Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@BuckET pony  
please if my uploaded pics havent killed anyone from the sheer content of them..this getting 200 likes wont.

Oh yes because everyone loves bon bon.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Artist -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Fan of both G4 and G5
That was both terrible and hilarious.
Poor Bon Bon though…

Same here.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
While that did not frighten or disturb me, I feel like it should have.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Fluffy boys bring joys!
You need to have more late night insanity. I could read about morbidly obese Twily, every night! I’d love to see Twilight bEAT the competition.

I just hope that someone doesn’t die from this picture getting 100 likes like last time.

Well thanks for the unneeded summary.

…and pie.

And fat pone.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

THE BEST KIND OF INSANITY…so full of ideas and stuff and ingenuity…and stuff.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@BuckET pony  
Late night insanity. That’s what you just read.

This is Beautiful.
“Surprise Twist! BonBon develops a fetish for what she experienced!”
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This cykas my blyats

Amazing but one thing:full
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@BuckET pony  
Eh, why not? I thought of this one when you asked, just because I couldn’t help myself.
An hour later.
Twilight: “Omnum, slurp, GULP, pant, BUUUUURRRRAAAAAAP…Sigh licks muzzle…mmmmm…”
Spike is busy cleaning up sweat and massaging Twilight’s side. She magically scoops up the remaining slop on her chins and face, balling it up and swallowing it all. Her moans of satisfaction made Bon Bon even more grossed out than she already was.
Applejack: “S-so, uh, Ah take it that was enough?” ‘Please, have mercy, Celestia. Ah don’t have anymore.
Twilight: “Oh yesh. I’ll win for-ooooouurrp-sure, now….guuuuuurrrgle However…”
Twilight had a dark grin, framed by her watermelon sized cheeks. It was surprisingly terrifying. The other ponies collectively froze in fear as they reluctantly anticipated what the obscenely obese alicorn would want next.
Applejack instinctively readied her stance to run. She wasn’t exactly sure why. Twilight was one of her best friends. She wouldn’t hurt her. Twilight can sometimes like messing around with others as much as Rainbow Dash. However, Twilight tends to be rather intimidating and overly rough when she gets daring.
Twilight: “I-huuurph-think I desherve the extra treat that I was saving at the cashle. Shpike, gasp are you ready?”
Spike: “Yes, ma’m!”
The others shared a sigh of relief. They all hastily began cleaning up and relieving their nerves. They had managed to satisfy the voracious princess. Their fears, fortunately, still unfounded. The behemoth mare vanished in a huge burst of magic.
While the others were busy and not paying attention, Bon Bon snidely berated Twilight under her breath. She started getting a weird feeling around her body when her vision suddenly blurred with light and magic.
Bon Bon suddenly disappeared.
Carrot Top: “D-did you hear something, Applejack?”
Applejack: “Sigh, it’s over Carry. She’s gone. Take it easy. Everythin’s okay.”
Carrot Top: “B-but I swear I just heard Twilight’s magic again, even though she’s not here. I-I don’t see her anywhere. Bon Bon! W-where’s Bon Bon!?”
Applejack: “Knock it off, Carrot Top! Twi went home. An’, Bon Bon probably did too. There’s no need to be scared. Twi might be scary sometimes, but she’s just been abusin’ her intimidation ta get what she wants. Ah don’t like it, but she’s not an evil pony. And, don’t worry, Ah believed what she was implyin’ about Bon Bon too. She’s real convincin’. She was just shuttin’ her big, rude mouth.”
Bon Bon found herself facing a wall of crystal.
Bon Bon: “W-where the heck am I?”
Twilight: “Oh, huff hullo, Bon Bon.”
Bon Bon: “Ah!! H-huh?”
Bon Bon hesitantly turned around and gasped in shock when she saw the massive pile of lavender lard, that she had just finished seeing gorge herself, sitting against the wall on the opposite side of the room. Twilight was practically wedged between the two walls on her sides.
Sitting down, Twilight’s stomach oozed in front of herself, nearly burying her fat, tree trunk, hind legs. It nearly reached Bon Bon’s side of the small room. Her forelegs looked like enormous pillows of fat that rested on her oversized shelf of a barrel.
Judging from the size, it was probably an empty, extra guest room meant for one pony. It emphasized Twilight’s unbelievable size that much more, now that Bon Bon had a literal frame of reference. And, it terrified her to no end. It didn’t help that she was not only given so little space between herself and the gurgling mass of pony, but that Twilight was most likely positioned in front of the door. There was no escape. She tried backing herself against the wall as much as she could.
Twilight smiled innocently, making her look adorable.
