Another reference to AJ’s parents: “If Mom and Dad were here, they’d be so proud of ya.” from Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Return of an old antagonist: Gilda in The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Pie family episode: Hearthbreakers
More past-gen inspiration: The Smooze in Make New Friends But Keep Discord
I say wait until she gets another real-time appearance, doesn’t necessarily have to involve dialogue, she just has to actually appear and not in a photograph (it can be in a flashback sequence) and she just has to be largely visible.
I don’t think Discord can be considered a returning anatagonist anymore, especially with the events of Twilight’s Kingdom. At the very least, he’s a Chaotic Neutral, but leans on the order of good.
Derpy Hooves joins the crew of the ship Endurance, she crosses the event horizon of the supermassive black hole ‘Gargantua’, and breaks the 5th Wall. [/“Interstellar”]
Hmm, let’s see… Smooze on the way, so that’s old gen. The holiday episode is supposed to have Maud, and a Pie family episode has been confirmed for some time anyway, so that’s another in the row. Free Hugs, yay. And, depending on how you look at it, Discord could count as the return of an old antagonist, so that’s another. Season 5’s not even up yet and all you need for a bingo is an Apple family parents reference.
“More past-gen inspiration” Smooze confirmed. So, that’s a check. (But it was worded vaguely, so it’s unsurprising) @621Chopsuey
Lightning Dust isn’t an “old friend”. She’s just a new acquaintance. Gilda, on other hand…