Background Pony #48C8
And the fact that Hideo Kojima îs a fan of James Bond movies and also video games and books
Background Pony #48C8
Also Skyfall took some inspirații fron Operation Snake Eater
Background Pony #48C8
From taking over the world Metal Gest Solid îs a sad Story just like James Bond for example.
Background Pony #48C8
All he wanted îs to stop The New Philosophers The Cipher Laliluleo or Simply The Patriotă
Background Pony #48C8
Rip Big Boss also If i remember correctly în the 3rd universe version Sixx Am starts singing Lider îs beautiful as a memory for Big Boss in 2014 i feel și văd but hes not a villain at all but a true hero of an anti hero anyway betrayibg your country for money îs not Good he did the same as the Boss did as he start betrayibg his country America and beign against the CIA merci in Pace Walker after the events of Snake Eater and Portabile OPS rip John 1935-2014
Background Pony #48C8
William Waugh (born December 1, 1929) is a former United States Army Special Forces soldier and Central Intelligence Agency paramilitary operations officer who served more than 50 years between the U.S. Army’s Green Berets and the CIA’s Special Activities Division (renamed Special Activities Center in 2016[1]).
Background Pony #48C8
Of look a female Billy Waugh You know Big Boss was based in this guy actualy
Background Pony #48C8
As a secret agent of MI6 with Big Boss îs another story but i want Hugh Jackmans for him for some reason but ghete îs no movie made to și that
Background Pony #48C8
I meant both servesc în the army și Bond only lied about his age during WW2 to flight against nazis and then after he started fighting against Smersh from 60s and Spectre also Quantum
Background Pony #48C8
I only like Sunset too but for some Reading i dont put her James Bond just Johnny English because Craigs Bond îs like an Aria type because îs Cold hearted this one the previous one was Sonata Type Brosnan one playfull indeed and i have to admit that another previous one Daltons one was theathrical like Adagio so Big Boss îs just James Bond Type except Bond dintre betray his country like Snake for example
Background Pony #48C8
The flag of Scoțând îs blues with white so IT Linda make dense sincer they sere part of Great Britain Who îs no longer an EU member
Background Pony #48C8
You know i choose Trixie fit the Sean Connery inspirații of the old Big Boss because Trixie sounds scottish when She presents her name just like Connery for example or any other scottish actors despre the accent of her just to think i put her Britain and even Scoțând in Hetalia
Background Pony #48C8
Just only If You put Spitfire îs clearly Hugh Jackmans role of Big Boss also i put her as Australia Who also participarea în Cold War Conflicte such as Korea and Vietnam for example I know because She fits beign Australia in Hetalia Parodies
Background Pony #48C8
A military obe
Background Pony #48C8
Even Roger Delgado put a salute when he player the Master

Great image, captain Sunset: Yes Sir!!!
Artist -

All good choices, but in my mind the unicorn trio of Twilight, Sunset and Trixie are Snake, Liquid and Ocelot.
Ocelot for Trixie is mainly for his the character in Snake Eater, and his obsession to constantly appear cool by doing a ton of pointless/useless tricks, dressing up in a rather out of place outfit, commanding an audience to watch him do it every time, and constantly getting shown up by a more serious “rival” and obsessing over them to a ridiculous extent.
I prefer Sunset for Liquid over Solidus for a mixture of physical appearance, pure cockiness, and having her whole motivation as a villain more or less being a temper tantrum over how “mommy loved you better”. The points about Solidus are good ones, but it’s hard for me to see it as well as Liquid.
Though clearly, Celestia is the Boss in all this. That’s hard to not see really. But for some reason, I can see Discord being like the Sorrow. Doesn’t it seem like him to hang around invisible, holding up little messages and grinning like a jerk in the background?
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Wow, some really, really good points there, comparing MLP to Metal Gear. Though being one of the somewhat small amount of bronies who wasn’t as put off by the first Equestria Girls (well okay, I did hate the idea at first but then when one of my best friends said he had gone and seen it and that he thought it’s way better than everyone thought it would be,) I always associated classic MLP: FiM with Metal Gear Solid, and EqG with Rising.
But only because of personal experience: I’ve been a long time MGS fan but hadn’t actually owned and played my own copy of the games until 2010, so when I became a brony in mid-2011 I was still way into the Solid games. Equestria Girls, on the other hand, like MGR it’s a spinoff of the main series, both came out in early to mid-2013, and both seem to have a “love it or hate it” effect on the fans. That, and I’ve seen some awesome fanart of EqG characters dressed as the cast of Metal Gear Rising. Sunset Shimmer as Sundowner is by far my favorite. I call her “Sunset Downer.”
Now as for Sunset’s role in a MLP/Metal Gear crossover of the main games, I am so glad I’m not the only one who sees her as Solidus! I mean, in my headcanon Twilight is obviously Solid Snake but I also have her as Big Boss if we’re talking MGS3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, etc. (and Celestia is The Boss,) Rainbow Dash is Raiden (another popular character match-up,) Fluttershy is Otacon, Trixie is Liquid, and of course Sunset is Solidus. And your points for why she is like Solidus are all amazing points, really inspiring to give me more ideas for my crossover.
Background Pony #AD56
wait does that mean that the next one will be guns of the patriots because I don’t think any of us have enough tears for that…
Background Pony #519C
Coolest of artworks
Madness Abe

“You are above even The Princess. I hereby award you the title of Big Princess. You are a true patriot.”
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I always compared her to Solidus: She got farther and learned more then Solid or Liquid had at the time of her reveal, and was plotting a direct attack on the people who had “created” her, with Canterlot High being Bigshell and the crown is Metal Gear.
You know, the first movie in general could be compared to Sons of Liberty. It’s this awkward follow up that everybody wanted (well, we wanted a movie at least) and everyone hated it because it was changed too much and felt like a badly written re-tread of the beginning with worse characters (MGS2 was explicitly a re-creation of MGS, and Equestria Girls is very similar plot wise to the first two FiM episodes, but not as good).
And then the one that follows (Rainbow Rocks, Snake Eater) ends up being a huge improvement.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

“She was… a Patriot.”  
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pre-Rainbow Rocks Sunset Shimmer is a lot like Liquid when you think about it.
Replace the military base in Alaska with Canterlot High and METAL GEEEARRR with the Element of Magic, and holy shit that makes sense.
”You just had to get the dominant genes. Didn’t you, Sparkle?“