Bon Bon: “W-w-why the hay did you bring me here, you-you fat, whale bitch!!”
Twilight: “Awww, don’t be like dat. I jusht thought that huff you and I could shpend shome time together. No hard feelings from earlier. UUUrrrp Oooh! Excushe me! I know. I’ve gotten pretty fat and dishgushting. And, not everypony appreciates having to be near me or having anyding to do wit me. GASP huff huuurrff I’m shorry, I can’t talk eashily theshe daysh. Pew, it must be gettin’ pretty hot and smelly in here, huh?”
Bon Bon: “Yes, it is. And, putting me in a room with you that you can barely fit in doesn’t help. You’re not making me feel any more comfortable or sorry for what I said or what I think of you! I hope you die of heart failure!”
Twilight: “I had a feeling you’d shay shomethin like dat. Jusht sho you know, uurrgh, I can’t die from obesity. If I could, wwouldn’t be thish way. Thish alicorn body lets me get ash fat ash I want.”
Bon Bon: “Puh! Then go be fat and disgusting somewhere else! You haven’t been a model princess either, y’know?”
Twilight: “….Y’know, guuuurrgle I really didn’t appreciate your commentsh from earlier. I can be pretty unpleashent when I’m upshet. And, I have a right to be upshet wit you. You are very dishreshpectful.”
Two, life-sized, pony-shaped marshmallows appeared next to Bon Bon. Bon Bon jumped in shock. The situation was really starting to disturb her as one floated up to Twilight’s fat face. She took no time ravenously chewing it up in anger. Her face was covered in marshmallow goop. She sighed with satisfaction.
Twilight: “Mmmmmm, slurp that makesh me feel a little better. What’sh wrong, Bonny?”
Bon Bon was shaking intensely. Her imagination gone on overdrive after witnessing Twilight chew up and swallow a marshmallow replica of an average pony, just as big as Bon Bon herself.
Twilight: “Hmmmm…Oh! BURP I’m shorry! I forgot what I wanted you here for.”
Twilight: “What? I jusht wanted to demonshtrate what I did to the bon bon dat I told you about. blurbleurble And, you’re gonna get a handsh-on experienshe.”
Bon Bon screamed at the top of her lungs. Twilight gripped her and the other marshmallow in magic. She forced Bon Bon to hold its backside with her forehooves. They both floated up onto her shelf of a barrel.
Twilight: “You ready?”
Bon Bon was crying hysterically.
Bon Bon: “No! No! No!”
Twilight’s maw opened wide. She used her magic to force Bon Bon to push the marshmallow’s head in first. She moaned in pleasure as the marshmallow went further and further inside without her taking a bite. She was deliberately taking her time as she proceeded to swallow the pony-sized marshmallow whole. She loved doing this with food this big. It made her feel more full than she would if she chewed it up. A whole pony, just stuffing up her belly. Without the actual pony part, of course. This would teach Bon Bon a lesson.
Bon Bon thought that this was the end. As Twilight’s lips wrapped around the torso of the fake pony, she kept feeling herself get pulled closer between Twilight’s cheeks. She unwilling pushed and pushed until the flanks were being enveloped along with her own hooves. She felt the literal jaws of death slobber all over her as the legs of the marshmallow were slurped up. Twilight forced Bon Bon’s hooves out to push the tail in.
Twilight: sluuuurrrrp GUUUUULLLP
Bon Bon’s hooves were pressed against Twilight’s lips. Then, Bon Bon’s face was right up to her muzzle. Bon Bon closed her eyes and cringed, not wanting to see her own doom.
Bon Bon felt as if her mane was going to blow off from her head. The smell was nauseating too.
Twilight: “Sigh…Okay, I’m good. I forgive you.”
Bon Bon: “sniff sob…W-w-what?…sniff
Twilight: “You helped this treat be more enjoyable than it would’ve been on my own. What did you think was gonna happen?”
Bon Bon: “…Heh…hehheh…HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Breaks down crying with mix of tears of joy and horror
Twilight: “There, there. I’ll teleport you back home.”
That night, Bon Bon cried herself to sleep and had nightmares. This began to be frequent.  
And, from that day forth, Bon Bon was very different. She seemed very happy and friendly to everypony that she met. However, lots of ponies noticed her mental stability being rather paranoid when around marshmallows…and Twilight.
The end.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Background Pony #92EF  
A picture’s worth a thousand words, after all.
Background Pony #417A
I don’t know how that inspiration works, but I’ll be on the look out for any other stuff you happen to be inspired by.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I’d ask to collab with me on some WG stuff I’ve got…but I’d feel like that might be too uch to ask of you.

That is one majestic creature. Like a beached whale covered with filth from the ocean floor.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

@Background Pony #5333  
It’s weird. Sometimes I get this impulse to write a bunch of interpretive dialogue on certain pics on this site. Usually when I’m especially hyper or aroused, depending on the pic.

Yes please enlighten us with more.

Yes please more