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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
just use [spoiler] tags.

This comic actually makes more sense if you’ve read the sequel to the fanfic that this is based off of {I don’t know how to spoiler text, so I won’t say exactly how}.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
Yes Twilight, ALL of Celestia’s entire being revolves around FUCKING TEA. That’s the ONE THING Discord would reverse.
Celestia is making Jesus look like Stalin. If I were her, I’d just leave this nation to die under the weight of it’s own jackassery.
Fallen Nightingale
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Amateur Lurker
I believe in this case it might be Schadenfreude.
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Fluffy boys bring joys!
>comedy tag  
I think a “tragedy” tag would be more fitting. This story makes literally everypony but Celestia look like crap! I think I’d actually prefer the .mov Equestria to this one! Yeesh.
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Thousands of years of horrible tea experience… Better prepare a bucket. Or even a barrel.
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actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Lord knows that nation would at least be millions of times more sane than Equestria…
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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then make your own nation, with hookers and blackjack
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Tia, as a wise pony once said; you gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away, know when a nation is doomed by its own idiocy and burning down everything in a fiery blaze is the merciful thing to do.

Hey Tia.(makes whip sounds).
Ya wuss.
This story gets stupider and stupider by the page.
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
What is a royal but a slave with a crown?
Or perhaps in this case, a horse collar.
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I wouldn’t say it lessened the story for me, it did sour my witnessing Nightmare Moon in it, but if you meant this in terms of the story that is only conjured around Nightmare Moon’s character origin, existence and agency, I guess it did lessen that for sure.
to put it in simple words, Nmm I feel was one of the more subtle villains the show has ever done, mostly because she’s a facade that tries to take over in a way that seems more believable than the other villains. In terms of jealousy, I’ve not seen this show portray it as well as Luna / Nightmare Moon, because her entire purpose seems to drive the ponit further and further home, which I believed at the time and since then was very properly shown in her actions from the season 1 opener, more specifically, the ways she tried to dispatch the main 6. There could be a myriad of explanations as to why her methods seemed so, ineffective, but my belief is that if it was intentional, it was because she cared about her image to the ponies she would soon rule over.  
That’s just my take on her character so far, there really isn’t anymore to take out of her despite that, or even confirm anything that I said, since the show cut her off before she had a chance to really shine in the first place, which I feel is why she’s the least memorable of all villains, as well as the most wasted opportunity of all of them combined.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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in your experience did seeing the narrative instead of imagining it enhanced or lessened the story? sometimes the artist misinterprets the writers intentions and it either helps or ruins the story (an example would be the infamous ‘ant-man hits his wife’. the writer wanted ant-man to accidentally hit his wife, the artist drew the scene that ant-man intentionally hit her).
i’d want to check out the story for myself but i’m more curious about your experience instead.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Escapee from Alcatraz
Personally, I have a better suggestion, Twilight: Why don’t you and the rest of the country fuck off?
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that’s not a bad point actually, But….. I have one experience that can say otherwise, believe it or not, one that I still remember oddly enough. :p
when I was reading The Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine in comic form (by xXAngelLuciferXx), I have doubts that me looking first into the comic would’ve gave me a different reaction to the portrayal of a character than the one in the story and show, one that I was and still am more in favor of overall. It’s not really a spoiler or anything if you’re reading or planning to read that story, but I’ll put it in spoilers anyway. Seeing Nightmare Moon resort to cannibalism in a matter of fact way, that was a little overwhelming to me for a supposed candidate that only wanted to rule out of spite and jealousy, which as you might know by know, jealousy is a result of craving for something, or as is the case, craving the adoration and love her sister got.  
I guess that’s my headcanon, but it’s pretty well established that is the very reason she transformed into Nmm and that those desires haven’t changed ever since she transformed, hence the entire pilot episode.
I think that’s mainly the reason why I found it so extreme to a completely unnecessary degree, it didn’t make any sense at all for Nmm to try and eat one of her ponies, or one of her to-be ponies, sure she may be vengeful.. and a tyrant at that.. But I’m sure that if she cares about her jealousy enough to drive her to the point where she’s at, she has the brains to properly assess a situation and what her literally consuming her followers would affect their view of her, aka, if she thinks they don’t love her now, just wait ‘till then..  
To put it bluntly, I never bought the “gobble you up” stories to be Literal and as I said, it was very unnecessary, both in character and in context with the story’s tone, because the story is supposed to be a parody, y’know? It’s not to say that it doesn’t work mixing tones, but when you clearly show you have no idea what you’re trying to convey there, why break the tone like that for seemingly no reason?
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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more of “ok, seen the pay-off/conclusion. on to the next comic” than “read both the source and adaptation, now i shall nitpick the heck out of the creative liberties the adaptation did” as to why i’m not keen on reading the source XP.
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I guess that’s fair, I’m not as patient with these if there’s a source and come to think of it, is it really “spoiling yourself” if you read it at the source?
Idk, I guess this is an Anime vs Manga type question, but I just don’t see how it is spoiling. It’s not like someone threw away the ending, you’re still going in to read the story there as opposed to reading the story here when it comes out in comic form.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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my bad.  
now i’m really conflicted as to read the original source. spoilers and such
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it’s not really him doing it though doing any of the writing, unless you include the story to comic transition and minor differences / additions.
princess celestia really hates tea
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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“worst day evar!” the solution is personally worse than the problem for celestia XP  
i can’t believe mister-saugrenu’s gonna pull off the gundam age finale on celestia XD
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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“worst day evar!” the solution is personally worse than the problem for celestia XP  
i can’t believe mister-saugrenu’s gonna pull off the gundam age finale on celestia XD

THOUSANDS of horrible truths all at once, actually.

Not much of a bombshell, barely a “firecracker”, really.
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
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so to propagate a lie, celestia must relive the horrible truth?