couple I’ve ever seen consists of one person who is outgoing, and another who tends to be reserved.
It’s doubtful that Twilight will ever find someone who loves list-making as much as she does, and even LESS likely that a trait like that would make the fellow her obvious suitor. That kind of thinking is totally ridiculous, and as I said before, it would be obnoxious to the audience. People may look for a partner who has similar interests to themselves, but no one looks for their own clone.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
@Techy Pony  
I’ve completely forgotten why I thought Flash reminded me of Anasui despite typing those comments four seconds ago. I suppose my subconcious typed those comments based on the fact that Twilight voices Jolyne. Yare yare… X3
Techy Pony

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m kinda curious.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
Though, if Flash gets Anasui’s personality in a later iteration of G4, I’ll cut myself. Unless they also give him Diver Down, then that’d be acceptable. X3
Techy Pony

@Millennial Dan  
“In fact, I would find the prospect of Twilight getting together with someone as neurotic as herself to be an irritating pairing.”
Given the lie known as “opposites attract”, I’d say Twi would be more likely to like someone rather intelligent, no run of the mill. At least that’s how it generally actually works. Sure it might be considered an annoying pair some, that doesn’t change what would likely be the actual outcome.
“Obviously, he’s not a part-time nice guy either, that’s a nonsensical thing to insinuate.”
I don’t know, he might be, we don’t really know him. He could be in the pony equivalent of the kkk for all we know, you’d never know from a day to day conversation.
“And as for being friendly and easy to get along with, the longer the show runs, the fewer ponies really seem to be like that in a genuine sense.”
Lets ignore the rich, and the manehattan xD
“For all this business about “starting points”, a start is all we’ve had so far, so where’s the complaint?”
I’ve got no complaints with starts, just that it seems unreasonable with how little is known to say with any amount of confidence that they seem to go well together. Let’s face it, how often is the first person someone shows interest in actually someone they really connect with? Or the second, or third, or the 26th? And when they think they are “the one”, how often are they really not? Flash just seems like an un-noteworthy, average nice guy at best. (given all current info) Twi is hardly un-noteworthy, or average to say the least.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
Anasui never got on with Jolyne, but they seem to hit it off after Stairway to Heaven reset the universe. Still not positive Kira Yoshikage is Irene’s father though. :\
Millennial Dan
Artist -

@Techy Pony  
He’s obviously perceptive, which puts him well ahead of most characters in the show. He doesn’t have to be as bookish as Twilight. In fact, I would find the prospect of Twilight getting together with someone as neurotic as herself to be an irritating pairing. So as far as intelligence is concerned, he’s there.
Obviously, he’s not a part-time nice guy either, that’s a nonsensical thing to insinuate.
And as for being friendly and easy to get along with, the longer the show runs, the fewer ponies really seem to be like that in a genuine sense.
For all this business about “starting points”, a start is all we’ve had so far, so where’s the complaint?
Techy Pony

@Millennial Dan  
There’s usually more to a relationship then surface traits. Why would people date otherwise and not just get married after sharing 10 words with someone?
Now I’m not saying he doesn’t have those traits, but a jackass can do something nice on occasion. He’s done nothing to show anything about intelligence, at least nothing that necessarily compares to Twi. Friendly, aren’t just about all ponies qualified?
People always look for basic traits, but those are just starting points. Given those 3 traits and what we’ve seen of equestria, I’d bet you ~ half of ponies meet those traits.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

@Techy Pony  
He’s an upstanding, reasonably intelligent, friendly sort of guy. When it comes to Twilight Sparkle, he’s plenty qualified.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #E543  
I don’t see how you ascertained that they’re appropriate, given we know next to nothing about Flash.
Background Pony #3BA4
It IS a good ship, in that the two participants are very appropriate for one another. If you disagree, well, too bad. This one’s here to stay.
Duck - Some ugly ducklings stay that way

@Background Pony #E543  
>good ship